Malach is off tonight.
I am going to the Red Sox game tonight, so I won't be home until about 1AM. So here is your daily dose of Malach you Junkies!
The Experiment Part III.Worked a couple of hours late last night on the latest painting, here what resulted from that, on the left. As you can see, the detail further develops and I am now using both oils and acrylics to get certain looks of certain areas. I really like the texture in this pieces and how it breaks up the surface. Besides the obvious paper towel roll at the top, there are several small pieces of wood (you can see some in the figures right wing), a plastic bag (red, in the right top), a ragged piece of cloth (through the middle). People have also asked me about the card. It is a tarot card . . . The High Priestess. I also have a name for this one, which I will reveal when done, and I am going to do a kind of series of these, counting this one three at least, but first I will finish the painting for my sister-in-laws birthday.
You are listening too . . .
As this painting has developed, I have been listening to California, by Mr. Bungle. This song in particular is starting to inspire this painting, the song is Vanity Fair. The lyrics are very interesting and weird, check it out:
Early blog buckos
You're not human
You're a miracle
A preacher with an animal's face
In your sexy
Neon smokescreen
Lie the supersalesmen of vanity
Even your shadow worships you
In your jungle solitude
With the orgies of the sacrament
And the seal of flagellants
God saves those who save their skin
From the bondage that we're in
I'm elated
I could cut you
And remove the sheath of your ignorance
Bless the eunuch
And the Skoptsi
Will you hurt me now and make a million?
Say cheese, baby
We all love you
But it's a cheap world and you don't exist...
Slit the fabric of the right now
Spread your legs and wear the crown
Tell me how long, lord, how long?
Till I get my beauty sleep?
Now the hourglass is empty
The moment of my de-sexing
Cut it
Cut it
Cut this cancer from my soul
Now that I've made it...
I'm finally naked...
If you have never experienced Mr. Bungle, what can I say. Very strange very innovative band. This song is acutally pretty tame compared to their usually stuff (I'll play some more). You will probably recognize the vocals as Mike Patton (Faith No More) who is one of the most AMAZING vocalist of the past 40 years. Mr. Bungle is an avant garde, experimental music group, that cycles through many musical genres, sometime in the course of one song. There stuff can be hard to get into, and if you were going to purchase an album, I would suggest California as it is the most "poppy" for lack of a better term. But give it a chance, you will be amazed. Be warned, thery sing quite a bit about weird sex, and masturbation.
I am a huge proponent of free speech, and if someone wants to protest the War in Iraq, go right ahead, but there is such a thing as decorum. Protests should not involve private matters like funerals. In addition when you spout insane ideas like this one, you should be institutionalized. Now imagine this. Your God. You hate gay people. So you are going to show the world you hate gay people by causing a war where heterosexuals are killed? Why not just wipe out the gay people? IDIOTS!
Ronald Reagan.
See Ronnie, you weren't nuts.
New Energy Sources.
Y'know this is great and all but what ever happened to solar power? I mean it is free.
I should have gone to medial school.
Well sooner or later Webcomic Artist will be in the top 5, no?
It Begins.
We have all seen The Terminator. Be prepared my children.
Ahh Genetics.
Smoke 'em if you got 'em!
Wow, a nice ringing endorsement for pot. Where are all my 420 friends?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Matt Clementalcase, your ruinin' my summah!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world. - Carl Sagan
I am Malach and I believe Pot should be legalized, but that is another blog.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:35 AM
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