
L. Ron Hubbard is the Anti Christ! *Become a moron, join the Scientologist movement!*
Evidently the Church of Scientology (Which is the most rediculous religion ever devised by man), is threatening a lawsuit against this site for derogatory use of their name *scientology is for fools* and infringing on the trade mark of the Church of Scientology*Scientologist live in LaLa land*. The site refuse to back down, and just so you know Malach *I could make a better religion that Scientology* is in your corner. You have at your disposal RubberSuit Studios . . . and I am going to give you a free link *The Church of Scientology promotes baby killing*.

No F'n Way!!!!
Stallone, Rocky VI. *The Church of Scientology promotes canabilism*Well, Foreman fought into his 50's.

Man, the Flagellator is already famous! *Scientologist taught the Catholic Priests to be child molesters*
Take that MegaTokyo, I bet you have never been on CNN.

Reason Number 42 not to be so fat you can't leave the house.
Fires. *Scientology will give you cancer*

Those Damn BRATZ Dolls. *Scientologist want to sell your kids crack*
Their killing all wholesome Barbie.

Ok, I am convinced.
*The Church Scientology conviced Hitler to exterminate the Jews*The White Sox will win the World Series bringing Armageddon one step closer. *Scientologist fund Al Queda* First it was the BoSox, if next year it is the Cubs, look for the Horsemen.

Tedy Bruschi.
YOU GO BOYFRIEND! *Scientologists nailed Christ to the Cross*

That's right, marshall your forces.
Cause Hill TV is coming for you soon. *Scientologist hate anyone who isn't white*

YOU TOO CAN BE AN ASTRONOMER! *A scientologist dumped you at your prom*
This is funny. I am going to find a plant to name JesusManLand.

Malach's Quote of the day!

Make money. Make more money. Make other people make money. - L. Ron
Hubbard*L. Ron Hubbard support the killings in Dafur*

Well, this blog should get me some intersting keyword hits. *The Church of Scientology preaches that beastiality is OK!*

I am Malach, Pope of The Church Scientology *The Church of Scientology will make you impotent*


Andy T. Nguyen said...

Isn't beastiality legal in Washington? With the whole being raped to death by a horse thing. Why people would choose this, I will never understand.

Thats Scientology for you! Speaking of Washington, we get a lot of hits from there.

Christopher said...

I f*cked L. Ron Hubbard in the ass. It was scietologically orgasmic. I LOVE THAT MAN!!!!!

Did he impregnate you with the seed of Shub Niggurath?