Some More Changes.


Check out our main page.
Still playing with it a bit, but it has a new look. I also completed the main page of a clients website. I like this one, also designed the logo at the top. I will be working on the rest of the site this week. JesusMan! is about a day or two away from being complete. I have until Wednesday off, so hopefully I can get a ton of work done. Watch out for the WoW Pirates.

You are listening too . .
Mister Could You Please Help My Pony, by Ween. If this song doesn't make you cry, your a heartless bastard.

Happy Birthday Pilaf.
If not for you, there would be no Butt Sex Man.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Yanks lost, guys, lets pickup that game.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
I need no bodyguard at all, for even the bravest men who approach me get weak at the knees and their hearts turn to water, whilst their heads become giddy and incapable of thinking as the sweat of fear paralyzes them. They know no other will except that of their King, who is something above, and below, this earth. - Shaka Zulu.

I am Malach and I am the King of Africa.


Toyi said...

Shaka Zulu King of Africa should fight David King Of Israel, they both have good points.

Kind of hard to do, since Zulu died in the late 1800's

Toyi said...

now a days with technology anything is possible man, that would be a great match and it should be podcasted eh eh oh but it won't be too funny for everybody I guess!

I doubt half the world even knows anything about Shaka Zulu

Toyi said...

well I do eh eh!!!