Funny super liberal stuff.
As I have stated before, I will be posting occasionaly webcomics that catch my eye. Todays is Drug War Carol. Drug War, is well illustrated in that 70's/80's Marvel*DC style. The webcomic, is complete is a take off on Charles Dicken's, A Christmas Carol but, instead of the Spirit of Biddhamas, it is basically a treatise of leaglizing marijuana. It is funny, as it is even more liberal than what I am. Overall, decent read, gets pretty slow with the Ghost of Christmas Past (who intentionally looks like Mr. Magoo)
, going through the history of making drugs illegal, and then the next two ghosts are a bit too quick. Murk will LOVE this one.
As for our podcast, Murk has assured me he is working on it, he is just in lazy mode.
So, do you live in the most expensive place to live in the US?
Thank Osiris I don't.
I'm gonna win buckos, got my tickets this morning.
Ah, Wilma. Don't eat Florida. You haven't been around too long and already making history.
Read this. And I have the power to send you there.
Well no Spit Sherlock.
If the PTC needs to inform you that Family Guy is not good family program, you might want to seek state services.
Yeah, if by layoffs they mean killed by the Buckos Brigade.
The tide turn in the war! I am sure the Generalissimo will have something to say about this.
Speaking of War!
I have been having some interesting converstion with Mr. Rene van Desen about webcomics. He has given me a reason to think about my bashing of the webcomics medium, and how I might better get my points across. You will see some of that in the next ReInventing Webcomics.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I never told a joke in my life. - Andy Kaufman
I am Malach, the next Powerball Winner!
A trip to Nigeria?!?! Are you mad man?!?! Aruba with him!
Spammers get hung in Nigeria
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