My kids purchased the Robots DVD a couple of weeks ago. I have yet to sit down and watch it, but it looks pretty good. So today, me and the son are eating lunch, and the CD changer is playing in the background. Tom Waits
comes on, and the boy begins to dance around and sing the song. I find this strange for a few reasons. 1. The wife detests Tom Waits, and so he generally gets skipped when the music is on. 2. He is only 3 years old, and it is Tom Waits. When I asked him where he knows this song, he told me it is from the Robots DVD. Nice. Maybe Tom will make a ultra hip kids album like like They Might Be Giants did.
One of the things I enjoy quite a bit about is the random button. It allows me to skim articles and research other webcomics. I have been very critical of genre in general, but now, I want to give to a few I actually like, and somewhat follow.
Fetus-X: Discovered this bad boy yesterday. Extremely well done, very funny, very morose. It will insult everyone to some point. I LOVE IT. Warning, Adult.
8 1/2 by Eleven: You will be surprised I like this one. I was surprised I like it. I like it like I like For Better or Worse. It is a live oriented comic that just works. The humor is adaquate to good, the characters are well done, I read the entire archive in a few hours.
Injustice Clown: This comic just started in Sept, but it goes about it in all the right ways. The Art is not perfect, but this comic, made me piss pants laughing. Easy to get caught up with, maybe 20 pages. Also a bit mature.
More to come.
Now some real webcomics.
JesusMan! 3.15 is about 50% finished. I already have the entire next episode drafted out.
Necromancer Ned latest episode (Ned 9) is published and has taken a bit of Kubrickian turn.
And finally Friday Night RPG's Cartoon number 1.2 is out. And one last time, so save those long winded e-mails. This comic is the Doodles and mini cartoons me and some of my friends draw during our bi-monthly Role Playing sessions. The are weird, funny, a bit on the inside joke side, rude, and a product of silliness, and alchohol consumption. They are just meant to entertain, they are not intended to make sense.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over
again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda. - Dubya.
I am Malach, the Commissioner of Baseball.
Clarke is my god!
Whose Clarke?
First...I watched Robots last night. While it had some funny moments, it was more of a cool-to-look-at movie than a funny one. But worth the watch.
Second, Any webcomics for Pencilhead or Fungoo the Clown? Whatever happened to those guys?
And third, do not credit me with your juvenile scribblings. I did not draw any of those Friday night RPG cartoons, you immature sonofabitch (figure of speech, Malach's Mom, if you're reading. You know I love you like a second Mom.) Take my name off them or there will be blood.
Have a nice day.
OK, you did draw somthing on FNRPGC. Remember you little illustration of the hallway and how it dips, it is in there bucko.
As for Pencilhead, and Fungoo, I am trying to find their authors, and see if they want to publish stuff for RubberSuit Studios.
Arthur C. Clarke...........
hey hey.
Lucas TdS here, author and artist behind "8 1/2 by Eleven".
I noticed you linked to me. Thanks for the very kind words!
I read through the Wraith a few weeks ago. I think I emailed you or left a message on your comixpedia talk page about it. I quite enjoyed the story. The art could be made more internet-friendly (simply adjusting the image size would do the trick, as the pages take a bit more time to load than they should), but other than that I dug it.
I'm wondering why you say in your little speil above that " I have been very critical of [webcomics] genre in general"... what exactly is it that you don't think webcomics are all that great? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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