It's not easy being famous.


I know a lot of you have sent me messages that you hate real player and you want the Murk and Malach Show (man this needs a better name, suggestions?) is not in MP3 format. It seems Murk's ftp is having a bit of trouble loading up the file. It should be worked out soon.

The newest Wraith is loaded up, Chapter 3: Act 1. It is done in the Infinite Canvas Style, my first attempt, and I am fairly happy with it. I have also gotten some huge hits cause of our feature on the main page of And don't forget to bump those webcomic ranking buttons!

The Next JesusMan!, should be up by the end of this coming week. Excited?

Malach's Quote of the Day.
The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him. - Sun Tzu

I am Malach and I am very busy right now.


Thanks, I will try.

Christopher said...

1. There is nothing wrong with real player for listening to Podcasts. You're Malach the merciless, not Malach the Placating.

2. You have the same hosting service I do. Let's hope you can post the mp3 on your site, because Go Laggy keeps timing out on me.

3. A better name? Like what? It's the Murk and Malach Show. What else could it be? Would you prefer the Malach and Murk Show?

4. Please email me a list of all those people who are complaining. Or, if you wish to complain, email me at

This is bullsh*t. I hope all of you mp3 brainwashed puppets enjoy the wasted half hour downloading the 60 meg file. It's just voice adio, not music.

Right format for the right file, people.

This goes right up my ass just like the html geeks that say Hill TV looks like a fourth grader designed it. There are plenty of sites with flashy content and slick mp3 downloads. They suck. Please go visit them instead, you losers.

I son't know (names), Something like the Dead Porn Stars Variety Half Hour or something . . .

Anonymous said...

I dig the Murk and Malach show as a name. I especially like the music. And you got the Pope as a guest for your first podcast! A world leader! Pretty freakin' sweet!!!!

And FYI: Realplayer is my preferred media program.

tedzsee said...

yeah. the infinite canvas thing worked for that chapter quite well, i must say.