
For some reason yesturday's blog disappeared and I had to repost it this morning, so if you did not see it, it is here. Also I realized that because I post daily, some of my more cogniscient post, that could develop into conversations over the course of 20 or so comments, pretty much don't happen. So I decided to post the highlights of this blog at the WLO. You can find that here. Speaking of the WLO, many of you have looked at it, but not contributed. To make it easier, the software develops a most wanted articles page, this might give you some inspiration.

Fat Bug is moving along, this episode will be interesting . . . and feature a twist.

I did a redesign for our podcast page. Makes the whole thing cleaner and much more organized.

So . .
I got some fan mail today, actual physical fan mail, via the post office, that included a drawing, and I was unsure if it was for the Fan Art page, or if there was more to follow, so please contact me whether or not you want this on the Fan Art Page.

Pope's gotta new blog up.
I missed him. Check out his latest blog "New World Order".

You are listening too . .
Blown Away, the Pixies.

Anyone read Spanish?
I am getting a ton of links from this forum. Problem, I don't read or speak spanish, so I have no clue to look where the links are coming from, anyone wanna take this project?

Hi I am Russel Crowe.
I am rich and famous, which gives me every right in the world to be a ass and treat you peons like dirt.

Now that is Democracy.
Well, there goes the stability of Thailand down the toilet.

Give it to me now BABY!

OK, Mike Tyson, your a fruit cake.
Bu this takes it, you are my new favorite nutty celebrity, off my couch Tom Cruise!

The wonders of the DVD era.
Ice Age 2, obliterated the Box Office this weekend. Remeber Ice Age, BOMBED in the theaters. What happened. Well, they release it on video, and cheap. You need to entertain your kids, you find out it was actually pretty good, taa daa. Same thing happened to Family Guy, and probably gonna happen to Futurama.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Whooohooo, big win, Schilling looked great, the offense was on track, and beside FOULKE, we gonna win it all! 1st place baby!

Malach's Quote of the Day.
Bears are Crazy. They'll bite your head if you're wearing a steak on it. - Space Ghost.

I am Malach and I love cheeseake.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

Um about your earlier post with Dr. Who. It's not a sci-fi original. They imported it from Britain seeing as how they have a new season over there now with like the 10th Doctor.

Yeah, I realized that doing some research, what we are seeing now is the 2005 episodes, still good though.

Anonymous said...

I can help you with the spanish stuff, but IDK exactly what are you asking for, do you want me to go there and translate the comments toward your stuff or what? just let me know or PM me on TCG!


Anonymous said...

Ihave red the 1st 2 forums (OMG the board is hughe) so far I haven't found anything, but I will keep looking!

No rush take your time.