

Some updates tonight. First there is a new 8 1/2 By Eleven, episode 545. Second Tainted Love Erotic Stories was updated with the next part of Along the Road (Chapter 3). Again TLES is rated 18+. And finally, a very well written and a bit heartrenching story from Ben Byrd called Duty. While I don't want to give too much away it is a bit of a personal story about a family pet.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Let see, Beckett looked freaking awesome last night, and they are up 7 - 0 right now. Schill like I said yesterday is going on the 15 day DL, tired sholder, slight discomfort, no structural damage. Don't be surprised if the hold him out until after the All Star Break. Their rotation is set up right now with a day off, where they can skip Schilling, and not break the rotation, and then they can either bring up Daverne Hansack, Kayson Gabbard, or even John Lester (Lester I doubt they would bring up for one start), and get quality start. These guys along with Clay Buckholds are the arms of the future. They are also still 9 up on the second place Yanks.

Mood: Ain't depth great?

Ohh Dubya.
How long you got left?

There are claims by many that Dr. Murk is dead, but check out what I recieved today.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day.

I am Malach and I want to run through your wicked garden.


Toyi said...

OMG that paid tribute to Murk lol

It was not paid . .

Toyi said...

whatever, is a mistery anyways... lol

Yay, conspiracies!

AngryMan said...

So, Murk turned into a Wookie? Does he live on Kashyyyk?

No, I think he is employing Wookies.

Plus the Empire destroyed Kashyyk long ago.

AngryMan said...

What? When?

Trust me on this one