I love me conifer trees!


Check out Malach's latest WoW post.
On the fall of the New York Yankees. See I can occasionally put together a coherrant thought.

You are listening too . . .
C is for Conifers, by They Might Be Gaints, off the worlds greatest children's album, Here Come the ABC's. If you are not familiar with TMBG shame on you.

Hey, that's what you get for living in FLA.
She would have died either from a hurricane, being hit by a deranged old person in a car, or killed by a golf ball anyway.

Now this . ..
is FUGGIN' cool!

So, when . .
does he fail the steroids test?

That OJ is a sick puppy, but it is still funny.

I went here today.
As soon as I figure out Chinese, I am going to add RubberSuit Studios to their database. Check it out.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Gonna rain the next three days, we'll see what happens.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
"I really dig Hannibal. Hannibal had real guts. He rode elephants into Cartilage." - Mike Tyson

And I am Malach and I rode elephants into Orifice.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

Yes, now I can rock to this beat!

Christopher said...

"C is for Conifer!
Please punch my balls!"

I prefer the original lyrics...

What until you get a load of my TWO Mother's Day tunes.

AngryMan said...
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AngryMan said...

Love TMBG, saw them live twice. They fucking rocked.

Toyi said...

^ Oh I improved my english today hearing that song! lol

TMBG, for improving your english!

I have seen TMBG once, they headlined with the Violent Femmes.

Christopher said...

TMBG is one of the most creative and intelligent bands of all time.

You should actually check out their kids album, it is really good and in that TMBG way.