Here we go again . . .
Here comes Judge Alito to infuse evangelical doctrine into you lives.
He didn't quit . .
He was killed by the Buckos Brigade. Join now to be on the winning side.
OK, once again you delve into my sick mind.
The mental picture of this just makes me fall off my chair laughing. Really I need help.
Can you tell I hate Alanis Morrisette . . .
This too Miss Morisette is irony . . . and a good plot device for JesusMan! Hey Hex, use this at the begining of this next script.
Can you tell I hate Evangelical Christians?
Riddle me this? If this were a vaccine for curing HIV/AIDS, woud you talk about how immoral it is also?
Those Dutch are nuts . .
Can a Malachian get a tax break?
Now will all you national media idiots shut up.
And while your at it, do some research on strokes.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Very Disappointed.
Oh Sly . . . you dog!
First Rocky, Now Rambo . . . does anyone really want to see a 60 year old Rambo?
I cannot wait for this flick. Hey Dad, this will be our Lord of the Rings for 2005. Check out this quick trailer.
Malach's Quote of the day.
She is a perfectly terrible person, she calls herself the Queen of Narnia thought she has no right to be queen at all, and all the Fauns and Dryands and Naiads and Dwarfs and Animals—at least all the good ones—simply hate her. And she can turn people into stone and do all kinds of horrible things. And she has made a magic so that it is always winter in Narnia—always winter, but it never gets to Christmas. And she drives about on a sledge, drawn by reindeer, with her wand in her hand and a crown on her head. - Lucy.
I am Malach, King of Narnia.
Happy Halloween Buckos.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:22 PM 23 comments
How my slaves so readily meet demands
New stuff.
So yesterday I was telling you how there would be new Ned and new Notched Blade (along with their snazzy new banners). Well my slaves are quick and BUG has outdone himself. Not one but two episodes of Notched Blade are up, and some of BUG's best work. Episode 1.6 explores what happens to every young girl when they reach "that age", and episode 1.7 is a rant up the recent quarterly profit repost of Exxon. In addition Palmer (Plamer according to our President) has released episode Ned 10 of Necromancer Ned: A New Day is published, further showing his hatred of tight wearing karate anime wannabes.
I have not talked to Murky today, so I am unsure if his PC is fixed. So no new word on the podcast. I will keep you updated. Thanks to those who have downloaded the thing (close to 100 of you and that's not even those of you waiting for the MP3. Reaction has been all positive!
Well I am off to watch he Pats game.
But here's a quote.
Johnny Guitar Watson's 1956 song, 'Three Hours Past Midnight' inspired me to become a guitarist. - Frank Zappa
I am Malach, the King of the Mountain
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:11 PM 1 comments
RubberSuit Studios Updates
What's going on brother.
I have spent a good portion of the day creating banners, and redesigning much of this site. I like what's going down and this gives me the basis I need to keep this site looking snazzy and such, and makes things a bit cleaner. Thanks for sticking with us while I do this.
There should be several new updates this next week of Notched Blade (BUG's White Sox have won, now he can step back into the "real world"), Ned, New West (yes long hiatus), and even some Star Crossed Lovers. Hopefully I can get the first Stool Sample Webcomics Collection Book done this week and I will begin the Wraith and JesusMan! once again (if Hex gets me the new JesusMan! script.) Speaking of JesusMan! Scripts, there are signed one for sale in our shop (yes we are prostitutes), as well as some new Ebay Auctions.
Thanks to all the Buckos for you support, and your numbers keep growing daily. I will have a special Buckos page of free stuff by the end of the week.
Now for the next podcast, and the first one. Murks PC is having issues, hence no MP3 upload of the first one, and now we are having issues with creating the second. Any of you tech people that follow my stuff (there's a few of you) contact Murk, and see if you can help him out.
Keep up with the bumping of the webcomic vote buttons and the ads, it helps keep Stool Sample Webcomics in business.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Don't you know there ain't no devil, it's just god when he's drunk - Tom Waits
I am Malach and I am a busy beaver!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 2:49 PM 2 comments
The Iscariot, Dubya, and a Homosexual Sulu.
The first episode of the Iscariot chapter of JesusMan! is now published. With out tooting my own horn, the latest episode (4.1) is by far the best of the bunch art wise. It is done like the last episode of The Wraith, in the infinite canvas style, and I am VERY happy with the result. I hope you guys like it. Neither strip is converting to full time Infinite Canvas, but there will be special episodes in that style. Doing those two pieces has taught me a lot about Paint Shop Pro also, and I am to the point where I feel I have a pretty good mastery of a large part of it.
This brings me to a little bit of bad news, both comics will be on hiatus for about a week, so I can get some stuff done and have not been able to devote some time too. I need to get a book together, and the plans have changed. It will no longer be JesusMan!, but most of the Stool Sample Webcomics family. It will be about 50 pages, and I am going to aim for making it a cheap as possible for the buckos to purchase. Addtionally, I need to put together a bit of design changes about the site, create some new banners, start a new ad campaign (sneakpeak: STOOL SAMPLE WEBCOMICS SUCK!) and put in a free gifts page of wall papers, buttons and such. I also have a little project I need to work on for SlotsAnswerMan. I will keep ye updated.
I got a message from the White House today. I have posted it on the Stool Sample site.
A Homosexual Sulu.
Anyone who finds this shocking has not listened to Howard Stern for the part 10 years.
Hey doofus, Alanis Morrisette.
This is also Irony.
And this . ..
is Stupidity.
Hey my wife is a potato peeling, drunkard! Oh wait thats backwards.
OK, Sign me up.
I am ready buckos.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire. - Winston Churchill
I am Malach, and I got a letter from Dubya.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:55 PM 2 comments
Even the churches love JesusMan!
Seen outside a church in the South end of New Bedford.
Ok, not really. You can find this here, Church Sign Generator. More fun than what you can have with 7 naked nuns.
Speaking of Church.
Easily one of the best sites on the web is Religious Info about every religion known to man. Lots of interesting reading. I am going to give them a free link.
Some more webcomics that tickled my fancy.
Get Your War On!: Funny shiite. I am gonna link to this puppy too.
Pigleg Too: A very funny spoof on Winnie the Pooh, shocked Disney hasn't stepped in yet. Nicely inked. Also gonna get a link.
You heard it here first:
2004 Red Sox Win!
2005 White Sox Win!
2006 Cubs Win!
Shortly thereafter World explodes.
(c) RubberSuit Studios.
This is real funny too: How Much is your blog Worth?
Dropping My Daily Stool Sample:
My blog is worth $2,258.16.
How much is your blog worth?
Anyone want to buy it? BTW I checked out some of these other blogs I linked to, they ain't worth nothing.
You, when I saw Dubya had nominated someone who was undead for the Supreme Court . . .
I figured it would not work out well.
OK, maybe the UN should not run the world.
This is kinda of sad . . . you figured someone would of told these organizations not to give money to Saddam.
And the purpose of this study was . . .
to inform us the Scientology is a sham?
Man, it just doesn't have the same effect.
The extent of the Vapitude . .
Please just die . . Cause Britney is a good judge of music?
Malach's quote of the Day.
WTF, why is Malach blog worth $3 grand and mine is worth $0? - Dr. Murk
Our alexa ranking is now down to 154,284, gonna hit the top 100,000 soon.
I am Malach and my blog is more valuable than my car.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:11 PM 5 comments
Now you done it Dubya
Another Gift
It seem the White House has asked the Onion to stop using it's presidential seal. You can read the story here. What's next? No more jokes about the Prez? So use this enclosed image every where and anywhere and you too can get threatened by the White House. You have my premission. You want a bigger one, email me. Fight the Man.
Oh Wal-Mart . . .
Your like that girl in High School who won't give me the time of day, but has me wrapped around her finger.
Alanis Morrisette, you dumb broad.
This is Irony.
Trust me they are listening.
They need sneak previews of the Murk and Malach Show.
Yes, this rules.
You will all be soon under my control.
Google's next move . . . Knight takes Rook.
You know what, I am sick of the 10% Ebay/Paypal takes off the top.
I have been waiting . . . I miss your tender lips.
Hey Iran . .
Yesterday you wanted the US to stop producing the attack Iran video game and today you do this? And take the Allah damned bounty off of Salman Rushdie's head.
Hey Sheryl Swoopes is a Lesbian!
Well so am I, welcome to the club!
This is also irony, you song is just Moronic.
Hey Big Oil Companies.
Everyone already hates your guts, I would just rub this in their face. Imagine the marketing campaign. "FILL OUR POCKETS WITH MONEY! Like you have a choice." Call me.
If you still notice things like this . .
Then perhaps you are the one with the problem. I like how the article says: "Kids in the inner cities, which is where many African-Americans live". Again, perhaps your the one with the problem.
Um only Villians from the past 5 years?
What about Al Sweargen? What about the Daleks? What about the Klingons? Etc.
It's time to play the music
It's time to light the lights . . .
How do I get a research grant . .
I could do a stupid study like this.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Here is a Muppet News Flash. An international spy ring is trying to sneak ridiculous stories into the news... In other news, a black and yellow striped mackerel was elected king this morning.
I am Malach and I stole the Presidential Seal!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:01 PM 5 comments
Once Again the Buckos have come through!
This site had 17,000 hit on 10/22. Not only is that by far the most hits ever (by 7K), that is about triple our normal daily hits. Gotta thank the Buckos, and remember if you are a Bucko add you name to the end of the list, we's taken over. Thanks also to for making The Wraith it's cover story for a few days. Thanks to all of you (and there were a ton of you) that sent me good vibes about the infinite canvas episode of the Wraith, and those who loved the Murk and Malach show. I got well wishes from a number of you that don't even follow Stool Sample Webcomics. Additionally, our Alexa Rank is up to 173,598. That is down from about 5,000,000 a month or so ago. Our Google Page rank is also now 5/10. Awesome.
The Murk and Malach Show.
Our second recording is this Thursday, and our special guest will be none other than Dick Cheney. So listen up for that one. As for those of you waiting for the MP3. Murk is having some issues loading up the file to the website (60Megs). We are looking at other options including Murks Internet Service so stay tuned, I know there is a few of you, so be patient. We would love to get the MP3 out as it is much easier to syndicate, and we're still commited to getting it out there. Thanks for your patience.
The latest JesusMan! is also coming along real nicely. I am doing some experimentation (as you can see by the panel at right) and so far so good, here's a quick sneak. This one is real good, I think Toyi will even like it.
Pretty nasty huh?
We have new ads, you will see them about the site. They are basically a brokering service and I like 'em a lot so far. So when you are bumping the webcomic buttons, bump an ad or two. If these produce the results the seem to be doing, they might be the only ads on this site forever more.
The end of the world is coming.
Red Sox Win!
White Sox Win!
Cubs Win!
I am generally not too serious on this blog . .
But Rosa Parks passed away today. Let us remember her as a catalyst for Civil Rights, and let us forget her stupid lawsuit against the Outkasts.
Hey Ratsy, your opinion ..
Ok . . but they are just goldfish.
How did you spend you day?
I spent mine dodging downed trees, and garbage barrels.
Elmo, arrested.
But the should of arrested him for ruining Sesame Street.
What exactly is a Irish Lingerie Store?
You suppose that the lingerie is made from potato skins and Whiskey bottles? Always love taking a shot at the wife.
That's right Kill each other off.
Hill TV is wating to take over.
Have any of you seen SquidBillies?
I am not sure why this story reminded me of it.
Hey even I can pretend to be Evangelical Christain
For $300 a month health insurance.
No wonder the County is called Turkey.
qwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqw*L Ron Hubbard wants to rape your grandmother*qwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqw,wq
OK . . . .
First, why would you take the dip? Unless you are Malach and just causing a ruckus (like I did on the Erotic Fitness Model's forum today). Of course the fines are like $20, so let's get naked.
Don't you just love Tonya Harding? Would you want to bring her home to meet the parents?
Hey Iran Lighten up.
It is just a game, it is not brainwashing little American boys. And take the Krishna-damned bounty off of Salman Rushdie's head. Speaking of Rushdie, you must all read Satanic Verses. One of the best read I have ever read.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Most of what matters in your life takes place in your absence. - Salman
I am Malach and I live in the Gulag.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 5:41 PM 4 comments
Old School Mates Part The Douche.
Ok, I am not obessesed, just nosy.
So yesterday's blog, I have a few updates. Unfortunately Nikki does have her own site (again warning nudity), there goes my ascent into the webporn industry. But it seems her husband does not . . . Tommy, c'mon throw me a bone (no pun intended).
I also found out she appeared in the October issue of Playboy in a "Girl's Next Door" spread. See what a Catholic School upbringing gets you! The site also has a forum . . . I am not sure if I am going to post there . . more on that later.
The Code of Hanurabi.
I am stealing this next part of the blog from The Angry Piper.
Ten Years Ago: I had just graduated with a Fine Art Degree in Painting and Illustration. I was a General Manager for Discovery Zone, Inc. I had my first real good paying job. After DZ, I had the two worst jobs I ever had, and then began working as a Design Lab Tech for Quaker Fabrics, Corp. I dumped my then fiance and started dating my wife. I had my first few art jobs and gallery shows.
Five Year Ago: I was into my third year working human services and have been there since. The world did not end. I had bought my first house with my wife.
One Year Ago: I have two kids, am selling the first house, and am still working in Human Services. I decided then to begin doing stuff on the internet.
Yesterday: Watched some football, visited the parents, and ate like a pig.
5 snacks I enjoy:
Zesta Saltines
Salt and Vinegar Chips
5 Songs you maybe surprised I know all the words to:
Rainbow Connection - The Muppets
The Tootsie Roll song - from the commercials in the 70's and 80's
Any song by the Carpenters
Talk it Over - Grayson Hugh
If you Let Me Stay - Terrance Trent D'Arby
5 things I would do with a $100 million:
Build and Addition on to this house
Pay off my car
Make Stool Sample Webcomics my job.
Become a Philathropist
Buy another Picasso.
5 Place I would Run Away to:
My house
New Hampshire
Marco Island, Fla
Myrtle Beach, SC
New York City
5 things I would never wear:
A Muscle Shirt
Those multi-colored, baggy pants that weight lifter wear
A clock around my neck
Ear muffs
Penny Loafers
5 biggest joys:
Wife and kids
5 Favorite Toys:
The Computer
Art Supplies
Star Wars Figures
Snake Eyes
Mitre Saw.
What cool at my place:
All the art
The fire place
My studio
My yard
My wife
Malach's Quote of the Day:
I'm like Bush, I see the world more like checkers than chess. - Dennis
I am about 30% done with the latest JesusMan!, should be done by the weekend. Also Murk and I will be recording our next podcast this Thursday. Thanks for the overwhelming postitive response. You may also notice I am experimenting with new ads about the site. This is an ad broker, and people will bid on putting ads on my site.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 5:57 PM 4 comments
Old School Mates
Blog Theft Part the Douche.
I was going to blog theft the Angry Piper today, but I have something much better, which the Piper will readily enjoy.
So today I get a call from an old school chum.
It seems that there is a local rumor going around about a classmate of mine who is the Playboy November Playmate of the month. OK, so I went to the Playboy site to check it out, nada. So now my interest is peaked, and I type the maiden and know married name of the person into a search engine and lo and behold, what do I see.
Now this somewhat looked like her (caution the links that follow contain erotic images and some nudity) and was the right name, so I had to be sure. So I go to the next search result. More interesting, yet still not definitive. Then the next result and bam, that's her, Nicole Ferreira, Erotic Fitness Model. Interesting, who do you think will get excommunicated first, me for JesusMan! or her? Dougall would be so proud of us.
This link was the most interesting as it had many a pic I would recognize more readily. I went to grade school and high school with her, and the black white pic is in the High School gym, the one below the prom (yes make all the fun you want of the late 80's heavy metal hair all you want, you know your just jealous). "Nikki" and I were in a few drama prodcutions together, but considering how long we knew each either we neither loved nor hated each other. My father will also get a kick out of this. Even better, we live in the same town, haven't seen her since High School. Now Piper, I just need to find Miss J.S. for you.
I looked for her husband online, who is a body builder. They have basically been dating since High School. No real luck besides his fathers obit from a few years ago. Too bad. I always liked Tom, even though I had a similar relationship to him as his wife. He had the best mullet though.
I also apologize if this embarasses you, but hey, it's already on the internet, please don't kick my ass.
If for some reason Tom or Nicki read this, contact me. I noticed neither of you have your own website, and guess what, I make 'em at very reasonble prices. I might even work a deal for some personal training.
If you do run into this, check out my site and Stool Sample Webcomics. you might recognize some of the characters. And all the rumor mongers . . . Don't Believe the Hype.
Thou Shalt Not Steal.
For a preview of tomorrows blog check out the Piper's Latest. Also the IceRocket Feed is down, so stick with us.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Buddha. Zeus. God. Somebody help me. Satan, you owe me. -Professor Hubert
Farnsworth, Futurama![]()
I am Malach, and I am an Erotic Fitnes Model!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 1:10 PM 5 comments
It's not easy being famous.
I know a lot of you have sent me messages that you hate real player and you want the Murk and Malach Show (man this needs a better name, suggestions?) is not in MP3 format. It seems Murk's ftp is having a bit of trouble loading up the file. It should be worked out soon.
The newest Wraith is loaded up, Chapter 3: Act 1. It is done in the Infinite Canvas Style, my first attempt, and I am fairly happy with it. I have also gotten some huge hits cause of our feature on the main page of And don't forget to bump those webcomic ranking buttons!
The Next JesusMan!, should be up by the end of this coming week. Excited?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him. - Sun Tzu
I am Malach and I am very busy right now.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 2:42 PM 5 comments
The Prank Call of Cthulhu
Ohh Mandy, you came and you gave without taking. . . .
So in the most recent episode of the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, which was entitled "The Prank Call of Cthulhu", Billy was sucked into the dimension of Cthulhu, to make prank calls for him while Cthulhu played golf. Isn't that the greatest cartoon ever?
Our 48 hour victory . .
Buckos Brigade! Check out the main page of and the section "48 hours with". Notice anything? And as always, if you want to join the Bucko's Brigade, hit the link.
Speaking of The Wraith, the next episode should be up tomorrow . . . and for a bit of a sneak preview, and in relation to our first article . . .
Malach and Murk's first podcast is up. It is real funny, especially our exclusive interview with Pope Benedict the 16th. You can find it here, dated Oct. 10th. Right now it is in Real Player Format, but will be reloaded as a MP3 later this weekend. 1/2 hour long. So far no one's head has exploded.
Ever Been to Scores?
For the life of me, I do not know how someone can drop that kind of cash at a strip club.
Life is so unfair.
Again, I am sick ..
But the mental picture of this, just makes me giggle, especially the guy going through the toll booth.
So you think they send him to relieve the troops in Iraq?
Background noise huh?
Ya'think maybe it is just in his head?
You not gonna sue?
Well that is just Un-American!
and not enough time.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to
talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who
never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous
yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle
you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!" - Jack
I am Malach, and I set the Internet on fire!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:44 PM 2 comments
Another one for the Murkster.
This will get his undies in a bunch.
I found another webcomic I liked to day. Yu + Me. Now I am not sure I like Yu + Me enough to be a consitent fan, (like I am for the comics in my links page), but the artwork is very good, and I like the story so far. Warning to the kids, the comic contains profanity and deals with homosexuality rather frankly (this is right Murk's alley).
As for Stool Sample Webcomics, I am about 75% finished with the next Wraith, and this will be my first attempt at the infinite canvas style. So far looks pretty good.
Since I did not win Powerball. . . .
But I did find like 10 of these stamps in my attic.
The Cheeseburger Bill.
You mean I can't sue Mickey D's for turning me into a fat tub of goo . . . what wrong with this country?
The Death The Free Idea Internet?
This is about the most interesting tech story in years, follow it closely.
Hachiman Dammit!
I can't sue gun manufacturers if I get shot is a drive by? The ideals of this country are just falling apart.
Y'know, I love to garden . .
But I am not a psycho. Hey baby, wanna come see my punkin' patch?
And I like Larry Bird a bunch too . . .
But this also seems a bit nutty. I guess he should be glad he's not a Wayne Gretsky (99) fan. If it were me I would tell the judge I was a Robert Parish (00) fan. Number were added for those of you that are sports impaired.
OK, I could give a crap about Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Anniston but . ..
I posted this, becuase of the "Vennifer" thing.
I think I smell a rat . . .
As Pilaf can attest to . . .
I cost him nothing to call me from San Francisco. Hey Angry Veteran, check out Skype.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Brendon there's nothing wrong with lying to women. Or the government. Or
parents. Or God. - Coach McGuirk, Home
Movies, damn you [adult swim].
I am Malach, and I am the Queen of Mesopotamia.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:22 PM 3 comments
This one is for the Murkster!
Funny super liberal stuff.
As I have stated before, I will be posting occasionaly webcomics that catch my eye. Todays is Drug War Carol. Drug War, is well illustrated in that 70's/80's Marvel*DC style. The webcomic, is complete is a take off on Charles Dicken's, A Christmas Carol but, instead of the Spirit of Biddhamas, it is basically a treatise of leaglizing marijuana. It is funny, as it is even more liberal than what I am. Overall, decent read, gets pretty slow with the Ghost of Christmas Past (who intentionally looks like Mr. Magoo)
, going through the history of making drugs illegal, and then the next two ghosts are a bit too quick. Murk will LOVE this one.
As for our podcast, Murk has assured me he is working on it, he is just in lazy mode.
So, do you live in the most expensive place to live in the US?
Thank Osiris I don't.
I'm gonna win buckos, got my tickets this morning.
Ah, Wilma. Don't eat Florida. You haven't been around too long and already making history.
Read this. And I have the power to send you there.
Well no Spit Sherlock.
If the PTC needs to inform you that Family Guy is not good family program, you might want to seek state services.
Yeah, if by layoffs they mean killed by the Buckos Brigade.
The tide turn in the war! I am sure the Generalissimo will have something to say about this.
Speaking of War!
I have been having some interesting converstion with Mr. Rene van Desen about webcomics. He has given me a reason to think about my bashing of the webcomics medium, and how I might better get my points across. You will see some of that in the next ReInventing Webcomics.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I never told a joke in my life. - Andy Kaufman
I am Malach, the next Powerball Winner!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:13 PM 3 comments
Malach is a kind god
To make up for yesturday . .
I will post 2 blogs today. My wife had a presentation for work, and had to use the computer all night.
It is so comforting to know that a registered sex offender lives about 6 blocks from me.
How about you. See there is some good use to Google knowing all this crap about everyone.
Oh yeah, it just gets better.
So when do you think Miers reveals she believes in the ideals of an Arayan race?
I live about 20 miles from the darn thing.
So if the dam breaks, I will just use my mind powers to divert the water. Acutally buckos, no need to fear, Malach is not in it's path.
O yeah, but can he run for president.
WATCH IT OPLY, only a matter of time before they use edged weapons.
Stupid Canucks.
Yeah that right, go play some Hockey, eh?
If there is not a Malachsaurus soon . .
There will be hell to pay.
Get ready for bread lines.
Unless of course you can afford to pay $20 a loaf.
WOW, Why didn't I come up with this plan?
You know, twins are spooky to begin with, but. . . .
Joe Torre.
Can you actually survive another year?
I wish that I was Jesse's girl!
There you go, A Malachsaurus!
Malach's Quote of the Day
Gimme back my hand... GIMME BACK MY HAND! - Ash, Evil Dead II
I am Malach, and I am off to play the Powerball!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:50 AM 2 comments
Sorry no blog today
All will be explained tomorrow.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:01 PM 0 comments
L. Ron Hubbard is the Anti Christ! *Become a moron, join the Scientologist movement!*
Evidently the Church of Scientology (Which is the most rediculous religion ever devised by man), is threatening a lawsuit against this site for derogatory use of their name *scientology is for fools* and infringing on the trade mark of the Church of Scientology*Scientologist live in LaLa land*. The site refuse to back down, and just so you know Malach *I could make a better religion that Scientology* is in your corner. You have at your disposal RubberSuit Studios . . . and I am going to give you a free link *The Church of Scientology promotes baby killing*.
No F'n Way!!!!
Stallone, Rocky VI. *The Church of Scientology promotes canabilism*Well, Foreman fought into his 50's.
Man, the Flagellator is already famous! *Scientologist taught the Catholic Priests to be child molesters*
Take that MegaTokyo, I bet you have never been on CNN.
Reason Number 42 not to be so fat you can't leave the house.
Fires. *Scientology will give you cancer*
Those Damn BRATZ Dolls. *Scientologist want to sell your kids crack*
Their killing all wholesome Barbie.
Ok, I am convinced.
*The Church Scientology conviced Hitler to exterminate the Jews*The White Sox will win the World Series bringing Armageddon one step closer. *Scientologist fund Al Queda* First it was the BoSox, if next year it is the Cubs, look for the Horsemen.
Tedy Bruschi.
YOU GO BOYFRIEND! *Scientologists nailed Christ to the Cross*
That's right, marshall your forces.
Cause Hill TV is coming for you soon. *Scientologist hate anyone who isn't white*
YOU TOO CAN BE AN ASTRONOMER! *A scientologist dumped you at your prom*
This is funny. I am going to find a plant to name JesusManLand.
Malach's Quote of the day!
Make money. Make more money. Make other people make money. - L. Ron
Hubbard*L. Ron Hubbard support the killings in Dafur*
Well, this blog should get me some intersting keyword hits. *The Church of Scientology preaches that beastiality is OK!*
I am Malach, Pope of The Church Scientology *The Church of Scientology will make you impotent*
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:46 PM 4 comments
JesusMan! Loves You.
But Malach loves you more.
There is a new JesusMan (3.15) up for you guys, and I must say, this is by far the best use of Paint Shop Pro I have done. Enjoy it. Thanks also to those of you who have been bombarding the webcomic buttons, we have pushed both comics into the 120's . . . perhaps the 100's soon enough. Also our Alexa ranking has gone up to about 380,000. At this rate we will be in the top 100,000 soon also.
Malach's quote of the day:
Sometimes you just have to pee in the sink. - Charles Bukowski
I am Malach and that is all I have today.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 5:48 PM 0 comments
Tommy Boy
My kids purchased the Robots DVD a couple of weeks ago. I have yet to sit down and watch it, but it looks pretty good. So today, me and the son are eating lunch, and the CD changer is playing in the background. Tom Waits
comes on, and the boy begins to dance around and sing the song. I find this strange for a few reasons. 1. The wife detests Tom Waits, and so he generally gets skipped when the music is on. 2. He is only 3 years old, and it is Tom Waits. When I asked him where he knows this song, he told me it is from the Robots DVD. Nice. Maybe Tom will make a ultra hip kids album like like They Might Be Giants did.
One of the things I enjoy quite a bit about is the random button. It allows me to skim articles and research other webcomics. I have been very critical of genre in general, but now, I want to give to a few I actually like, and somewhat follow.
Fetus-X: Discovered this bad boy yesterday. Extremely well done, very funny, very morose. It will insult everyone to some point. I LOVE IT. Warning, Adult.
8 1/2 by Eleven: You will be surprised I like this one. I was surprised I like it. I like it like I like For Better or Worse. It is a live oriented comic that just works. The humor is adaquate to good, the characters are well done, I read the entire archive in a few hours.
Injustice Clown: This comic just started in Sept, but it goes about it in all the right ways. The Art is not perfect, but this comic, made me piss pants laughing. Easy to get caught up with, maybe 20 pages. Also a bit mature.
More to come.
Now some real webcomics.
JesusMan! 3.15 is about 50% finished. I already have the entire next episode drafted out.
Necromancer Ned latest episode (Ned 9) is published and has taken a bit of Kubrickian turn.
And finally Friday Night RPG's Cartoon number 1.2 is out. And one last time, so save those long winded e-mails. This comic is the Doodles and mini cartoons me and some of my friends draw during our bi-monthly Role Playing sessions. The are weird, funny, a bit on the inside joke side, rude, and a product of silliness, and alchohol consumption. They are just meant to entertain, they are not intended to make sense.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over
again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda. - Dubya.
I am Malach, the Commissioner of Baseball.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:03 PM 6 comments
Tedy Bruschi
There are few like him.
Evidently according to a report in the by a local TV station, Tedy Bruschi will start practicing soon, and join the team after his PUP stint. This scares many people, fans, and you should have heard the talk on WEEI today.
As some one who has worked with stroke victims, I can assure you of this. There is just the same amount of risk for a stroke for Bruschi as there was before, contact football will not exacerbate it, and that what the media seems not to understand. Some even went so far as to call him selfish.
Do you not think that Bruschi has not only discussed this with his family, but the best Doctor's in the world? Do you not think if he increased his risk (beyond the normal risks of Football) he would hang it up. Bruschi is a VERY intelligent man. Let me put it to you this way. I am an artist. I love doing art, and all forms of it. If for some reason I got my hands crushed, went through surgery and physical therapy to bring them back, and a Doctor told me "Look Malach, your hands are good for most everday use, but if you paint, you have the risk of losing one or both", I would not paint?
Leave it to those religious freaks.
Beetohven? Just sitting around in Pennsylvania? That's like finding a Van Gogh in my attic.
Rain Rain Go Away.
Yeah so it has been raining since the BoSox lost the ALCS. My neighbors yard is under 6" of water. Supposed to clear up tomorrow, after a couple more inches of rain.
OK, now that is gross.
But is it worse than the McRib?
Are you ready for the next Great Depression?
I sure as hell ain't.
Spike Lee.
Yeah call me back whenever you make another good movie. Last one I remember is Do the Right Thing.
Breaking down the the Fourth Wall.
So the Angry Piper calls me today, and we got onto the topic of Public Enemy, and how we can have guests in our cars, and have some type of music mix in, and invariably, Public Enemy comes on, and how we shock our passengers by rapping right along.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Ain't no matter which way that the election goes, you should always be prepared.
You should be a person inside the world with knowledge of your terrain. And
if you lock yourself into the 2,000-by-3,000-square-mile, lower-48 box of
the United States, you're going to be frustrated by its limitations. You
gotta think outside the box. - Chuck D.
I am Malach, and I am a Prophet or Rage.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 3:48 PM 4 comments
Ahh Spacefarmer, you cheery ole bastard.
Thanks for the Pic!
Thankee to Spacefarmer for the pic you see at right. The extra funny part is that the pink parts of the map, is where all the hits for JesusMan! come from. Obviously there is some correlation but it currently escapes me.
As for Europe, Holland is defintely in JesusMan's corner. As you can see by this intense worship, and prostration before his image and the name of Malach. Soon, we will have our first European Buckos, and so they shall spread the word.
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
This show is just too good, and keeps getting better. I laughed my ass off at this morning's episode, where Mandy enters a beauty pageant. They go through all the competitions: Evening Wear, Swim Suit, Western Wear, etc. The past competition was the "gom jabbar" competition. Who but a select few people would even understand that joke. And Mandy singing "Somewhere over the Rainbow" . . . .
Which brings me to
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Look at me, I am a kitty cat
I wear a bowl of peanuts for a hat
If I eat them all then I'll get fat
La la la la la I am a kitty cat! -Grim
Let me guess, this family lives in JesusLand.
One of the reasons why Pot should be legal.
C'mon now, this guy aint a drug dealer. He ain't killing babies in drive bys.
Malach's Quote of the Day Part Duece.
Someday there'll be a cure for pain
That's the day I throw my drugs away
When they find a cure for pain - Mark Sandman, Morphine![]()
They will merge and kill each other off, only to be overtaken by the underground.
Go ahead, Hill-TV is waiting for you.
You know, I miss all those Dubya defenders.
Where have they all gone? I can no longer find them crawling the internet to debate with.
Gun rights activist are nutty.
Yeah this should turn out all rosey.
Neck Bolts make me hot.
If I wasn't happily married . . .
Ok, Ratzy . . .
Boxing huh? How about codemning selling indulgences?
It is a sad day in TV land.
When two dumb bimbos can't keep their show on air.
Latest JesusMan is behind as the digital camera has been left at my wifes work. Thanks to all you guys, our Alexa ranking is now around 450,000. That is pretty good, hopefully we are in the top 100, 000 by Xmas.
I am Malach, friend to the small woodland creatures.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:59 PM 3 comments
The Seven Deadly Sins.
It seems our podcast is being delayed a bit further, but no fear buckos, it will be here by the weekend, I am assured of that by the Good Dr. Murk.
The new Wraith was loaded up last night, episode 2.11, and the PSP is coming along rather nicely. I am putting together the final inking touches of the next JesusMan! page, which surprisingly will be the last one of this episode; the next episode will bring a bit of a change to JesusMan! in style, I can't wait to unveil it. As for the first JesusMan hard comic, that is coming along nicely, and should be up and selling hopefully by the end of the month. And lastly, you might get a Friday Night RPG Cartoons episode by the end of the weekend.
This is very scary.
It seems as if it is going to be Christmas or heat.
OK, we know, the Catholic Church has issues.
Can we now move on?
Dubya just gets scarier and scarier.
The man just should keep his mouth shut.
So they think joining forces will protect them from Hill TV?
They will never defeat tthe Underground!
How does Mike Tice keep his job?
You never ear about things like this with the Patriots.
This makes me laugh. The joke around town is that if it was Edgar Renteria, he would drop them and drown too. All these Boston athletes, they all come back. They hate when they are here, but then miss the limelight. Derek Lowe, Pedro Martinez, Lawyer Milloy, they all still hang out here.
Man am I craving the Chinese food.
And this did not help, made me by Ramen Noodles at the store.
This aint a shock.
Big Bird has been on Sesame St. for 35 years.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
You can't keep your eyes closed forever! You have to breathe sometime! - Zim
I am Malach, and I am International Shippings bitch.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:24 PM 5 comments
Now for some more uplifting stuff.
RubberSuit Studios Update.
I am finishing up on the new Wraith, and then the series will take a brief hiatus so I can do a few things. The first is to finish up this episode of JesusMan!, which will take either 2 or 3 more pages. After that is done, JesusMan! will be on a slight haitus as the series goes through a bit of a design change. Second, get the first JesusMan! hard comic out. After that both series should be back on the once a week schedule as you are used too.
I have another article published in the ReInventing Webcomics series. It is another fun read and should garnish some more attention from the Europeans.
The RubberSuit Studios Flea Market, after some very successful sales, has some new items up for bid. This is more oriented to PC gamers and TCG nerds.
Because of all your good work, our Alexa rating is around 750,000! That is up alomost 4 million places in a month!
Another War Update
This time from our Minister of Information. This is a VERY GOOD read, and highly interesting to those of you looking to make a living with this Internet thing.
So, is your Gaydar going off?
I love you Master Frodo! Speaking of gaydar, which is a funny word, did you know they have a store in Provincetown, MA called Gay Mart?
Now this is interesting.
Government always looking for a handout.
World's Dumbest Crooks.
You know, it is just so much easier to rob a bank. I really don't understand the mindset.
Microsoft is keeping me down!
So where can I sue the Microsoft monopoly? There are forcing me to, um, limit, um, you know that thing.
You know this is really UFO's right. I never use Logan anyway. Green Airpot in Warwick, RI all the way.
The Blue freaks had it coming.
This is priceless. HEY UNICEF, ok picture this. The Smurf, all bombed out, bloody, and dead, and JESUSMAN! appears . . . . HUH? C'mon!
This whole Internet buying frenzy is fun to watch
See the dominos fall into place!
Malach's Quote of the day.
I'm hip about time. - Captain America, Easy
I am Malach, and I realized, that you need to play in the system.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:14 PM 2 comments
As you know, we are at war. Malach would like to announce, that the Bucko Brigade has officially taken control of Holland. As you can see by these articles of surrender, they have already started installing the Pictures of Murk as if he was Mao Tse Tung. As you can also see, they quote verbatim from the Bible of Malachia. We even have (WebcomicWiki new name) worried. See the recent conversation of Malach and some Admins. And soon my pretties, you will hear the silky sweet serpents tongue of Malach and Murk, our new podcast is 99% ready for broadcast.
So where does this leave you? You do not want to be left out when we take over? Join the ranks of the swelling army by contacting the Generalissimo, or sign up for swelling ranks the Buckos Brigade!
Now this also means you will soon have a new ReInventing Webcomics article, that those Tulip Boys can stress over, and a new Wraith soon, and perhaps several more pages of Star Crossed Lovers.
Hail the New World Order!
About Yesterday's Blog.Yes, it was a bit tear jerking and sad, and today I have another one for you. I am not a morose person, nor do I dwell over death much, but sometimes these things come out.
I had a friend in college, who I will refer to him as "Herliflea" or "B", for short. Herliflea and I were friends since the middle of freshman year. He was the first gay person I had ever been friends with. It took B two years of college to realize he was gay (he was gayer that Carson Kressley, he would set a room on fire he was so flaming), mainly because of his strict Catholic upbringing, and his fear of rejection.
We all knew B was gay, even though he denied it, and when he finally came out of the closet, it kind of shocked him no one was surprised. He one time asked me why, and I told him he was the "Faggiest Fag, I have ever met". He just kind of laughed. He was a very kind, loving, and caring person. He would walk through fire for any of his friends. He was about the most true and loyal non family member I have ever met. When he finally told his parents that he was gay, they basically cut off all contact with him. That did not go over well especially with his depression. We became his family. He was the mother.
I spent 5 years with him in college, I graduated, he stayed on, and we stayed in touch. I visited him so often. He was on the 10 year college plan, and to make ends meet became an RA. I knew this was a mistake, and told B so, but I understood, it was a easy war for him to save and make money. B was a bit of a walking party, and I knew that would not change much, even with RZ status. B was so kind and motherly, that he began to have underclassmen, at his RA suite to drink and such, so they would not get in trouble. Another big mistake.
I was not present for any of these parties, but heard about them on occasion, but never really said anything. It seems one night, a rather large party was going on at his suite, and a freshman student overdosed on something. I don't know what it was, or exactly how it happened, but the kid suffered some minor brain damage from it. Needless to say, B felt a lot of guilt over that, more guilt as he was raked over the coals by the school, stripped of his RA status, and charged with some type of accessory to harming minors. He also had the potential to be expelled.
B had suffered from depression from the time he was "concious of his homosexuality" (puberty). Well, from what I understand, this is about the worst depression anyone had ever seen him in. I tried calling him that week, but only got his answering machine. When I did not hear from him, so I decided that I would go see him the next day after work. I never got that chance.
B commited suicide. I am going to try to say this with out sound very strange, but being the drama queen that he was, he could not do the easy thing. I went for a drive in his car, to the beach, several miles from school. Drove onto the beach, way down past the high tide line, and let the tide come in on him. I never found out if drowing was the official cause of death. The next morning as the tide rolled out, there was his car, and his body, for the morning beach goers.
I have done two paintings, for B. One is above the other is in a office in Fall River (I have not photo'd it). This was done while he was living. This is outside the painting studio at school, a chair he loved to sit in and watch me or someone else paint. While B was a decent drawer, he was fascinated by painting. I am not sure why I painted it with him not in the chair, but in hindsight, the painting captured him and his death ideally. His vibrancy, his color, his life .. . and the empty chair of his death. The song Wave of Mutilation, by the Pixies, also now has a different meaning for me. B, being a Queen, was mostly into showtunes, and dance music. Hated the Pixies, except loved this song.
I still think about B every so often, and my Uncles death brought some of that back. OK, another weird aside. The Blogger spellcheck, of course does not recognize "Herliflea", but it suggested replacement is "whirlpool" . . . Freaky.
This will be the end of the morose postings for a while.
I am Malach, and I wish Herliflea could see what I am doing now.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:10 PM 1 comments
Uncle Charlie
Say hello 2 Heaven.
My Uncle Charlie passed away this morning, very suddenly. Without getting too much into his personal life, I would like to give a little pseudo-eulogy.
I very rarely saw Charlie in the past 10 years. He lived in Chicago, I live in MA. He still came here for the important events, and we still communicated via cards, and occasionally e-mail, and while I would of rather had more personal visits that was OK. When I was a child, he was defintely around more often, but time sometimes does this, and still it was always OK.
Charlie, was for lack a better term, always the "different" one in the family. Beside different, he was a kind, intelligent, and caring person. He was always available via e-mail, or phone, whenever needed, even if that was seldom, especially to his large family of siblings. I always got the feeling he was somewhat of a mediator of that crew. Charlie also exposed his family to a side of life, we might never have been exposed to, making us all better, and more accepting people.
My young 3 year old son this evening, went about his ritual of picking out books to read before bedtime. The book he picked to night, was a book Uncle Charlie had given him, when he was born. Yes, my son does stuff like that all the time.
Even with the little contact we had as adults, there was and still is a place in my heart for Uncle Charlie. You will be missed.
Your Godson.
That is all for today. Life your life to the fullest, and always accept people for who they are.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:36 PM 3 comments
So my young son, Sam, has discovered the music of Samiam, which is one of the rotating albums in my cd player. You should of seen him rock out to "Capsized". I preceded to tell him that I saw Samiam, when they opened for Bad Relgion . . . he was so jealous.
NEVER EVER view porn at the office.
Now really, you can't wait until you get home? And yes, I can see porn being a diversion, but . .
Anther reason to detest Europeans.Ever seen Lazytown? Well your in for a treat. Basically is is about your typical lay fatass American city, called Lazytown. This annoying French gymast named Sporticus, comes to save them from their laziness. AWFUL stuff. I'd rather watch Barney. If you have Noggin, take a look, watch for 15 minutes, I dare you.
What next? 1337? Don't even get me started on "Leet".
OK . . .
Pehaps Toyi can explain this one. Don't know about you, but I would take a second mortgage out on a dishwasher.
the Sexiest Woman alive?
Jessica Beil? I don't really see it.
The Annual IG awards.
These are always fun. Check out their website for more zanity (Malach word, zany insanity).
Malach's Quote of the Day.
My new hypothesis: If we're built from Spirals while living in a giant Spiral,
then is it possible that everything we put our hands to is infused with the
Spiral? - Maximillian Cohen, PI
I am Malach, and Hall and Oates want to bear my children.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 2:58 PM 5 comments
Hey Buckos and Buckarinos!
This information, will explode your hard drive in 10 minutes.
Some stuff for you guys. There is a new JesusMan! uploaded, episode 3.14. As for the series, there are about 2 maybe three more pages of the next episode, and the JesusMan! will take a sort of hiatus. The next episode will be called "Iscariot" and will be done in the Infinite Canvas style. It will be a bit more darker, more black comedy, and possibly be several canvas panels long. I expect it to take me several weeks to complete one.
Addtionally, I have re-photoed all of JesusMan!, and reloaded all the pages. I am going to clean them up a bit, and then get the first JesusMan! book on the market, hopefully before Christmas (how appropriate). Further, I am trying to work a business deal with one of my links partners, to bring you t-shirts, posters, more stickers, and maybe just maybe signed original comic panels. Stay tuned.
I just spoke to Murk, and hopefully the first podcast will be up the latest Monday. He is just doing some last minute editing. If you would like to advertise on this podcast, contact me or Murk.
And finally, I purchased the domain name today. I did it for possible future exapansion, and give Stool Sample a broader web identity. If you click the link, it will forward you to the redesigned page. Well see what else happens in the future.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
It over, not surprising; you'll see a brand new team next year. Paul Kanerko will be the first baseman.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
God is a concept by which we measure our pain. - John
I am Malach and I could kick your arse.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:03 PM 6 comments
Crocodile Rock
See ya Later Alligator.
This is just too freaking funny. I mean first off, Burmese Python are taking over the Everglades. Hey Doofus, when you see that Python in the pet store, they get BIG! I have empathy for the Python though, this is how I look after a taco gorge fest. And it is such an interesting picture too.
Congrats and all but . . . .
If I had just lost all my personal belongings, home, and whatever in a hurricane, I don't think I would be looking for a big score at the Casino. I wonder what SlotsAnswerMan has to say to that.
So now what is the Isreali army supposed to use?
Really now, read the Constitution.
Ok, it is SCIENCE class, not Theology.
So if Mark Martz dies . .
I bet the Rams win the SuperBowl.
You People South of the Mason Dixon Line,
Really need to lighten up. You head would explode walking down any New York City street. It a MANNEQUIN . . . and that movie wasn't real.
I don't swear that often . .
But this is gonna be one fucked up kid. And seriously they call them "TomKat" EWWWWWWW!
Leave it to the Asians . . .
If you find yourself sitting in front of a video game for 12 hours, never mind 50. You might be a addict. Hey I call dibs on Video Game Addicts Anonymous!
A sad day for the world.
Y'know, I say give him a medal for being married to her for as long as he has. Man I would have spilled her brainpan with a golf club by now. I mean this is got to be worse than being captured by Al Queda, no?
Eric Cartman was right.
But is he as gay as Frodo and Sam?
And it would look so cool next to the stuffed Bison!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Well this is what a lack of decent pitching depth gets you. I've moved on.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Eww, Daddy, this tastes like Gramma! - Ralph Wiggum.
I am Malach, and the Crocodile Hunter can't carry my jock.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:13 PM 7 comments