Well let see, not exactly a plethora as promised, but we have something new from Fred VanDoo the next part of his Killing All That Holds You series. This one is called One-X. This is a 16 part sci fi pulp style story.
Also we got a bit of a new rant from Twisted Darkness, this one is called Just A Little Thing. Twisted in a very talented writer, albeit young.
I added some cool stuff to my Zazzle Store, Including some left leaning t-shirts like this one. Also there are a couple of rated R and PG13 t-shirt , but you will need to register with Zazzle, prove your age to see them.
The Patterson-Gimlin Big Foot Film.
Perhaps the most interesting film in crytozoologies history, and sparked some conversation at this blog. Wikipedia has a pretty even handed article on it. Now, Malach is not huge into the paranormal and such, but I do have some interest in it. I would not shock me either to find new strange creatures in unexplored parts of the world. I am not kind of balance between believer and skeptic.
But that Patterson-Gimli Film is different. I remember seeing it as a kid, it really freaked me out as it was so real (notice I did not say realistic). M.K. Davis used a PC to clean up the film and take a lot of shakiness out of it in early 2005 edit. He also did this one, which focuses on some interesting muscle movements and the head below.
You Are Listening Too .. .
Yer Blues, off The White Album. One of the heaviest song The Beatles did thus far in their career, and obvious influence on Led Zepplin, who would get together the year this album was released. Lennon intended the song to be a parody of British Blues musicians, but the song is sung with such force and spirit many listeners take it very literally with it extremely suicidal lyrics, and references to cosmology.
The song gets it thick deep feeling by being recorded in an Abbey Road studio not much bigger than a large closet. Ringo loved this song, as it's stripped down nature reminded him of the early stuff. This song also shows the proto hard rock direction the Beatles woulds be going in for their next couple of albums, aka the Get Back sessions. There is a quiet backing vocal in this song, that was Lennon basically singing guide vocals during instrument recording. This was mixed with his actual vocal. This backing vocal can be slightly heard in places where the main vocal in not being sung.
Malach loves this song, and for fun, play some Zep along with it.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Back to Yankees Sox again, 3rd inning, 3-2 bad guys. It seems Torre is further ostracizing A-Rod also.
Why you should not buy health and beauty aids at a dollar store.
Google is officially big brother. It is kind of fun, go fool around with it. Also just found out they purchased FeedBurner.
Malach's Quote/Video of the Day
I am Malach and I call Mick Jagger, Micheal also.
COOL! More stuff on th Pattrson film!
At least two things raise questions about its authenticity. One is circumstantial: I seem to recall hearin that Pattrson was already "pitchin" a Bigfoot film when he went out in th woods & happmd to find Bigfoot. Ts just a little too cozy. Th othr thing is more telling: I seem also to recall somone shooting film of th exackt location of th Pattrson film & showin that th creature in th Pattrson film really wunt no biggr than man-sizd -- not likely to leave tracks th size o them Pattrson latr made casts of.
But Im baffld by fokes who look at th film an say its OVIOUSLY a guy in a suit. They claim to see th seams in th suit -- th zippr, evn! Talk about seein exackly what you wanna see! As I said bfore: I suspect its a hoax, but it surely aint no haff-assd one.
P.S. Hey, Mal, somtimes yer blog loads okay, but th pop-up coment-window dont. You might wanna consider disablin th "coments in a new window" option. Itll remove one little opprtunity fer a "glitch" that might keep fokes from bein able to post coments. Just a thougt.
Yes, that what is weird about this film, there aren't many that can convince me they are a hoax and real at the same time.
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