Soon, very soon . . .


The Second Annual CO:TCG/RubberSuit Studios Create-a-Comic Contest.
Coming in July. More info to come. If you are into Orbit some hefty prizes, if not some other prizes too (stickers, original art, fame). If you want to join, I suggest you join this forum, as that in mainly where it will be held. Again, announcements coming soon!

Home Depot, your drug kingpin.
Nice, I guess I need to shop at the Depot more than I already do.

Adult erotica products?
"not necessary to satisfy legitimate disaster needs."?!?!?! Yet another black eye for FEMA, in turn, Dubya, and another reason why you should vote for Murk and Malach in 2008!

Ok, Ebay . .
But what the hell else you gonna use Skype for? This seems like a real waste of a ground breaking service.

"I don't give a crap about the Japanese."
Quoth Malach from a 2005 podcast. While taken a bit out of context, there is a reason I said that. Japanese Culture, which has so readily invaded the mind of our young'uns, is basically mostly all crap. And sightly childporn-esque.

Wow, when did Hell freeze over?
I can't believe there acutually cordial with one another, check I can't believe Brian Wilson is sane enough to talk. By the way, if you don't own a copy of Pet Sounds, it is a top 5 Album of ALL TIME, GO BUY ONE NOW!

Don't you love playing God?
Ok, so when do I get my Butterfly Wings?

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
First, let me say, last nights game, was about the most amazing pitching performances I have seen in a very long time . . . with that being said . . . Hey! Julian Tavares! YOUR RUININ' MA SUMMAH!

Malach's Quote of the Day.
Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses to be bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed upon him? - A Clockwork Orange

I am Malach and I "area bitchass faget".


Christopher said...

Is Tom Waits an orc????

I hope he eats me for dinner.

No, more of a troll . .