Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with brew?


Cover it in stigmata and rainbow powers too?
THE JESUSMAN! CAN! THE JESUSMAN! CAN! That's right JesusMan! 4.6 now up! JesusMan! has come a long way since the beginning just over a year ago. This episode now ends in a little cliffhanger, Hex time to get cracking on the next script.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
On a hot streak, moving into Yankee stadium on Tuesday!

Anyone seen Gangs of New York?
Watched it last night, I give it a decent review, not great, but not bad.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde" - Irish Proverb

I am Malach and I am a Patient Man.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

The Beatles? Prehaps.....but older!

Toyi said...

Hell no I haven't watch it, Di Caprio is in it, but lately I believe I am more bored of Tom Cruise, I never liked him