Real Love


So Malach went on a shopping spree today.
Let see, we bought this, and several new CD's. Now that Malach has a tablet, you gonna start seeing some more interesting artwork in my webcomics, and I can do things much easier with the tablet than the mouse, I am excited.

As for the CD's.
Went to Newbury Comics and bought and interesting ecletic mix; Mr. Lif, Emergency Rations; The Dresden Dolls (who are a internet acquaintence of mine), Yes Virginia; Sleater-Kinney, The Woods; and . . .

You are listening too . . .
Real Love/It's Only Life, by Mike Doughty, off the album Skittish/Rockity Roll. Many of you will recognize Mike Doughty (aka M. Doughty) and the lead vocalist from one of my favorite bands Soul Coughing. Many of you might also recognize this song as a remake of an 80's Jodi Whatley hit. Doughty solo stuff is very interesting, almost a stripped down Soul Coughing with a little folk mixed in.

Let the Cold War being all over again!
The Cold War was a Hell of a lot more fun than The War on Terror.

So what, you need to get a mortgage now at age 10?

Who could vote for a presidential candidate named . . .

Man . . .
and I so wanted to believe!

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
It interesting to see how the Yanks and Sox, seem to have swtiched places over the past few years . . . gonna make a WoW article about it.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
The truth hurts, Jazmine. The world is a sad lonely place and no one gets anything for free, you know what? One day you and everyone you know is gonna die. - Huey Freeman

I am Malach the master of Youth Court.


Toyi said...

Man that Guy in the Rum barrel could not be cremated otherwise would have burn forever lol