So my young son, Sam, has discovered the music of Samiam, which is one of the rotating albums in my cd player. You should of seen him rock out to "Capsized". I preceded to tell him that I saw Samiam, when they opened for Bad Relgion . . . he was so jealous.
NEVER EVER view porn at the office.
Now really, you can't wait until you get home? And yes, I can see porn being a diversion, but . .
Anther reason to detest Europeans.Ever seen Lazytown? Well your in for a treat. Basically is is about your typical lay fatass American city, called Lazytown. This annoying French gymast named Sporticus, comes to save them from their laziness. AWFUL stuff. I'd rather watch Barney. If you have Noggin, take a look, watch for 15 minutes, I dare you.
What next? 1337? Don't even get me started on "Leet".
OK . . .
Pehaps Toyi can explain this one. Don't know about you, but I would take a second mortgage out on a dishwasher.
the Sexiest Woman alive?
Jessica Beil? I don't really see it.
The Annual IG awards.
These are always fun. Check out their website for more zanity (Malach word, zany insanity).
Malach's Quote of the Day.
My new hypothesis: If we're built from Spirals while living in a giant Spiral,
then is it possible that everything we put our hands to is infused with the
Spiral? - Maximillian Cohen, PI
I am Malach, and Hall and Oates want to bear my children.
Hi, glad I came across your blog. Interesting read.
Take care
I can see much imagination...
What do you think of my magic illusion blog?
Well, let see, it is less of a blog and more of a spam fest. And that isn't real magic. When your head explodes later today, that will be magic.
Oh my god my eyes!
Man Sears is dumber by not highting things in spanish.. I have plenty of spanish friends and they all use a diswhasher (perhaps becasuse they speak english lol ) Is easier to figure out that everything has a power buttom.Why people will rather spend 5 hours washing by hand when you can use a diswasher? doing that will be dumber, I can certainly kill to learn lol
As for the Sexiest girl? that is just crap... Shania Twain is way sexier...
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