Ratzy you lil bastard.


Rights and freedom for all.
So the Catholic Churches in MA, are organizing a large grassroots political campaign in the state of MA to put a question on the Election Ballot to ban gay marriage. They are hoping to pressure Catholics into voting a ban on this. This is similar to how we have our current president.

This is a open request to George Coleman, Sean O'Malley, Timothy McDonnell, and Robert McManus. STAY OUT OF THIS. The Church has a history of stomping on the rights of those they see as anti-Christian, a history of oppression for minorities, women, and laity, and a bunch of embarassing conspiracies to their name. You do not need to go here. You have already ostracized several generations, why more? What affect does it have on the church if two homosexuals want to marry? It does not promote the ideal family? Have you taken a look at the world, there is no longer such a thing. Jesus never once taught what the "proper family" is, never made one statement condemning homosexuality (or women, and minorities). I believe Jesus also stated, judge not, lest you yourself be judged, and love you neighbor as your self. You have no support for this in this state. You futher push awsy the generation you so desperately need for your existence.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Excited for the playoffs.

Malach's quote of the day

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital
unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him
to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the
true with the false and the false with the true. - Martin Luther King

Man those MIT guys are just nutty enough to be geniuses.
A wind up laptop .. . nice

Ahh modern technology
Just what the world needs, a lazier way to get drunk. Now if only they could create Nighttrain from water, no one would ever get to class.

Ahh, but they didn't catch the one using the weedwacker.
Monkeys are funny, right Oply?

Paris and Paris = ??
What no way! You really not getting married? Hey everyone, super slut is back on the market!

Ok give me the nerdy guy, yeah the one who does the math stuff.

Friday Night RPG Cartoons.
So I am sitting around during my bi-monthly RPG sessions and came up with a BRILLIANT idea. You we as a collective produce a number of strange, funny, weird, silly doodles as we play our 5 hour sessions, some of them drawn in a bit of a alchoholic fuzz. So I got me this brilliant idea to publish them. RubberSuit Studios is proud to present Friday Night RPG Cartoons. Episode 1.1 is now uploaded for the Buckos enjoyment.

I have decided to leave the word verification off, and just insult the spammers who post here. Doesn't accomplish anything, but amusing me.
I am Malach, the creator of Cthulhu Giraffe!


Andy T. Nguyen said...

The second simian revolution is a upon us.

Podcast will be up by the end of the week hopefully.