Blog Theft Part the Douche.
I was going to blog theft the Angry Piper today, but I have something much better, which the Piper will readily enjoy.
So today I get a call from an old school chum.
It seems that there is a local rumor going around about a classmate of mine who is the Playboy November Playmate of the month. OK, so I went to the Playboy site to check it out, nada. So now my interest is peaked, and I type the maiden and know married name of the person into a search engine and lo and behold, what do I see.
Now this somewhat looked like her (caution the links that follow contain erotic images and some nudity) and was the right name, so I had to be sure. So I go to the next search result. More interesting, yet still not definitive. Then the next result and bam, that's her, Nicole Ferreira, Erotic Fitness Model. Interesting, who do you think will get excommunicated first, me for JesusMan! or her? Dougall would be so proud of us.
This link was the most interesting as it had many a pic I would recognize more readily. I went to grade school and high school with her, and the black white pic is in the High School gym, the one below the prom (yes make all the fun you want of the late 80's heavy metal hair all you want, you know your just jealous). "Nikki" and I were in a few drama prodcutions together, but considering how long we knew each either we neither loved nor hated each other. My father will also get a kick out of this. Even better, we live in the same town, haven't seen her since High School. Now Piper, I just need to find Miss J.S. for you.
I looked for her husband online, who is a body builder. They have basically been dating since High School. No real luck besides his fathers obit from a few years ago. Too bad. I always liked Tom, even though I had a similar relationship to him as his wife. He had the best mullet though.
I also apologize if this embarasses you, but hey, it's already on the internet, please don't kick my ass.
If for some reason Tom or Nicki read this, contact me. I noticed neither of you have your own website, and guess what, I make 'em at very reasonble prices. I might even work a deal for some personal training.
If you do run into this, check out my site and Stool Sample Webcomics. you might recognize some of the characters. And all the rumor mongers . . . Don't Believe the Hype.
Thou Shalt Not Steal.
For a preview of tomorrows blog check out the Piper's Latest. Also the IceRocket Feed is down, so stick with us.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Buddha. Zeus. God. Somebody help me. Satan, you owe me. -Professor Hubert
Farnsworth, Futurama![]()
I am Malach, and I am an Erotic Fitnes Model!
Boil order lifted for Greenacres neighborhood
The state Department of Health today lifted the boil order in place since Wednesday for part of Greenacres.
Hi, I was just blog surfing and found you! If you are interested, go see my metrogel related site. It isnt anything special but you may still find something of interest.
Holy crap my virgin eyes! Malach has been a bad man! I didn't know it was that adult!
Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ.
Nikki grew up and got some augmentation. I haven't thought about her in years. She was always nice to me, although I have pretty much the same experience with her and her hubby that you do...nice folks, but not people I thought about much. Nice to know she's successful. Go Nikki!
Nice ass, even though I do like 'em bigger!
I figured you would enjoy. Palmer, my goodnes, there wasn't even extensive nudity. You live in CA. I imagine a number of your classmates will get into Porn.
Oops sorry Plamer, I just looked at the Pic links, I will have to warn the audience that there is nudity in the links.
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