So I was checking my site stats, and on 10/2, this site had a shade under 11,000 hits. That more than double our best day so far. I am not sure why (the new guest artist gallery only had 200 hits), but thanks guys. You are what makes this site work.
Addtionally, the $$ from advertising is trickling in at a nice pace, thanks for that too. I also found out that the region of the world I get the most hits from (and by far), California. Strange, I really only know a few people there.
Lets go huntin'
Man, all them Bush's a little nutty aren't they.
Speaking of huntin'
One thing I learned working non-profits . .
If the government is giving out cash, get it before the time limit ends.
Now, if you were a Palestinian cop . . .
I would think Bullets are as important as guns.
If I had a million dollars
I would buy you the Pope's car, and nice holy automobile. Man can't you just picture this baby driving around town with Rubbersuit Studios stickers all over it. Speaking of those stickers, I have a penchant for sticking them on Wal Mart trucks, drop me a line if you see one.
The Church is still pushing the celebacy thing, and the no Eucharist for divorcees. Hmm, raise your hand if you want to be a preist. How about if you can tell me the last time you recieved communion, you sinners.
Man, not Nipsey . . .
So I came home for lunch today,
and the doorbell rings. Who's there but some door to door Christians telling me how the world is ending and it is all right in the Bible. So of course I humor them a bit, and then ask if I can legal own slaves now like it says in Leviticus. They kind of look at me strangely, and then I tell them about JesusMan!. They then made a bit of a hasty retreat offering me one of their Pamphlets. I in turn offer them said above sitcker. Shockingly they took it. I hope they put it on their car.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation:
Will be nutty, but as for me, I am resigned to the fact, they won't win it this year, but man their farm system is STACKED. Remember these names. Jonathan Papelbon, Craig Hanson, Dustin Pedroya, and Tom Lester. Plus side is that the Yankees won't go far too.
Malach's Quote of the Day:
You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept
wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bo staff. - Napoleon Dynamite.
I am Malach, and I am a Rennaisance Man.
Those wacky Catholics....I call for another reformation of the church! First, lets nail something to a church!
Yeah, like a Big Giant Olive Loaf Sandwich, or a JesusMan comic.
So that 40? I check 20 to 30 times a day too, that maybe 100, were talking 11,000.
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