Peter Gammons.
Many sports fans will be familiar with Peter Gammons. Peter Gammons, as a sports journalist is synonomous with baseball. He is an excellent writer, TV personality, and overall really great guy. He does alot for charity and he is an ambassador to baseball, New England, and local charities. I met Peter Gammons once a long time ago, and I was blown away by his niceness, courtesy, intelligence, and overall interest in whatever was being discussed.
What can I say about his career. Started as an intern at the Boston Globe, intially covering the Red Sox. He became perhaps the most beloved sports columnist in the city, next to Will McDonough, moved on to Sports Illustrated, and is now the main stay for ESPN's Baseball coverage. He is regarded as the top reporter in baseball with fans, players, managers, and owners. He is known for high profile interviews, breaking news and trades, and being a promoter of the sport. He appears in on numerous TV and Radio programs, and has authored numerous books. He is has recieved awards to numerous to name, and is even a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame.One thing, non New Englander might not know, is he is a huge fan of music, especially indie music. He is a huge charity sponsor. Check out his website Hot Stove, Cool Music, check out the pics of him on stage (and Theo Epstein) with the likes of Buffalo Tom, Juliana Hatfield, Letters to Cleo, and other famous and not so famous local bands.
Peter Gammons suffered an aneurysm today. Our prayers are with him.
You are Listening too . . .
Gammons is also a big Tom Waits fan. We return to Tom Waits with a song dedicated to Gammons. Old Shoes (& Picture Postcards) off the 1973 album, Closing Time. This is also an effort to covert Piper to the greatness that is Tom Waits with some stuff off his first album.
Malach went off today.
Malach spent the day in Juvenille Court with one of his clients. This WoW post resulted from it. This is quite the rant so enjoy.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Welcome back Pedro, right now kicking the ass of the best team the NL. Going for 10 in a row. I asked God for 20 in a row, let's see if he is real.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
God moves in extremely mysterious, not to say, circuitous ways. God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, [ie., everybody.] to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time. - Good Omens (currently reading, very good, review soon)
I am Malach, and I hate juvenille court.
Peter Gammons
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:07 PM
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oh this was not too interesting, you know I have an idea of the whole media thing in here, I know why they don't cover the world cup the way the entire world do it... why? because US is afraid that the whole superbowl and the baseball series lose force, you that is a big business... if more people pay attention to soccer, they won't care too much to buy an expensive baseball ticket... so for the money for the millionare baseball players won't come through.. the business would be ruined lol
Oh I have figured out, well but after all with all those blending cultures, soccer is still going stronger and stronger here in US.
This is a weird comment. Why soccer will never become super popular in the US. Remember I like soccer.
1. Is not an American Sport, ie invented in America
2. Too boring, to little scoring.
^ little scoring? I believe you sholdn't compare 2 complitely different sports lol otherwise you will be a poor downsmart reviewr...
Yet I have a point, is not about "Not being an american sport" is about fear!!! fear to dump a nice business.
Besides I also find boring that game has to stop every 5 seconds... lol
Is easy to judge in paterns just because we aren't used to them. lol
^ eh eh besides hitting one time and scores lots? oh well is one hit after all, it is sort of lying to yourself lol
^oh and is soooo intersting that one is played in US lol
^ and is called football just because what? you kick the ball with your feet just like 1 time per game... and on top of that they are most likely to fail the foot kick because playing with their feet is what they do less. lol
I am a soccer fan, I am just telling you why a majority of Americans could care less about it.
eh eh eh I am just bugging you, I think Americans just haven't experience it because the media don't let them... uhh but soccer is not boring at all, man I tell you , you don't even need cheerleaders to cheer, people sing along and the fams are the most noise thing on earth... is so cool
I have an American friend and he was used to bring an American football ball to our gathering, the Mexican will go "hey gringo what is that? we don't play that here we play soccer" he suddenly started getting into it playing it, he is a great defense... he sits and watch all the soccer games now, well it doesn't mean he don't love Football lol they are just different sports. lol
I making a WoW post on this now.
OMG!! You lol actually well its a nice debate lol
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