Now you done it Dubya


Another Gift
It seem the White House has asked the Onion to stop using it's presidential seal. You can read the story here. What's next? No more jokes about the Prez? So use this enclosed image every where and anywhere and you too can get threatened by the White House. You have my premission. You want a bigger one, email me. Fight the Man.

Oh Wal-Mart . . .
Your like that girl in High School who won't give me the time of day, but has me wrapped around her finger.

Alanis Morrisette, you dumb broad.
This is Irony.

Trust me they are listening.
They need sneak previews of the Murk and Malach Show.

Yes, this rules.
You will all be soon under my control.

Google's next move . . . Knight takes Rook.
You know what, I am sick of the 10% Ebay/Paypal takes off the top.

I have been waiting . . . I miss your tender lips.

Hey Iran . .
Yesterday you wanted the US to stop producing the attack Iran video game and today you do this? And take the Allah damned bounty off of Salman Rushdie's head.

Hey Sheryl Swoopes is a Lesbian!
Well so am I, welcome to the club!

This is also irony, you song is just Moronic.

Hey Big Oil Companies.
Everyone already hates your guts, I would just rub this in their face. Imagine the marketing campaign. "FILL OUR POCKETS WITH MONEY! Like you have a choice." Call me.

If you still notice things like this . .
Then perhaps you are the one with the problem. I like how the article says: "Kids in the inner cities, which is where many African-Americans live". Again, perhaps your the one with the problem.

Um only Villians from the past 5 years?
What about Al Sweargen? What about the Daleks? What about the Klingons? Etc.

It's time to play the music
It's time to light the lights . . .

How do I get a research grant . .
I could do a stupid study like this.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
Here is a Muppet News Flash. An international spy ring is trying to sneak ridiculous stories into the news... In other news, a black and yellow striped mackerel was elected king this morning.

I am Malach and I stole the Presidential Seal!


Andy T. Nguyen said...

But they forgot the big white bubble! At least it can catch people!

The big white bubble?

Andy T. Nguyen said...

The Prisoner? Ever seen or head of the show?

Oh yeah, I was just wondering what part of the blog you were referencing.

Andy T. Nguyen said...

It is sort of a villian.