and they caused property damage like an angry woman . . .


. . and they tried to eat a cactus like an angry woman . . .
Yes, Malach is a huge fan of the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, you need to see the latest episode Dumb Dumb and Dragons/Fear and Loathing in Endville, more specifically the Fear and Loathing part. A few reasons. Classic weird references; Dracula is perhaps the best character in that show (combined Blacula, The Rock, and a senile geriatric); and they song playing throughout in Johnny Cash style "Angry Woman". Tried to find the lyrics, but the episode is so new, the google spider haven't found it yet. Watch it.

Even more interesting the woman who does Mandy's and a LOT of other voices, Grey Delisle, is a Country Western Singer, check out her version of Bohemian Rhaposody, interesting mix of Ani Difranco, Johnny Cash, and Kate Bush. She's a bit of a hottie too.

Flight 77.
We talked a few days ago about the release of video of Flight 77, and the Pentagon attacks on 9/11. Well the video really don't show anything, but Malach has the whole thing figured out, right here at WoW.

I'd also like to thanks the Hobbsmeister for this little image. A reconstruction of the what the crash should have looked like according to some experts:

I though Jimmy Hoffa was buried in the south endzone of the Meadowlands
Or maybe Henry Kissinger killed him.

Speaking of Jimmy Hoffa.
Ohh poor Atlantic City.

Umm, yeah.
I am all for freedom of speech and stuff, but this seems a bit over the top.

So, what is the betting line . . .
on how long this stays together?

Why the insane should not talk to God.
So. Pat Robertson, you gonna run for President again?

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Interleague play!?!?

Malach's Quote of the Day.
"I'm on this Zoloft thing, right? But I'm on that to keep me from killing y'all!" - Mike Tyson

I am Malach and I am a Supra Genius!


Andy T. Nguyen said...

The Great Dam of China?

or is it going to be the great DAMN of China?

Toyi said...

Colombine game? OMG that is over the top.

Let see if Pat's prediction comes

Who's Pat

Toyi said...

Pat Robertson!! lol