Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you an American Icon, Willie Nelson!!!
Willies song and video for Some Cowboys are Secretly Fond of Each Other. Hit Play, Fuggin' hilarious. Check out the guitar solo, it kicks ass.
Help a Fellow Webcomic Creator!
It seem Julia Wertz, the brain (?) behind Fart
Party, and her brother are going to be homeless. Open you hearts buckos. I am a big Fart Party fan, and you know me, I hate most webcomics.
So open you house, open your wallets, open your hearts. Just from the little I know of Julia, she seem pretty cool, exactly the type of girl I usually hang out with. Common, she'll giving out beer. If she were local, I could get her a place, but I am sure she don't want to move out here.
I also posted this at WoW. But since this blog has almost 3 times the reader, I'll post it here to. I also took a chance and invited Julia to contribute to WoW, and shockingly she accepted.
Speaking of WoW, bennie goodman also joined, there goes the neighborhood.
My Intenet Connection seem to be back up.
Thank you Comcast.
So let's see.
North Korean is waving around a big missle in the face of the US. The US has put it's missle defense system in full alert, and conveiniently the US is having it's largest wargames in decades, in the Pacific, with the Chinese present. Can anyone say, first strike disabling nuclear attack?
So I ask again . .
5 - 10 years from now, which part of the world will be more fugged up? The Middle East or Africa?
Tiny Bubbles . .
Makes me Happy . . .
Umm, does something seem wrong with this picture?
"Police said Tang Xiaowan, 25, who has been practicing swordsmanship since she was young, had often forced her husband of three years at swordpoint to carry out her demands." What? And she's only getting a manslaughter charge?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
5 in a row, the kids pitching lights out, more crappy National League teams to play, 7 more home games, happy happy joy joy.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"The biggest threat to America today is not communism. It's moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that's happened during the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe ... When you have a government that prefers a certain moral code derived from a certain religion and that moral code turns into legislation to suit one certain religious point of view, and if that code happens to be very, very right wing, almost toward Attila the Hun..." -Frank Zappa . . . in 1986.
I am Malach, and I think all Cowboys are secretly fond of each other, especially Terrel Owens.
I like Cowboys
uhm I Like hetero cowboys...
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