This site had 17,000 hit on 10/22. Not only is that by far the most hits ever (by 7K), that is about triple our normal daily hits. Gotta thank the Buckos, and remember if you are a Bucko add you name to the end of the list, we's taken over. Thanks also to for making The Wraith it's cover story for a few days. Thanks to all of you (and there were a ton of you) that sent me good vibes about the infinite canvas episode of the Wraith, and those who loved the Murk and Malach show. I got well wishes from a number of you that don't even follow Stool Sample Webcomics. Additionally, our Alexa Rank is up to 173,598. That is down from about 5,000,000 a month or so ago. Our Google Page rank is also now 5/10. Awesome.
The Murk and Malach Show.
Our second recording is this Thursday, and our special guest will be none other than Dick Cheney. So listen up for that one. As for those of you waiting for the MP3. Murk is having some issues loading up the file to the website (60Megs). We are looking at other options including Murks Internet Service so stay tuned, I know there is a few of you, so be patient. We would love to get the MP3 out as it is much easier to syndicate, and we're still commited to getting it out there. Thanks for your patience.
The latest JesusMan! is also coming along real nicely. I am doing some experimentation (as you can see by the panel at right) and so far so good, here's a quick sneak. This one is real good, I think Toyi will even like it.
Pretty nasty huh?
We have new ads, you will see them about the site. They are basically a brokering service and I like 'em a lot so far. So when you are bumping the webcomic buttons, bump an ad or two. If these produce the results the seem to be doing, they might be the only ads on this site forever more.
The end of the world is coming.
Red Sox Win!
White Sox Win!
Cubs Win!
I am generally not too serious on this blog . .
But Rosa Parks passed away today. Let us remember her as a catalyst for Civil Rights, and let us forget her stupid lawsuit against the Outkasts.
Hey Ratsy, your opinion ..
Ok . . but they are just goldfish.
How did you spend you day?
I spent mine dodging downed trees, and garbage barrels.
Elmo, arrested.
But the should of arrested him for ruining Sesame Street.
What exactly is a Irish Lingerie Store?
You suppose that the lingerie is made from potato skins and Whiskey bottles? Always love taking a shot at the wife.
That's right Kill each other off.
Hill TV is wating to take over.
Have any of you seen SquidBillies?
I am not sure why this story reminded me of it.
Hey even I can pretend to be Evangelical Christain
For $300 a month health insurance.
No wonder the County is called Turkey.
qwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqw*L Ron Hubbard wants to rape your grandmother*qwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqw,wq
OK . . . .
First, why would you take the dip? Unless you are Malach and just causing a ruckus (like I did on the Erotic Fitness Model's forum today). Of course the fines are like $20, so let's get naked.
Don't you just love Tonya Harding? Would you want to bring her home to meet the parents?
Hey Iran Lighten up.
It is just a game, it is not brainwashing little American boys. And take the Krishna-damned bounty off of Salman Rushdie's head. Speaking of Rushdie, you must all read Satanic Verses. One of the best read I have ever read.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Most of what matters in your life takes place in your absence. - Salman
I am Malach and I live in the Gulag.
I fear for the children of America. Even though I am one, at least I don't go hunt bears.
I do.
He said bears, not beers.
Friggin Clevelan Injuns better win one bfore th dam Cubs destroy this friggin ball!
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