Uncle Charlie


Say hello 2 Heaven.
My Uncle Charlie passed away this morning, very suddenly. Without getting too much into his personal life, I would like to give a little pseudo-eulogy.

I very rarely saw Charlie in the past 10 years. He lived in Chicago, I live in MA. He still came here for the important events, and we still communicated via cards, and occasionally e-mail, and while I would of rather had more personal visits that was OK. When I was a child, he was defintely around more often, but time sometimes does this, and still it was always OK.

Charlie, was for lack a better term, always the "different" one in the family. Beside different, he was a kind, intelligent, and caring person. He was always available via e-mail, or phone, whenever needed, even if that was seldom, especially to his large family of siblings. I always got the feeling he was somewhat of a mediator of that crew. Charlie also exposed his family to a side of life, we might never have been exposed to, making us all better, and more accepting people.

My young 3 year old son this evening, went about his ritual of picking out books to read before bedtime. The book he picked to night, was a book Uncle Charlie had given him, when he was born. Yes, my son does stuff like that all the time.

Even with the little contact we had as adults, there was and still is a place in my heart for Uncle Charlie. You will be missed.
Your Godson.

That is all for today. Life your life to the fullest, and always accept people for who they are.



Ahhhh jeezus man!! I'm so sorry for you're loss, Mal. You're in my thoughts and prayers my friend. *HUGS*

Thanks, and I enjoyed the little plug.

I knew it would bring a little smile to your "morose" face. We're here for ya too, Mal. That's the way it goes.