Happy Memorial Day.


To all then men and women who gave their lives . . .
So I can say whatever the hell I please on this blog, and in my art, I salute you. Especially salute, those no longer with us . . . Pepere, Gigi-Pa, and Larry. This day is in memory of you, and your bravery.

With that out of the Way.
Malach has just returned from upstate New York (Utica), and after a 5 hour drive is more inspired for bed than writing a blog, so this one is what it is.

You are Listening too . . .
Particle Man, by They Might Be Giants. Especially for Memorial Day. If you are sick of TMBG and Mr. Bungle, go over to Malach's MySpace, I pulled out a weird oldie.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I know they won Thursday, I was there, and I was told they won on Friday. Being in Yankee Country for two days, I lost touch (I fought bravely). So let's see. Won Sat and Sun, nice sweep!

Malach's Quote of the Day.
I believe in God, only I spell it 'Nature'. - FLW.

I am Malach, good night!