How are You?
That is good Malach likes to see his Buckos happy. Malach is working on the next Wraith, and hopes to have it done soon. Sorry for the delays, but the past month has been busy and trying.
So, Malach, have you done more to your latest painting?Why yes, the latest is at left. In case you are lost, go here, and then here, and then here, for the backstory. As you can see, more detail has been put in as well as another layer of color in the wings (which will get muted) after the paint dries. I am exclusively doing oils now, hence the richer colors. The form of the figure is much more distinguishable now. The figure also now has hair. We are probably about 75% done. Yes, I realize there is no right foot, I have just not adressed that yet.
The Angry Piper Sucks
Malach would like to point out he is up to 800+ MySpace sluts while the Piper? 62.
So, when's the next one gonna hit?
You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille . .
400 Marijuana plants and more crops in the feild. Again, Malach is meaning to do a nice WoW blog on why pot should be legalized, let me finish up the Wraith first.
That's right, let write discrimination back into our Constitution.
Now Adobe.
Aren't you the guys that charge $600+ for you software? Throw us a bone you bastards.
This would be awesome for Heroscape or Axis and Allies. Holy Crap, what the Hell has Wizards down with Axis and Allies?
Red Red Rain . . .
With Alien Bacteria . . .
Take That Creationists!
Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Top of the 9th, up by one. Actually I am very impressed with the turnaround the Tiger have had.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"I do not feel obliged to believe that same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect had intended for us to forgo their use." - Galileo Galilei
I am Malach Papelbon.
Good Evening.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:30 PM
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Just because you seized all MY MySpace friends and made them your own doesn't make you cool. And I may only have 62, but it's quality, not quantity.
PS: I hate this fucking song.
Yeah, I seen some of them . . .
Not a Femmes Fan?
Girls, girls, now don't fight; mother loves you both the same.
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