There is a new multi part story in Tainted Love Erotic Stories, this one is part one of The Story of Jade. As always TLES is 18+. Also, The Poetry of Christopher has updated with a short but meaningful poem called Go Slowly. Also Sunshine has updated with a strip about love, number 46.
The Celtics Draft.
Man, Ainge traded away the number 5 pick, Szczerbiak, and Delonte West, for Ray Allen. WTF, you guys want no defense next year? Sure your gonna score 120 points a game and probably win the Atlantic Conference, but man. You picked up an guy who was injured most of '06 and 32 years old. If you made a trade I was hoping for Garnett, or keep the 5, trade Peirce and build around Jefferson, Green, Tony Allen and the number 5.
I hope this means, there is something else in the works, like someone who can actually play defense. If the aim was to win in the short term, this wasn't it.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Once Again, we got a day off.
Woah . .
This is very interesting further info about Chris Benoit . . . Benoit Wiki entry was edited early Monday, stating he had missed some matches because of the death of his wife, hours before police even found the bodies, and the IP came from Stamford CT, corporate home of WWE. It would be interesting to see if Benoit edited them himself, by some sort of home log in to the WWE servers.
If you ever take a ride down I95 in CT. When you hit Stamford, look south, the WWE headquarters are right off the highway.
I would believe this, my cat Karma is the avatar of Bast.
Rover Opportunity
For a thing that was supposed to last maybe 90 days, those Rovers have been amazing. We have learned more about Mars in the past 3 years, that we did in the previous 30 from these things.
Malach's Quote/Video of the Day
I am Malach and I own the Apocalypse Ponies.
slowly, slowly is the best way to go YEAH!!!
eh eh ehe he eh that was very funny video, sorry but i have to get home to check these videos out.
Ladies and gentlemen, Death!
I've heard that Garnett will be more willing to go to Boston w/o Wally-boy being there.
Blogger crapped the bed last night, hence no blog
Actually it might be an issue with GoDaddy.
Mmmm hot GoDaddy commercial!
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