Happy Day!
Today is Visit a D-Level Celebrity in the Hospital Day! And it nice to see that both David Hasselhoff and Rob Schneider celebrate the day. So have a blast on VaD-LCitH Day! Anyone check to see if the Angry Piper is currently in the hospital?
And to celebrate.
Plamer has gone and made a new episode of Mike the Disembodied Anime Freak! So spec out episode 1.5. Palmer apologizes for the lenghty hiatus, he has acquired the Extremus Lazycocyl virus.
I also found this.
The worst webcomic ever. Check out my review at Drunk Comic Reviews (the first post they have had in months). I challenge anyone to find one worse.
Malach is ALWAYS right.
See I told you he was a Timelord.
A hunka hunka burnin' love!
So odds on Koizumi marrying Lisa Marie?
On the next episode of when Hammerhead Sharks Gone Wild!
Meet Henrietta, she's slept with 55 other Hammerheads.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Amazing Catch. 12 wins in a row, 16 games without a error to tie a major league record. Will probably lose tonight starting a Kansas City Castoff. Had to end sooner or later.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The Duc soon imitated his old friend's little infamy and wagered that, enormous as Invictus' prick might be, he could calmly down three bottles of wine while lying embuggered upon it. - 120 Days of Sodom, The Marquis de Sade.
I am Malach and I celebrate VaD-LCitH Day!
Happy Visit a D-Level Celebrity in the Hospital Day!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 5:48 PM 14 comments
WoW, lots of stuff.
Some crazy stuff at WoW today.
First, Malach could not wait to update his own blog with some major breaking news. Spacefarmer faked his death! *GASP* Dakota Fanning is what? OMG! Americans hate soccer! And comments from Mickey Mouse, Dakota herself and Tom Baker! NUTTY STUFF!
Some updates.
Fat Bug. This is going to be a huge episode. It is probably 50 panels of art (which 43 of them are completely inked. Needless to say, between lack of time, and the length, it will be another week. This one will be worth it.
The Murk and Malach Radio Show. You might get a "new" one of these. It will actually be a retrosepective of all our interviews, along with commentary, and a new interview. Recorded it today, Murk is talking like it will be out this weekend.
Other Webcomics. No clue. I am assuming, since some of these kids are getting out of school, there will be some updates.
You are Listening too . . .
Ol' 55, by Tom Waits. So Piper, you like this stuff yet? This is actually Tom's most covered song. Just for kicks, check out the Ben Fold's song, I loaded on my MySpace, a remake of Dr. Dre's Bitches Ain't Shit.
Any Howard Stern fans out there?
Malach was, until he went to Sattelite. Well here's a link to Eric the Midgets MySpace . . . be kind. Yeah I know he makes it too easy.
Welcome to Disney World.
Have fun, and be safe.
Hey Britney. AKA When White Trash Become Rich and Famous Part 75.
Now this is a GREAT way to get the Papparazzi off your back! BTW, enjoy Kevin Federline's MySpace . . . I did not realize so much stuff ryhmed with Federline.
Man the SCJ really don't like Bush do they.
Guantanamo, illegal, and against the Geneva Convetions, noooooo!
What the Fug do they smoke out in the Midwest.
So let just roll back to the voting rights in this country to White Male Property Owners. (I could still vote, nyaa, nyaa, nyaa, nyaa, nyaa)
Hey, GOP?
Where the Hell were you? Huh? Trying to fix Iraq you say? Actually to vote you need to be a White Male Christian Property Owner Who Doesn't Burn Flags.
I now Big Papi.
And A-rod, your no Big Papi. You, I HATE Ron Borges, but he right here.
Seriously, can someone explain to me . . .
Why fighters, continually come out of retirement? I mean, I don't know Holyfield's financial postion, but I got to think he don't need the money. Why not play softball?
RIP, Johnny Jenkins.
If you have never heard of Johnny Jenkins, you need to search out his music right now.
One step closer.
Soon, very soon, our phone bill will be $5.00 or less per month. Thanks to Skype and Vonage.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
12 in a row? 3 outs for Papelbon, sorry make that 2. OK make it 1. I asked God for 20.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
If this gas ignites, it'll blow you to Kingdom Come, you venal viper! - Batman
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:29 PM 8 comments
How About them Red Sox!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
This team has come together. They are on an 11 win in a row tear. There pitching has been awesome, offense unbelievable, and defense, well they are one game away without an error to tying a major league record. This is easily the best Red Sox team I have ever seen (even better than '86 or '04), and man, if the Mets are the best team in the NL, the NL's got issues.
Big Shock.
Evidently people have seen the supposed dead Spacefarmer. You heard it hear first, he's a goddamn timelord, and I have pics to prove it . . . tomorrow.
This is interesting.
There were big complaints about redistricting in the last round of elections, it will be interesting to see what occurs in Florida and Ohio if the SCJ decides to delve into that.
This isn't over.
This is stupid. My right to burn the flag in protest supercedes some idiotic respect thing. If this ever become law, this blog will be filled with pics of Malach burning the flag. It is also stupid that they could not agree on anything.
Some interesting stuff in China.
It seems the freedom being fostered in China, has people standing up for their "rights". Remember Tianamen Square! This is a new China . . . old China would have never claimed this mistake either. Mark my words, China is going to look the other way when the US goes after Korea.
Uhh, yeah . ..
Good luck with that.
Bye guys, you will be missed.
Some day.
We will find out that there were advanced civilization before Mesopotamia and all this stuff will make sense.
Tell me if this makes sense.
Some nutty Republican Iowa Senator, wants to tax the illegal sex trade in this country, and then arrest pimps and prostitutes on tax evasion. Umm, how about just enforcing the laws that say prostitution is illegal?
Now this thing is cool.
When I am reincarnated I want to be one of these.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
That's how it goes, you think you're on top of the world, and suddenly they spring Armageddon on you. The Great War, the Last Battle. Heaven versus Hell, three rounds, one Fall, no submission. And that'd be that. No more world. That's what the end of the world meant. No more world. Just endless Heaven or, depending who won, endless Hell. Crowley didn't know which was worse. - Good Omens
I am Malach, and my favorite animal used to be a wolverine.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:50 PM 2 comments
Peter Gammons
Peter Gammons.
Many sports fans will be familiar with Peter Gammons. Peter Gammons, as a sports journalist is synonomous with baseball. He is an excellent writer, TV personality, and overall really great guy. He does alot for charity and he is an ambassador to baseball, New England, and local charities. I met Peter Gammons once a long time ago, and I was blown away by his niceness, courtesy, intelligence, and overall interest in whatever was being discussed.
What can I say about his career. Started as an intern at the Boston Globe, intially covering the Red Sox. He became perhaps the most beloved sports columnist in the city, next to Will McDonough, moved on to Sports Illustrated, and is now the main stay for ESPN's Baseball coverage. He is regarded as the top reporter in baseball with fans, players, managers, and owners. He is known for high profile interviews, breaking news and trades, and being a promoter of the sport. He appears in on numerous TV and Radio programs, and has authored numerous books. He is has recieved awards to numerous to name, and is even a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame.One thing, non New Englander might not know, is he is a huge fan of music, especially indie music. He is a huge charity sponsor. Check out his website Hot Stove, Cool Music, check out the pics of him on stage (and Theo Epstein) with the likes of Buffalo Tom, Juliana Hatfield, Letters to Cleo, and other famous and not so famous local bands.
Peter Gammons suffered an aneurysm today. Our prayers are with him.
You are Listening too . . .
Gammons is also a big Tom Waits fan. We return to Tom Waits with a song dedicated to Gammons. Old Shoes (& Picture Postcards) off the 1973 album, Closing Time. This is also an effort to covert Piper to the greatness that is Tom Waits with some stuff off his first album.
Malach went off today.
Malach spent the day in Juvenille Court with one of his clients. This WoW post resulted from it. This is quite the rant so enjoy.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Welcome back Pedro, right now kicking the ass of the best team the NL. Going for 10 in a row. I asked God for 20 in a row, let's see if he is real.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
God moves in extremely mysterious, not to say, circuitous ways. God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, [ie., everybody.] to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time. - Good Omens (currently reading, very good, review soon)
I am Malach, and I hate juvenille court.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:07 PM 10 comments
Comin' down from the buzz . . .
The Day After.
Man the day after Angry Feckin' Piper day is rough. I barley made it through work. I left up the Ween song, Piper's Theme, to help me come down . . . I smell potatoes. You don't like this Ween song, go listen to another one at the Malach MySpace.
Happy 21st Birthday.
To MySpace Stalker number 16, Mr. Furtado!
I think were arming the Japanese
I think were arming the Japanese
I really think so . . . .
Hey Warren Buffet . . .
So if you split that $44 Billion evenly among every american thats like $150 a piece . . . almost as good as the Dubya tax Rebate . .
The Backstreet Boys are still together?
Flag Burning.
Outlawing flag burning is like making a law that says you cannot say bad things about the government. What is this Soviet Russia?
This is very interesting.
The Supreme Court is weighed heavily in Dubya's favor, but they think that environmental issues are so important to this countries future, they are going to take up whether the SC is going to force the government to have stricter regulation of carbon dioxide admissions, stay tuned to this one.
Octopus dumplings. No serious I would eat that.
RIP Harriet.
I only hope to live half as long as you.
I hope you saw last night's Venture Bros.
Shame on you if you did not.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
What can I say, Big Papi is the most clutch hitter in the game. So now the Sox have to figure out how to dump Tavares and Seanez. They are paying these guys like $7million dollars to ruin ma summah. With Hansen, DelCarmen, Timlin, Papelbon, and Lopez, you got what you need for a bullpen. Check out these upcoming pitching matches. Pedro vs. Beckett, wednesday, and Schilling vs. Glavine Thursday. . . . gonna be fun. Welcome back Petey. You did great things for the Sox.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
So this shows about 3 hookers and their mother? - Brian (watching Sex in the City), Family Guy.
I am Malach and I am the 4th Robin.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:44 PM 4 comments
Happy Feckin' Angry Piper Day!
Why is it Angry Piper Day?
Why the feck not! It is Angry Piper Day! So put on your plaid dress, throw back a Guiness, play a stinking animal bladder, and let your teeth rot!
Malach has known Angry Piper for + 20 years, and he just wants to celebrate the Angry Piper, his friend, muse, and occasional lover. I was working on my latest painting, and this song, The Blarney Stone by Ween, made me think of me compadre, and his Father's Day gift for his pappy (as for Ween, we will be going on a tour of Ween real soon).
So grab your claymores, you IRA flags, and you leprechauns, and dance a jig, for today it ANGRY PIPER DAY!
Speaking of the latest painting.I got a hour or two in on it today. I did extensive work to the figure itself, a lot of detail thrown in and now this baby is about 90% done. Compare it to the last update. This one will defintely be done soon, though that is sometimes hard to gauge. Listening to The Mollusk by Ween for this session. Gotta let it dry a bit, and then a bit more work.
Don't Forget.
DON'T YOU DARE FORGET! Tonight 10:30PM, season premiere!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Another rainout. We have gotten more rain in the past 3 months than what we have gotten in 2005. Game is rescheduled for the mutual off day tomorrow. Pedro here on Wednesday!
Malach's Quote of the Day!
Officer, there's a man in a butterfly suit shooting my robot with a laser beam. - Dr. Venture
I am Malach and I can't believe Gene and Dean are dead, and the song playing right now is by Ween.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:44 PM 6 comments
Vroom Vroom
Went to the Movies today.
And saw Cars, check my review at WoW.
Karma? Perhaps.
Pat Ramsey died today. Revenge of the Higher Powers? You be the judge. So now, when OJ gonna bite the bullet?
Anyone get the liscense of that . .
erratic flying pelican?
Don't forget.
The Season premiere of The Venture Bros. Watch one of the best shows on TV.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
So who gonna win the MVP this year? Paplebon or Ortiz?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island! - Ron Burgundy
Oh and one last thing
Cheap, contact Malach.
I am Malach, the lookit me I'm a pimp.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:11 PM 2 comments
Many of you, I am sure know what has happened in the past week regarding Ozzie Guillen, the manger of the world champion Chicago White Sox. To quickly review, Ozzie called hated Chicago sports columnist Jay Mariotti (for us New Englander's, for a bit of comparison, he blows our hatred for Dan Shaughnessy away) a "fag". Well we all know "fag" is a derogatory term or slur for homosexuals (I am not going to get into the fact that in the homosexual community the term fag is used like the n-word is used among African Americans, that is another rant). Guillen to his credit is a guy who speaks his mind, and isn't afraid to give you his opinion, whether good, bad, right, or wrong. In one way this is very refreshing in public figures. Guillen tried to explain it away; in his country (Spanish is his first language) fag means someone without courage or is weak (isn't that the point, fag means a homosexual is less of a man), the old "I have gay friends", and went on and on how he is not discriminatory against anyone. That may be the case (or may not as some things have come out about him since), and Ozzie now seems confused about the whole incident.
Well, here is the problem. This is a good lesson for all you young'uns out there who throw profanity around like you were at the shadiest bar on the water front. First profanity itself. Malach is not going to deny he does not use profanity. Profanity has it's place and time (like when you step on a lego in the middle of the night), but Malach rarely if ever uses profanity in everyday conversation. Many of my friends are shocked when I do. But that is an aside point. This is about the type of profanity you use. If Guillen had said Mariotti was an asshole, or a punk, or a loser, etc. He would not be taking the grief he is taking now. He chose to use the term "fag" which is a derogatory term for a whole population of people. Suppose he had called him the n-word (Malach doesn't use that word). That is one of the problem. When you use words like fag, retard, bitch, ho, spic, you are classify a group with a derogatory term. That is the difference, and what Guillen needs to learn.
There will be a quiz tomorrow on this.
Stoopid Stuff
Who would of thunk it?
That Malach's love of combat sports would combine with Dr. Murk's love of strategy games?
I found this too.
Carpnotes. What I can glean from this blog is it is sometype of companion for a fantasy baseball league, but it is not that clear. Evidently one of the team is the Buckos, and look what they posted. This calls for an all out Buckos Brigade attack, I want to see 10 comments in this thread tomorrow, threats I tell you!
Happy Birthday . .
You are listening too . .
Down in a Hole, Tom Waits.
Why we should leave Iraq.
Take care of all the nuts we got here.
Drugs in Pro Sports.
I know some cyclists. I have been told if you are not doping, you not trying. This would not shock me, and nor would it to find everyone was doing it.
Cel-lebrate good times C'mon!
It's a celebration!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Anything worse than 2 out of 3 form the Phils, and someones dead. Man does the NL suck.
Malach's Quote of the Day
Sir, pay no attention to the people who say the glass is half empty, because 32% means it's 2/3 empty. There's still some liquid in that glass, is my point. But I wouldn't drink it. The last third is usually backwash. - Stephen Colbert at the 2006 White House Correspondents' Association Dinner
I am Malach . . . you see what I mean when I say Wikipedia has an inherrant bias?
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 12:21 PM 0 comments
A little Update!
Well, it seems my Internet connection got fixed.
Noticed some Comcast Trucks around the cul-de-sac today, and lo and behold the connection is back to normal. Thank the lord. Malach is back online as you might have noticed from my WoW post of 5:00PM EST. Since only a shade over 100 vistors go to WoW, and 400+ come, here, I didn't want to leave anyone out.
Music to please the Piper.
Malach loaded something up on his MySpace the Piper might actually like. Some Dresden Dolls. Boston based fan, have had a small amount of e-mail contact with them over the past year. From what they said, the guys at Hemlock Inc, introduced them to JesusMan! and they are fans. I like their punky cabaret, and evidently Sing, off their latest album, Yes, Virginia is a huge hit. I will put some of their stuff up in You are Listening too . . . soon.
I don't usually promote nudies site, but . . .
But you need to check out (WARNING NUDITY) Suicide Girls.com. You Tats, peircings, weird chicks, cool site, awesome photography. I think I am going to use some image for models for paintings. The site seems to something chicks could get into. Just Me is a fan.
I did major overhaul of my links page, and got rid of a lot of links. The ones remaining are either things I recommend, or people I have exchanged links with. I am still interested in exchanging links with interesting stuff. Contact me.
I am Malach and you already got one blog today, don't you feel lucky punk?
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:08 PM 4 comments
Technology is wonderful . . . when it works.
Once again my Internet Connection at home is funny.
It works, then it doesn't work, and then it works, etc, etc. I am beginning to think it is the PC and not the connection . . . we will see. Even thought comp is still pretty powerful, it is almost 4 years old, time for some updating? For now, I will update from work.
Fat Bug is now 50% complete, this is gonna be a long episode, and won't be done by the end of the weekend. I am still waiting for a script for the next episodes of JesusMan! I am still trying to update one clients website, so that is also keep the webcomics behind.
You are Listening too . . .
We are back to Tom Waits, Piper's favorite artist. The tune is Hang on St. Christopher, and is originally off the 1987 album Frank's Wild Years.
Once again, Iraq.
Interesting Congressional Debates going on. The US is stuck between a rock and a hard place in this one. On one hand, if you are gone by the end of the year, Iraq turns into a civil war, and eventually a Theocracy, and perhaps 3 seperate nations. If you stay, you continue to be stuck in the mire that is Iraq. The Malach plan calls for the US to suck up it's pride and ask the UN, NATO, and the rest of the world to help. You can read that here.
Teen Drivers.
No one can put up a cognizent argument that proves teens are good drivers. I remember being a teen driver and the stupid stuff I did, and I wasn't nuts as some of my friends. Well it seems the statistics prove this out.
Cher is 60, and starting to look it. She has a point though. Why is it that the first thing people say when you against the War in Iraq, is that you don't support our forces there. It's not their fault and this is not the 70's. I think us anti-war people point the blame squarely where it belongs.
Minimum Wage!
Here this issue. $5.15 an hour. Imagine trying to make a lving on that. That is $300 short of $11,000 a year. Even if you had two jobs that is less than $22,000 a year. How in the world is someone supposed to live on that? Yeah and Wal-Mart can't afford to pay $3.00 more an hour, give me a break.
The NRA.
How in the world does limiting world wide ILLEGAL trade of small arms affect your right to private ownership? The NRA in the modern version of the Tabacco Industry.
So MySpace is putting in protection for those under 18. Problem. Hey MySpace, you don't have any form of age verification . . . so Malach who is 34 could create an account stating he is 14, or Malach's daughter who is 3 could create one saying she is 18. Any been to MySpace recently? What a advertising machine this has become. Every new movie, every new product, every retail story has it's own MySpace. Can you blame them? Malach get 1000+ links per day from Myspace.
This is also Interesting.
Disappearing suburbs and middle class. Why not look at the increase in prices of things. Take housing. In 1978 my parents paid $40,000 for their 4 bedroom home. They could now sell it for $400,000. That is a 1000% percent increase. Minimum wage in 1978? $2.65 and hour, now $5.15. That is not even a 50% increase. Want to see something lese interesting, check out this chart. It shows what 1978 minimum wage meant in value as compared to 2006. It is kind of scary.
The Mood Of Red Sox Nation.
6 in row, the Rooks are Pitching well, Lester, Papelbon, Hansen. Bring on more of these joke National League Teams. Pedro's coming back next week!
Malach's Quote of the Day!
Save your money, Tucker. This place doesn't have porn; they think it's immoral. You know, that really grinds my gears. Where exactly in the Bible does it say a man can't fire off some knuckle-children in the privacy of his own neighbor's living room while his neighbor's at work because I don't have a DVD player? Well, I don't know where it says it because the Bible is way too long to read! - Peter Lowenbreau Griffin
I am Malach and this little light of joy, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, all the time.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:06 AM 4 comments
Do I got some special stuff for you today.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you an American Icon, Willie Nelson!!!
Willies song and video for Some Cowboys are Secretly Fond of Each Other. Hit Play, Fuggin' hilarious. Check out the guitar solo, it kicks ass.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:12 PM 2 comments
Sorry for the lack of a blog last night.
Damn you Comcast!
Actually, I like Comcast. They provide good service, they need to cut their prices, but hey, that'll be coming soon. My Internet connection was all fudged up last night; it made dial up look like lightspeed. I had to update a client website last night, and becuase of the connection that took like three hours. I did get it up though. I partly wrote a blog, and then the connection failed, and then would not go back up into blogger, so I gave up. Still a little slow this morning, but 1000 times better.
Funny Laws.
So as most of you know, Ben Roethlisberger, was cited for driving without a license and failure to wear a helmet. It seems in PA, you can only ride without a helmet if you are a licensed motorcylist, if you don't have the license, they can cite your for failure to wear one. Neighboring Rhode Island has a similar law. While drivers don't have to wear helmets, their passengers do.
Check out Malach's blog over at WoW.
Have you seen the KFC Flavor Bowls, Malach went on a bit of a tirade about these disgusting coronary killers.
Check out the WLO article on Jonestown me and Hobbs tag teamed. Interesting shiite.
Fat Bug.
Is about 35% done, hopfully will have something up this weekend.
Ahh Gustav . . .
More than Picasso? That's a bit shocking. Klimt is one of my faves. Weirdo too. Check out some of his stuff.
Hey New Bedford.
You can once again be the wealthiest city in the world! Call me Ishmael.
Hey Alanis Morrisette . .
This is slightly ironic, unlike you stupid song, which is not.
This is a interesting conversation . . .
Which part of the world, will blow up first, the Middle East, or Africa?
To the Moon China!
Why is it going to take 18 years to get to the Moon when the US got there 40 years ago? Conspiracy time!
Time to take up more Celebrity Boxing dude.
Like anyone really cares.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
4 in a row, 2 games up on the Yanks, 9 game homestand, they might be 4 games up by the end of this.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
You Irish cops are perking up. That's two sound theories in one day, neither of which deal with abnormally-large men. Kinda makes me feel like Riverdancing. [begins dancing] - Paul Smecker, F.B.I.
I am Malach and I am your private dancer!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:11 AM 3 comments
Happy Father's Day
To all the Fathers . . .
Being a Father myself, I understand the responsibilty of being a teacher of what is right and wrong, a protector, and leader. My Father was and is all these things and more. With all the issues with men abandoning their families, and not taking responsibility, it is harder and harder to find men like my Father, and I only hope to be as good a Father as he was.
Additionally, this is dedicated to my wife's Father who passed away before I met her. The more I find out about him, the more I am sure I would love him, and it makes me sad to think, I never met him, someone so important to who she is. He would have loved the Willie Nelson concert. There is a lot of butterfly symbolism associated with my paintings, that usually is Larry. He would be proud.
To all the Fathers, it is a big responsibility, not always easy, but your children will love you forever if you are there and interested in their lives. If you need help, find it, there is nothing more fufilling than helping to create great men and women.
You are listening too, Bridge Over Troubled Water, this version by Johnny Cash (with some Fiona Apple backgrounds), this is dedicated to my Father, this song is about him and great Fathers in general. In way it also makes me consider the reversing of roles between parents and children. BTW, if you have never heard any of Cash's American Recordings, some of the most amazing music of the past 10 years. Cash recorded about 120 songs or so, with producer Rick Rubin (Beastie Boys fame) over the course of the three months between when his wife June Carter, and he died. There is one last one coming out July 4th, American V: A Hundred Highways. Very, very haunting.
I am Malach and I am proud to be a Father.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:00 AM 6 comments
- icles of Narnia
So I just got to see The Chronic-icles of Narnia, overall pretty good. I have not read the books in a while, and I have a feeling the like LOTR, they left a lot of the dialogue and background out. My kids liked it too, and I did not find the evangelical Christian overtones too bad. While not in the same league as LOTR, neither were the books. Tolkein and Lewis has a nice rivalry too.
One of Malach's Heros.
benny goodman, has updated his rantings. Seems to be pissed at Human Resources, who can blame him.
Hey Nerds . . .
Wanna stroll down memory lane with Malach? I think I am going to do a part two to this sooner or later.
You are Listening too . ..
16 Shells from a Thiry-Ought Six, by of course Tom Waits. This is one of his most covered songs, and since it involves firearms, Piper might like this one. This one is also off of Swordfishtrombones.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Doing better, cause the Braves suck. Actually the Sox have an extremely good interleague record this year. Sorry Tri Clown, the Phillies are gonna get crushed.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"But what does it all mean?" asked Susan when they were somewhat calmer. — "It means," said Aslan, "that though the Witch knew the Deep Magic, there is a magic deeper still which she did not know. Her knowledge goes back only to the dawn of Time. But if she could have looked a little further back, into the stillness and the darkness before Time dawned, she would have read there a different incantation. She would have known that when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards." - The Chronic.
Oh and Happy Father's Day . . .
I will post something more tomorrow.
And Most Importantly . . .
I am Malach, and easily I approach the microphone because I ain't no joke.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:14 PM 6 comments
Jay Joe Jeans and his Jelly Beans . . .
Hey let's sing a song about J!
Some updates. The latest episode of the Murk and Malach show is up. This one is funny, as Murk and I tackle the DaVinci Code, and interview a "Big" star, and of course kill them. Some funny stuff in there, check it out. In addition, to the 3 or 4 people who asked, I am not Ray Romano.
I got some new Fan Art today. A couple of pieces: What if JesusMan! were a Neopet. Good job number one bucko, Choas_Dragoon.
And some even more impressive news, Malach's MySpace broke 1000 friends to day. I also put a little NOFX up, Moron Bros. Which might be a good campaign theme for me and Murk.
You know, if you guys don't pull out soon, someone gonna get pregnant (hey new campaign slogan).
Ok, there is a joke somewhere here . . .
But I seem to have lost my head.
Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea . .
Swims so wild and swims so free.
The War.
You see, one down . .
Well now . .
Did all the crazy people leave the preisthood and become teachers or something?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
About to jump off the Tobin Bridge . . . seriously though, I am shocked they are only one game behind.
Malach's Quote of the Day
"Hello Fry, it's a...(stops mid-sentence, throws multi-sided dice)...pleasure to meet you". - Gary Gygax as himself in Futurama.
I am Malach, and I am a nerd.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:44 PM 6 comments
Yes, Murk and Malach officially announced their candidacy for President of the US!
As you can see by this post over at Murk's World, and this post over at the WoW, our platform is coming together.
Now, what can you expect? A Murk and Malach for President website, t-shirts, stickers, and of course, all the wrongs of the world righted. More information coming soon!
You are Listening too . . .
Jesus Gonna Be Here . . . , Tom Waits. This is also off on 1992's Bone Machine. Hey Piper, you and my wife have one thing in common, you both hate Tom Waits.
When white trash becomes rich and famous part 96358.
Boo Hoo. Ohh Britney, I feel so bad for you. Wahwahwahwah.
That Dubya, he just can't get a break.
Now he's making fun of blind guys . . . I am starting to feel sorry for him.
I Used to Love Her!
But I had to Kill Her! Seriously, Murk and I are considering this song for our campaign rallies!
Just when you think you got him all figured out . . .
Dubya, the animal loving eviromentalist. I guess we all know now where there is no oil.
So, If I were trying to convince a girl to marry me . .
I don't think I would run around the neighborhood naked. Of course I have an unfair advantage, with my natural animal magnetism.
Someday . .
They will find a live Dinosaur, I just know it!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Depressed. I can't take another loss, and poor pitching performance.
Malach's Quote of the Day
I was so poor growing up, if I wasn't born a boy I'd have nothing to play with. - Rodney Dangefield
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:18 PM 8 comments
Soon, very soon . . .
The Second Annual CO:TCG/RubberSuit Studios Create-a-Comic Contest.
Coming in July. More info to come. If you are into Orbit some hefty prizes, if not some other prizes too (stickers, original art, fame). If you want to join, I suggest you join this forum, as that in mainly where it will be held. Again, announcements coming soon!
Home Depot, your drug kingpin.
Nice, I guess I need to shop at the Depot more than I already do.
Adult erotica products?
"not necessary to satisfy legitimate disaster needs."?!?!?! Yet another black eye for FEMA, in turn, Dubya, and another reason why you should vote for Murk and Malach in 2008!
Ok, Ebay . .
But what the hell else you gonna use Skype for? This seems like a real waste of a ground breaking service.
"I don't give a crap about the Japanese."
Quoth Malach from a 2005 podcast. While taken a bit out of context, there is a reason I said that. Japanese Culture, which has so readily invaded the mind of our young'uns, is basically mostly all crap. And sightly childporn-esque.
Wow, when did Hell freeze over?
I can't believe there acutually cordial with one another, check I can't believe Brian Wilson is sane enough to talk. By the way, if you don't own a copy of Pet Sounds, it is a top 5 Album of ALL TIME, GO BUY ONE NOW!
Don't you love playing God?
Ok, so when do I get my Butterfly Wings?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
First, let me say, last nights game, was about the most amazing pitching performances I have seen in a very long time . . . with that being said . . . Hey! Julian Tavares! YOUR RUININ' MA SUMMAH!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses to be bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed upon him? - A Clockwork Orange
I am Malach and I "area bitchass faget".
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:08 PM 2 comments
We got at least one vote!
Check out Malach post about what he would do as President over at WoW. So far we have one person who would vote for the Murk Malach ticket if we ran together . . . (Hey Murk, let start on grassroots campaign on our podcasts).
You are Listening too . . .
Underground, by Tom Waits, off the 1982 Album Sworfishtrombones, off the compilation Beautiful Maladies, and . . . . off the Soundtrack to the movie Robots. If you are sick on Waits, which should only be the musically deaf Angry Piper, go over to the RubberSuit Studios MySpace for a special surprise. Unfortunately I couldn't find the original, and had to go with the Audio Two/MC Lyte remix. Malach Fun Fact # 2.963. When Malach had a show at WSMU he led every show with this song, kind of an unofficial theme song.
The Dubya went down to Baghdad (as sung in as the "Devil Went Down to Georgia")
The Dubya went down to Baghdad
He was lookin' for a soul to steal
He was in a bind '
Cause he was way behind
And he was willin' to make a deal
Man, only in California.
Cannibal Bears.
Now wouldn't that make a great name for a band?
Ok, is it just me?
But if I were in charge, cell phones would not be ALLOWED in school.
Stephen Hawking.
I ready to go buddy, I got my tent and sleeping bag packed!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Schilling vs. Santana, don't get much better than that!
Malach's Quote or the Day.
To show this diagram properly, I would really need a four dimensional screen. However, because of government cuts, we could manage to provide only a two dimensional screen. - Stephen Hawking.
I am Malach and Murk is chillin', Malach's chillin', what more can we say Top Billin'!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:43 PM 9 comments
Risk Taking.
First off, I am a huge Patriots fan.
Even though it helps the Pats, you don't want to see this happen to anyone. Malach has a number of friends who ride. Malach does not nor would ever ride a motorcycle, mainly cause I don't want to die. Massachusetts has a mandatory helmet law. Neighboring Rhode Island, and New "the land with no laws" Hampshire don't. If you ride, wear a helmet. I cannot tell you how many clients I deal with recovering from motorcyle accidents. The ones who were not wearing helmets (who are not dead) ended up with some pretty severe brain injuries to go along with physical injuries. Those with the helmets, usually only healable physical injuries. The issue is not how safe, or how good a driver you are, the issue is how bad everyone else is. At least in a car, you have some protection (for that matter wear your godamned seatbelt). Also, don't buy one of these crotch rockets. If God intended for you to go 150 mph, with a 400 lb piece of fiberglass between your legs, we would have been built like armadillos.
Another Public Service announcement.
Malach like many other weekend warriors plays a lot of sports. During the summer, Malach plays softball, like many other men. This year, after a majority vote (and like many other softball league) we switched to wooden bats only. We did this for a number of reasons. The two biggest? Stop these 35 - 33 games, and safety. There have been close to 100 deaths from softball related injuries in the past few years. The majority of these deaths? Batted balls from metal bats hitting people in the head, usually pitchers. It has gotten so bad in some leagues, pitchers are required to wear hockey helmets and shin gaurds. It is frightening how hard and far even a skinny kid can hit a softball with a metal bat.
If anyone is thinking of this, go for it. Gone are the 35 - 33 games, most of the games we play now are in the single digits. Infield defense and pitching as opposed to how far you can hit it is now key. The entire league loves it, and you know what, a few guys have been hit, but no where near the damage that would have occured with a metal bat. And you know what, once you get used to it, it will make you a much better batter.
Fat Bug.
Sketched it out today, will start pencils tomorrow, this one is gonna be funny.
Lets see . .
I blame Dubya for this too.
Interesting stuff.
Verizon is moving consoliodating. Once all this stuff is put into place, you are gonna see huge drops in prices and package deals. Cheers to Vonage and Skype for starting the revolution.
BIO-Deisel, for $3.40 a gallon?
When White Trash become rich and famous part 75.
Oh do I love Dana Plato . . . uh, I mean Lindsay Lohan.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
" I don't think people should do anything to be popular. But maybe within reason they can step out of their comfort zones and do things to be more 'accessible'. Like taking drugs or drinking heavily to be cool." - my love, Lindsay Lohan!
I am Malach and I would only use drug to be cool, and when I drink only drink heavily and that makes me super cool, and when I am drunk, I like to drive my motorcycle sans helmet, swinging around a metal baseball bat. (this should shut up the nay sayers).
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:14 PM 2 comments
Busy Day!
Well, where to start . . .
1. The Pope: has reinvaded Hill TV, and reposted his secret blog, see his latest entry. Don't tell Murk I showed you how to get there, he is trying to censor the pope.
2. benny goodman: I LOVE benny. He has become SO Delsional. Read his latest rant on Harbors.
3. Tuck's Team Benefit: From what I saw went well. I even met some buckos, who made it over there to introduce themselves to Malach. My Daughter even got to play the drums with Craig DeMello. I'll post pics.
4. The Murk and Malach Radio Show: Murk tells me, it should hopefully be up by Wednesday, he apologizes for the slight delay.
Malach's latest MySpace Plan.
Malach is almost up to 1000 friends. When he hits 1000, he is going to delete the whores he used to get to 1000, that will bring him down to about 800 friends. From there I am going to be more selective.
Malach is also enjoying his new MySpace Friend, Cthulhu. I am deabting Lovecraftian lore with him. Also Crap Vacuum announced the start of there world tour exclusively on MySpace today. Check them out when they are in your dimension. I HAVE TO SEE THIS SHOW!
You are listening too . . .
I Don't Wanna Grow Up, by Tom Waits. This is off of 1992's Bone Machine, and also the Beautiful Maladies compilation. This is probably this whole websites them song. Speaking of Bone Machine, that album is consistenly rated in the top 100 all time of many major music magazines.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Up and Down today, Double Header, took one. Big Papi, I love you. Foulke is definitely gonna get shut down. At least the Yankees have lost 4 straight.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Good art bristles with razor blades." - Picasso.
I am Malach and I don't wanna grow up.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:59 PM 4 comments
Where to start!
Some interesting stuff . . .
First and foremost, the latest episode of The Wraith, episode 4.4 is now up. I realize it has been a long delay, and again, life has interfered. This is the first webcomic I have done using my new tablet, and I will tell you what. AWESOME. The level of detail I can do with this now is cool. You might not notice a big difference between the latest and the previous, but I do. I even notice a huge difference between the first panel I did and the last. I am excited.
What does that mean . . . Fat Bug is next. Fat Bug will be destroying Ctrl+Alt+Del. I cannot wait to do this one, this has been the most requested webcomic to destroy, and evidently a lot of people hate Tim Buckley's guts. I also got some inside info on what to go after, I mean Mr. Rubbersuitman does.
Now, I am still waiting for a script for the next episode of JesusMan! from Hex. If I do not get it by the time the next Fat Bug gets published, I will just go back into The Wraith.
In addition, it is about the time of month Bug send me 4 - 5 new episode of Notched Blade. Plamer is getting out of school soon so there should be some updates of his crap, Mr. TooSerious supposedly has some funny episodes of Life Lessons to send me, I have no clue what the Hell is going on with these two webcomics, and Twisted has promised me another chapter of Lying as he is getting out of school. And finally, supposedly, the Angry Piper also has a webcomic . . .
Don't forget . . .
To my Buckos from the local area, Benefit Show tomorrow at Noon. See you there.
Evidently someone is disappointed in me . .
As most of you know, I always end blogs with "I am Malach . . .. " and follow it with some comment. Well it seems a few of you are disappointed with my recent sign offs, Nibbles especially. So leave some suggestions.
Even more interesting.
Hojo also pointed out at WoW today a very interesting news article. Don't you love to spread rumors? Put up the link on your blog and lets scare the world!
Wanna a WoW Banner?
Here you go.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Foulke is done, shut him down.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
MaĂŽtre-D': Ah, good afternoon, Sir, and how are we today?
Mr Creosote: Better.
MaĂŽtre-D': Better?
Mr Creosote: Better get a bucket; I’m going to throw up.
- The Meaning of Life
Beacause I am Malach Brown, baddest man in the whole downtown, badder than old King Kong, meaner than a junkyard dog.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:52 PM 0 comments
The Earth Died Screaming . ..
Want to know something weird and interesting?
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi died on the same day as ???? WHO????, weird huh? Let see what happens with this info.
The MySpace 80's Music War.
Malach keeps kicking ass, check out his latest song. Beat that suckas!
The Wraith.
Will be loaded sometime tomorrow, catch up on the series to be ready. There will be a quiz. Pterodactyl just danced in my den, by the way and it was good.
You are Listening too . . .
Earth Died Screaming, Tom Waits, perhap Piper will like this one.
Curfew Buckos.
Why in the Day though? The terrorist can go out at night?
Speaking of the Evil that is MySpace . . .
What the hell is wrong with teens?
Malach is old enough to remember this . . .
imagine is this guy is innocent!
Good idea . .
now they just need one for the Internet.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
SHOCK! No Rain! Close game, they'll win.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Tonight, you men will sleep with your rifles. You will give your rifle a girl's name because this is the only pussy you people are going to get. Your days of finger-banging ol' Mary Jane Rottencrotch through her perty pink panties are over! You're married to this piece, this weapon of iron and wood. And you will be faithful. - Gunnery Sergeant Hartman
I am Malach and I am off to go drink some strange shiite.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:45 PM 0 comments
More Done to the Latest Painting.
Sorry Buckos!
Blogger has been on and off most of last night and today, so you might not have been able to comment. I somehow got a post up this afternoon at WoW, but then the whole system fell apart, but it does seem it is fixed now.
As for the last post, I was inspired this morning and hope to start a new blog series at WoW called Red Robot vs. Blue Android. I posted the first one today, I like it. Check it out.
I am about 85% done with The Wraith, definitely up Saturday, or Sunday. Thanks for waiting. I have picked up the tablet real fast (in fact using it right now) and the episode is looking slick.
My Latest Painting.
This bothers me.
We all know Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is dead. What bothers me is the "Yahoo" attitude of the Presidents speech this morning, like this is gonna change anything.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
See I told you the Rain Out came at the right time!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Sanity is a little box." - Charles Manson
I am Malach, and even Charles Manson has deep thoughts, possibly.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:57 PM 2 comments
Fuggin' Blogger!!!!
Once again, blogger went down in the middle of making a post.
So I lost the whole thing. I am not about to rewrite it either. Bastards.
Check out . .
The WLO. Up to 200+ articles. Add one today.
I will have The Wraith done by this weekend, life has been busy, sorry.
You are listening too . ..
Some of you might recognize this song as a chessy Rod Stewart hit from the 90's. Well Rod Stewart actually remade this song from Tom Waits. This song is from the 1985 album, Rain Dogs, but it is also available on the Beautiful Maladies compilation you see at top. Song is a little more accesible and "poppy" that the last one I posted, a bit more reminiscent of his early 70's work. Piper might like this one better, even with the lack of bagpipes.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
A much NEEDED rain out.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge. - Paul Gaugin
Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? - Gaugin
I am Malach and did you know Gaugin and Van Gogh lived together for a while.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:59 PM 2 comments
So, we all dead yet.
I am confident to say that the world is not about to end today. Sorry doom and gloomers. Malach posted a 6/6/06 theory at WoW today, check it out. Malach has a new theory just for you gentle reader.
You see, before 6/6/2006 AD, there was 6/6/1006 AD (no Armageddon), and before that 6/6/0006 AD, and before that 6/6/0006 BC and so one and so forth. Well this is Malach's new theory. Scholars are not totally sure the actual birth of Jesus. They estimate based upon a lunar eclipse that Josephus recorded as just before the death of Herod, whose by whose death suggests the earliest Christ could have been born is 6 BC, being that Herod's death dates from either 5, 4 or 1 BC. Also according to the Gospel of John, the only Gospel with the account of the Roman Census, that census occured in 6 AD. So, it seem Jesus was born in year 6, BC or AD or somewhere in between.
So Malach's Theory. Jesus was born on 6/6/0006 (BC or AD). This makes Jesus both the Christ and also the Anti-Christ. Taa Daa!
Just as my theory about Flight 77, I am slowly solving all the world's mysteries!
Some more signs of the Apocalypse?
- Mount Merapi is here to eat your children! Discount airfares to Indonesia are all the rage (actually, a little birdy told me Indonesia means "Hell").
- Another member of the Beatles has died, slowly Satan is putting together the greatest band ever to take on Crap Vacuum in a battle for music supremacy!
- China is playing God. I can't wait to see the actual damn come tumbling down.
- Technology is curing Cancer! While causing it at the same time!
- Jupiter is about to explode!
- Ivy Leaguers are mutilating themselves for free.
- Check out what happened in 1006AD, the world did end!
So, I was talking with some big wigs from the MA Department of Youth Services today, and they were telling me how they all have MySpace accounts and use it to track all their at risk youth. So then I read this . . . Interesting. I wonder if I threaten to kill the President there, if the Secret Service will visit me? I miss them so!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Beckett did a Matt Clementalcase last night, and right now it's a nail biter!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." ~ The Book of Revelation (man that John don't know how many people he fudged up with this surrealist peice of fiction)
I am Malach a problem solver!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:58 PM 3 comments