We got at least one vote!
Check out Malach post about what he would do as President over at WoW. So far we have one person who would vote for the Murk Malach ticket if we ran together . . . (Hey Murk, let start on grassroots campaign on our podcasts).
You are Listening too . . .
Underground, by Tom Waits, off the 1982 Album Sworfishtrombones, off the compilation Beautiful Maladies, and . . . . off the Soundtrack to the movie Robots. If you are sick on Waits, which should only be the musically deaf Angry Piper, go over to the RubberSuit Studios MySpace for a special surprise. Unfortunately I couldn't find the original, and had to go with the Audio Two/MC Lyte remix. Malach Fun Fact # 2.963. When Malach had a show at WSMU he led every show with this song, kind of an unofficial theme song.
The Dubya went down to Baghdad (as sung in as the "Devil Went Down to Georgia")
The Dubya went down to Baghdad
He was lookin' for a soul to steal
He was in a bind '
Cause he was way behind
And he was willin' to make a deal
Man, only in California.
Cannibal Bears.
Now wouldn't that make a great name for a band?
Ok, is it just me?
But if I were in charge, cell phones would not be ALLOWED in school.
Stephen Hawking.
I ready to go buddy, I got my tent and sleeping bag packed!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Schilling vs. Santana, don't get much better than that!
Malach's Quote or the Day.
To show this diagram properly, I would really need a four dimensional screen. However, because of government cuts, we could manage to provide only a two dimensional screen. - Stephen Hawking.
I am Malach and Murk is chillin', Malach's chillin', what more can we say Top Billin'!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:43 PM
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you area bitchass faget
To the moon!!!
"you area bitchass faget"
Wow, a badly misspelled anonymous attack. Well lets analyze this statement.
You, meaning me, area, I assume is supposed to be "are a" bitchass faggot . . .
Well if I get the meaning the writer is saying I am a small stick in a female dogs rectum . . . Toche'
Well go back to being beaten up by the jocks.
Palmer: That was a very good Hawking impersonation, except you forgot the wheelchair.
I believe that cell phone allowance started after 9/11
Still, phones have no place in school they are a distraction, and can be used to cheat.
That was me, you bitchass faggot.
And Tom Waits still sucks.
Wow, I never recall you spelling to be that bad, you insults so poorly thought out, and you taste in music to be so uninspired.
Rollercoaster!!! Of LOVE!!!! (Say what?)
Licorice Whip Gonna Whip My Ass!
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