F is for fake believe


Wraith is going along well, and surprise, surprise, there will be a FNRPGC update this weekend. Life has thrown me a few curveballs this week, but I am going to try to maintain a reasonable schedule.

So, have you seen the Video?
I am surprised Hobbs hasn't jumped all over this one. You can check out the video here. Still won't silence the conspiracy theorist, and there is no real clear indicator.

Hey, we aren't know as Massholes for nothing.
No shock Boston was in the top 5.

When White Trash gets Famous Part 52. . .
or Oops I Did It Again.

The DaVinci Code.
Dudes, there are plenty of other things that undermines the Catholic faith, including a number of things the Church created.

He's stupid . . .
but he knows he's stupid, so that almost makes him smart.

Let see him live in a sphere of water for a week.

Now that's a cool zoo.

Say goodbye to Ma Bell.
She's only got a year to live.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
John Papelbon . . . .

Malach's Quote of the Day.
You expect me to pay to be on this filthy machine? Have you the brain worms?!! - Zim

I am Malach and I am.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

A room.....with a MOOSE!!! Now that, would be a cool zoo.

Toyi said...

Chatolic Church a fiasco? yes, Jesus having kids with Maria Magdalena? no lol

^My response? F is for Fake Believe.

Toyi said...

We can always consider that you know...

have you ever heard of faking Orgasms? well same thing with believes, so pick.lol