This will get his undies in a bunch.
I found another webcomic I liked to day. Yu + Me. Now I am not sure I like Yu + Me enough to be a consitent fan, (like I am for the comics in my links page), but the artwork is very good, and I like the story so far. Warning to the kids, the comic contains profanity and deals with homosexuality rather frankly (this is right Murk's alley).
As for Stool Sample Webcomics, I am about 75% finished with the next Wraith, and this will be my first attempt at the infinite canvas style. So far looks pretty good.
Since I did not win Powerball. . . .
But I did find like 10 of these stamps in my attic.
The Cheeseburger Bill.
You mean I can't sue Mickey D's for turning me into a fat tub of goo . . . what wrong with this country?
The Death The Free Idea Internet?
This is about the most interesting tech story in years, follow it closely.
Hachiman Dammit!
I can't sue gun manufacturers if I get shot is a drive by? The ideals of this country are just falling apart.
Y'know, I love to garden . .
But I am not a psycho. Hey baby, wanna come see my punkin' patch?
And I like Larry Bird a bunch too . . .
But this also seems a bit nutty. I guess he should be glad he's not a Wayne Gretsky (99) fan. If it were me I would tell the judge I was a Robert Parish (00) fan. Number were added for those of you that are sports impaired.
OK, I could give a crap about Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Anniston but . ..
I posted this, becuase of the "Vennifer" thing.
I think I smell a rat . . .
As Pilaf can attest to . . .
I cost him nothing to call me from San Francisco. Hey Angry Veteran, check out Skype.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Brendon there's nothing wrong with lying to women. Or the government. Or
parents. Or God. - Coach McGuirk, Home
Movies, damn you [adult swim].
I am Malach, and I am the Queen of Mesopotamia.
See, what more do you need?
I fear for my life in this country.
Podcast is up.
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