546 of 8 1/2 By Eleven is up as is number 43 of Sunshine. As for Sunshine, Hex has give me 4 - 5 emergency Sunshines, so I will be interrupt starting tomorrow with these, and they are extra weird.
An Interesting Debate.
Yeah, I guess I have a personal bias. It's cool and all, but was rather simple for me to do. Part of the debate was could someone get paid selling image like this? I am not totally sure, but I don't think so.
Any other opinions? Again, I am probably biased being a traditional artist.
You are listening too . . .
Here Comes the Sun, off Abbey Road, another extremely popular George Harrison composition. Interestingly, out of the three hits off of Abbey Road, Harrison penned two of them, the other we already explored with Something.
The songs genesis began with a songwriting collaboration Harrison had with Eric Clapton on the song Badge (you can hear that by clicking me), which was recorded by Clapton's groups Cream. Both songs feature a similar guitar rift. The final version of Here Comes the Sun was written in Eric Clapton's Garden while Harrison was avoiding Apple Records meetings. '69 was a difficult year for Harrison; he was arrested for marijuana possession, he had a severe case of tonsilitis, and he had also quit the band for a extended period. He wrote a song as an ending to this period, and perhaps could see the future of the Beatles in front of him. Many believe Harrison was inspired by the grueling Abbey Road shifts, and his sabbatical from Abbey Road Studios during those stressful sessions. At the time, everyone was just trying to get the album done, before their inevitable break up.
Harrison did the lead vocal, acoustic guitar, moog synthesizer, and the handclaps; McCartney: backing vocals, bass, and also handclaps; Ringo of course did the percussion. Lennon did not contribute, at the time he was recovering from a car accident. Various uncredited muscians played many of the backing orchestral instruments.
Here Comes the Sun is argueably Harrison's most beloved song and was voted so in 2006 by Harrison, who's songs before that had a fairly melocholy dourness to them, reversed with this song (and some of his later solo stuff). It was a very positive, upbeat song, without shmaltzy. Also, as the begining of the second side of the album, it made a nice fresh start (something that is lost with the CD age).
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Day off . . . and the Yanks lost three in a row, to fall back to 10.5 behind. And Clemens lost again. There is also a interesting article here about Carl Pavano; man does he make the Matt Clement signing look good.
Holy Crap.
I been on these things a number of times . . . mental note, look for cables wrapped around body parts.
What has Malach always told you.
The state motto is "Live Free or Die" and I am serious, there are no laws up in New Hampshire.
Uhh, yeah sorry.
The all powerful Malach has a great and mighty thirst.
There seems to be a AWFUL LOT of trust involved here.
Happy Summer Solstice.
Malach would be there, but my druid robes are being cleaned.
Mother Paris.
Malach's Quote/Video of the Day
I am Malach and lil' darlin' it seems like years since it's been here.
Here Comes the Sun is my one of my favorite Beatles' songs. That's one of the reasons why Harrison is my favorite Beatles.
Two feet down billions to go before all Hu-Man's are feetless.
I LOVE the vid clip. Harrison and Paul SIMON???? Get the fuck out of here!!!!!! That's sooooo cool. Two of my most favorite musicians/songwriters....
Harrison, Simon is from Early Saturday Night Live.
I always like Here Comes the Sun because you can sing it after Here Comes the Rain Again during a day.
Cash, losing feet is all part of our evolution as Humans.
I love too how Harrison is dressed as 70's rock star and Simon super nerd.
oh I do have certain respect for rides,they can take lot more from you than what you can even think, they can even ake the fun away from you in a second.
What are those tax evaders trying to accomplish? OMG people go nuts for money.
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