There is some interesting flame wars going on at WoW.
Check them out, read the comments, some are funny. Malach will be putting another post up there soon, this one will be extra entertaining.
So Malach ran into a fence yesturday at his ball game, and gashed up his side prettty good, and bruised up his ribs. Luckily, Malach is fairly tall, cause if he was not he would have broken some. Still played through the pain today. In a even funnier story, Malach's friend, Russel the Love Mussel, stabbed himself in the chest today with a knife. Evidently he was cutting some plastic ties, with a unlocking blade and stab right next to the nipple. Bled like crazy, probably needed several stiches, but lack of health insurance. Don't worry, Malach bandaged him up. Should seen his shirt.
The Murk and Malach Show.
Will be recording tomorrow. We are adding a new feature. Mailbag. So send us an email with questions comments, insanity, and we will read them and possibly put you in you place. Email me or Murk.
Stupid Quote of the Day, that some idiot thought was funny.
"In space, you can't go to Home Depot." Assmunches.
The New Messiah.
Man, Brangelina got some balls.
The Beauty of the European Union.
If this occured in the 1930's . . . Man Hitler would be all over that.
Bishop Stang High School.
SHH, don't tell anyone.
Trading Spaces is coming to the area and Malach and family have applied, I will keep you updated.
Hey Federales!
Leve me to my Porn and Terrorist activities in Peace, you bastards!
Yeah . .
Um . . . Yeah.
Starting Spreading the News . .
I want to be a part of it, New York, New York!
Ice Age 3.
Tusks for Sale!
This is not Shocking.
Let see, tightly controlled universal healthcare for free! Make fun of those damn Cannucks all you want, they are one up on us when it come to this.
I don't know why everyone is shocked at this. Between what the Reagan Administration and Conservative Congress did in the initial stage (thanks Jesse Helms), and the Catholic Churches stance on Condoms, this was bound to happen.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
So let me get this straight. You bring up a AA pitcher to face a team in a must win situation, and they are winning?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Joey... have you ever been in a, a Turkish prison? - Captain Oveur
I am Malach, and I have never been to a Turkish Prison.
Check out WoW.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:50 PM 6 comments
Come Meet Malach!
Yes you heard me beeyatches!
You can meet Malach, and many of his compadres at The 2006 Tuck's Team ACS Benefit Concert (follow the link for details). This is to benefit Tuck's Team and American Cancer Society Relay for life team. It features the local artists Craig DeMello and Shipyard Wreck (play the Reflect and Shine, you might recognize it from a few MTV Shows). All for a good cause!So I broke out the tablet today.
And worked some on the latest Wraith. So far I love it. I allows me to get more interesting shading done, and I have hardly used, it. Well see in a few months. A sneal peek at left. This is gonna be awesome.
You are Listening too. .
Rocky Racoon, by the Beatles. Why? I just feel like it. Just like I just felt like putting this song on My MySpace. Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya!
More Reasons to hate the government.
Free Boxing tickets? Y'know, I could understand free MMA tickets, but boxing?
Isn't the first rule of Fight Club . .
Not to talk about fight club?
Malach is always right.
I have always said the egg, idiots!
See, I ain't a dog person.
Gator, you have the dog.
Pat Robertson.
Man he just gets funnier and funnier. Hey Hex, new villain for JesusMan!
Very good PBS documentary currently on about AIDS, and it's history. This is also a interesting story.
I guess, John Bender was finally the Death of him . ..
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Well, it seems the Sox always have a team they just cannot beat. Last few years it has been Baltimore, now it seems to be the Blue Jays.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
That's the last time, Bender. That the last time you ever make me look bad in front of those kids, you hear me? I make $31,000 a year and I have a home and I'm not throwing it all away on some punk like you. But someday when you're outta here and forgotten about this place and they forgotten about you, and you're wrpped up in your own pathetic life, I'm gonna be there. That's right. And I'm gonna kick the living shit out of you. I'm gonna knock your dick in the dirt. - Richard Vernon
I am Malach, and there might be a new podcast up this weekend!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:18 PM 2 comments
When The Man Comes Around . . .
Not much tonight guys, more up tomorrow.
My trip to Utica was fun. Much of my wife's family lives up there, and I usually have fun when going up, even thought the family there are Yankees fans. My biggest problem is that it is at minimum a 5 - 6 hour drive. So you spend 12 hours driving to spend 24 hours up there. The guys up there are fun though. Also went to perhaps the scariest zoo, the Utica Zoo. Imagine of you will, you travel back to the 60's and that is the Utica Zoo . . . .
So, you like Johnny Cash?
Head over to my MySpace, and listen to one of his best songs before he died. Toyi will love this one. Cash did some pretty amazing stuff over the past 10 years of his life (Hell, he did some amzing stuff his entire career). If you get the chance, pick up American Recordings, do yourself the favor and do it. Not to mention, Cash, was about a fuggin' cool as anyone.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Sweep of Tampa Bay, now back to Matt Clemental Case . . . If they win this game . . .?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I didn't vote for Mr. Bush. Let's just leave it at that! - Johnny Cash
I am Malach, and I am Merciless.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:00 PM 5 comments
Happy Memorial Day.
To all then men and women who gave their lives . . .
So I can say whatever the hell I please on this blog, and in my art, I salute you. Especially salute, those no longer with us . . . Pepere, Gigi-Pa, and Larry. This day is in memory of you, and your bravery.
With that out of the Way.
Malach has just returned from upstate New York (Utica), and after a 5 hour drive is more inspired for bed than writing a blog, so this one is what it is.
You are Listening too . . .
Particle Man, by They Might Be Giants. Especially for Memorial Day. If you are sick of TMBG and Mr. Bungle, go over to Malach's MySpace, I pulled out a weird oldie.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I know they won Thursday, I was there, and I was told they won on Friday. Being in Yankee Country for two days, I lost touch (I fought bravely). So let's see. Won Sat and Sun, nice sweep!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I believe in God, only I spell it 'Nature'. - FLW.
I am Malach, good night!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Good Morning America How Are You?
Last Night . . .
Malach saw Willie Nelson at Mohegan Sun. Absolutely fuggin' amazing. The 73 year old put perfromers 50 years younger than him to shame. Any modern music star should go see him in concert.
Willie has been labeled since his early career as Country. He transcends that. He transcend most music. He has incorporated everything he has heard in the past 60 years into his music style. Punk, Hard Rock, Reggae, Honky Tonk, even Rap. He was channelling Hendrix, Tom Waits, Chuck D, Townsend, Merle Haggard, Elvis, John Lennon, Joplin, Cobain, all at the same time and it absolutley and completely worked. Amazing stage presence, just took it over. A National Treasure. Seriously, see this man before he leaves this Earth. It was a transcending experience. He played many of his hits, and stylised them. I detest the Pasty Cline hit "Crazy" (which Nelson wrote). Willie took this song and performed it like it supposed to be preformed. Like your CRAZY and not falling asleep.
The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band opened (most famous for the 70's hit Mr. Bojangles). They were tight, but like the local high school band compared Willie. They joined Willie later in the set, and he just took over.
Another reason why pot should be legalized . .. . Look at Willie Nelson. By the way, I loaded up the Gay Cowboy song on my MySpace.
If you are looking for me.
I will be gone from my desk today and most of tomorrow. Clients, my phone will be on, and you can always e-mail me.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Back to playing real well . . .hopefull Wells won't be back on the DL.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
You had not've fallen then I would not've found you
Angel flying too close to the ground
And I patched up your broken wing and hung around awhile
Trying to keep your spirits up and your fever down
I knew someday that you would fly away for love's the greatest healer to be found
So leave me if you need to
I will still remember angel flying too close to the ground
Fly on fly on past the speed of sound
I'd rather see you up than see you down
So leave me if you need to
I will still remember angel flying too close to the ground
So leave me if you need to
I will still remember angel flying too close to the ground - Willie Nelson (yeah I cheated).
I am Malach, see ya soon.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:27 AM 4 comments
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
A fun time was had by all!
Malach went up to the greatest ball park in the world yesturday and saw the Red Sox beat the Devil Rays. It was fun. Seriously if you have never been to Fenway, take a trip to it once in your life. It is an intimate setting, and there is not a bad seat in the house, even the obstructed view seats. It is a stadium set in time, but modernized. Some pics:
The Green Monster
Not a bad seat in the house
Malach getting arrested after running on the field
Mr. ADD Manny Ramirez. Fix your pants some more Manny!
Willie Harris smells something funny from Trot.
OHH, Malach with another woman? Nah, just one of the many Myspace Stalkers.
Now for some more serious stuff.
I am glad I moved out of New Bedford. Earlier this week, there was a gang shooting, downtown, two blocks from City Hall. 4 blocks from where I used to live. It was the middle of the day. One guy dead, another critically injured, one of the gunman was caught. David "Crunchy"DePina II. Long arrest record and indication of drug and gang activity, as were his victims.
So yesturday, some breaks into DePina's mother's house and guns her down. Y'know it used to be, that this didn't happen. Gang bangers shot other gangbangers. Now, Compton is turning into Sicilly.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Bill Gates is just a white Persian cat and a monocle away from being a villain in a Bond movie. - Dennis Miller.
I am Malach and I would make a good Bond villian.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 1:05 PM 3 comments
Early blog buckos
Malach is off tonight.
I am going to the Red Sox game tonight, so I won't be home until about 1AM. So here is your daily dose of Malach you Junkies!
The Experiment Part III.Worked a couple of hours late last night on the latest painting, here what resulted from that, on the left. As you can see, the detail further develops and I am now using both oils and acrylics to get certain looks of certain areas. I really like the texture in this pieces and how it breaks up the surface. Besides the obvious paper towel roll at the top, there are several small pieces of wood (you can see some in the figures right wing), a plastic bag (red, in the right top), a ragged piece of cloth (through the middle). People have also asked me about the card. It is a tarot card . . . The High Priestess. I also have a name for this one, which I will reveal when done, and I am going to do a kind of series of these, counting this one three at least, but first I will finish the painting for my sister-in-laws birthday.
You are listening too . . .
As this painting has developed, I have been listening to California, by Mr. Bungle. This song in particular is starting to inspire this painting, the song is Vanity Fair. The lyrics are very interesting and weird, check it out:
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:35 AM 3 comments
You can't catch me I'm the Stinky Cheese Man!
Interesting website.
Leapfish. They are a website appraisal site. Kind of interesting to see what you website is worth. Mine is about $3 grand. Check out the value on Google.
Early blog tomorrow.
I will be going to the Sox game, so I will put up a blog around Noonish.
Why our government is so hypocritical.
Murk made a nice WoW blog on this story already. Check it out here. Further proof our country is being ruled as a by a select groups of fat cats.
Down with Microsoft.
Feeling the heat Bill Gates? Were sick of your crap you say makes easier. I applaud Peter Quinn.
That Star Trek movie is gonna come true! Absolutely amazing, Voyager in almost as old as me. We got anything else built in 1977 that still runs?
I wonder why they US government just didn't flatten this building like they did with building 7. I also wonder how many people exposed to this crap from the collapses on 9/11 will be developing cancer in the next decade.
Sing the Vonage song here.
Hey I switched to them too . . . . . Not too worry though, soon we will all be using Skype.
So you shoot large ice balls at the moon?
Seem to easy to be real.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Someone please take Matt Clement. Worst move of this administration.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Women: You can't live with them, and you can't get them to dress up in a skimpy little Nazi costume and beat you with a warm squash or something." - Emo Phillips
I am Malach, and yes I quotes Emo Phillips.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:17 PM 0 comments
The Wraith is all scanned, I am going to break out the tablet and start playing, hopefully I will get this done soon. I am going on a little vacation Saturday to Sunday, to the Red Sox game on Thursday and to seen Willie Nelson, yes Willie Nelson on Friday, so I am not promising anything this weekend.
Bring Back the Cold War, that was so much more fun.
Check out Malach's latest WoW post on the Cold War. You older fans will have some memories.
You are listening too . .
Minimum Wage, by They Might Be Giants. This is dedicated to both the Angry Piper and Dr. Murk.
Hey Jesusfreaks!
Madonna, she is no longer relevant. Don't get your panties all in a twist, that is what she wants.
I saw the Digging for the Truth episode on this. Any one ever seen Digging for the Truth? So the host, Josh Bernstein, is like this pretty boy Indiana Jones. You know he slept with someone to get this job. He walks around, asking these stupid question, but sounds all official and knowledgable in the narration. You don't fool me Bernstein!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Going to the game on Thursday!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I'm so embarrassed. I just wish everybody else was dead. - Bender Bending Rodriguez
I am Malach, aren't you dead yet?
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:59 PM 5 comments
Too Many Jens.
The Experiment part II.I worked another hour or so on my latest painting, here's what it looks like at left. As you can see compared to the last one, there is quite a bit more detail, color, and depth that has been added to clean this up. I am also reposting this at a forum so you can see all the image together.
Hopefully you can glean how the underlying color of the first two has begun to show up under some of the glazes that I did for this one. I would say this is about 35% done, and should take another couple weeks to finish.
27 Jennifers.
I love this song too, and there are Too Many Jens in the world (which by the way was the name of a local band several years ago). I know quite a few Jens, I like 'em all.
Ok, I will admit.
I partake in horse/greyhound racing on a rare occasion, but this horse, man you got to see the X-Rays. Having broken and ankle, all I can say is WOW!
Y'know . ..
If you are a politician, and taking bribes, the freezer seems like a rather poor place to hide it.
The DaVinci Code.
Nothing like a little controversy to drum up business. Especially for a poorly written book. Don't forget to read the sneak preview of Dan Brown's new book at Hill TV.
Damn . . .
Am I the only one who misses Yugoslavia, or for that matter the Cold War?
Danger Will Robinson! Shouldn't you be watching TV instead?
A Sad Day in Angry Piper Land.
Another one taken from your grasp. Jesus Christ look at that womans rack! She could kill you by turning around too fast!
The Funniest thing on the internet right now.
Axl Rose vs. Tommy Hilfiger. The Axl Rose I grew up with would have beat the crap out of Hilfiger, and get that I did not know Tommy Hilfiger was heterosexual! Just picture this slap fest in your minds eye.
I have to tell my son.
They found a living dinosaur!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Red Sox - Yankees once again, but man, this Yanks team is bad. Sox should get at least 2 out of 3.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Nothing Brings People together more than mutual hatred" - Henry Rollins
I am Malach, the instigator!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:22 PM 5 comments
Vampires vs. Werewolves
Malach is such a geek.
Read Malach's latest post on on WoW, about Vampires fighting Werewolves and who would win. I see an argument brewing over this one, and this is the first of several posts on the subject.
My Latest Painting.
No work today, had a huge 1st birthday party for my goddaughter at the house today, everyone just left.
You are Listening too . . .
27 Jennifers, from Mike Doughty, off the album Skittish/Rockity Roll. I have been leaving the lyrics to this song on several myspaces of the Jennifers I know.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I hate those games, where the team is set up to lose . . . .
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Honestly, I think we should just trust our president in every decision he makes and should just support that, you know, and be faithful in what happens. - Britney Spears.
I am Malach, and I am fascinated by the Britney Spears.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:30 PM 3 comments
Yes, I know the ways and means.
Some new stuff and a update or two.
Friday Night RPG Cartoons updated this morning with episode 1.6. There are a number of inside jokes in this one, including Babar the Elephant massacring dozens. I got a word for you, and that is KARATE! . . . and a phrase . . . . Onleee Yourine!
Also Palmer tossed out a new Necromancer Ned, and states he is working on another one. "Ned 16" is now loaded. Palmer spewed something about it being another filler . . . But whatever, I found it funny.
I also spoke with Mr. Tooserious, who has two new episodes of Life Lessons close to finished. The decriptions of them made me and several others drop to the floor laughing.
As for The Wraith, It is about 25% finished, which basically means it is all pencilled and half inked.
My Latest Painting.
To keep you updated with what I was doing in yesterday's post (well techinically this is the second post for today), no work on the thing today. Busy, Busy.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I hate Inteleague play. No really, MLB, make descision, DH or no DH for the league as a whole. Ohh bases loaded, 1 out, and Papi's up!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies." - Thomas Jefferson
I am Malach and I am the bank.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:24 PM 3 comments
How I paint . . .
A new Experiment.I have had a few e-mails asking me about my subjects and style I paint in. So I have decided to post my latest painting as I go along. This first one after is about 2 days of canvas prep (texture elements take a bit to dry) and a quick paint sketch, the sketch took about an hour.
Some Updates.
Tomorrow you will have a Friday Night RPG
The best I ever did with my life
Said just three honest words to you
Three droplets in a pail of lies
Three gems among the alibis
Yes, I know the ways and means I are,
Yes I know the ways and means I are.
The best I ever did with my love
Said your name on the microphone
You heard it the restaurant
Cashed out and brought your tips on home
The best I ever did with my bucks
Put two down on your horse to show
She lost but just kept racing ‘round
Kept running ‘til the sun went down
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I hate inteleague play, even when we win.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"If I know what love is, it is because of you". - Hermann Hesse
I am Malach and my first job was pumping gas.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 11:23 PM 6 comments
and they caused property damage like an angry woman . . .
. . and they tried to eat a cactus like an angry woman . . .
Yes, Malach is a huge fan of the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, you need to see the latest episode Dumb Dumb and Dragons/Fear and Loathing in Endville, more specifically the Fear and Loathing part. A few reasons. Classic weird references; Dracula is perhaps the best character in that show (combined Blacula, The Rock, and a senile geriatric); and they song playing throughout in Johnny Cash style "Angry Woman". Tried to find the lyrics, but the episode is so new, the google spider haven't found it yet. Watch it.
Even more interesting the woman who does Mandy's and a LOT of other voices, Grey Delisle, is a Country Western Singer, check out her version of Bohemian Rhaposody, interesting mix of Ani Difranco, Johnny Cash, and Kate Bush. She's a bit of a hottie too.
Flight 77.
We talked a few days ago about the release of video of Flight 77, and the Pentagon attacks on 9/11. Well the video really don't show anything, but Malach has the whole thing figured out, right here at WoW.
I'd also like to thanks the Hobbsmeister for this little image. A reconstruction of the what the crash should have looked like according to some experts:
I though Jimmy Hoffa was buried in the south endzone of the Meadowlands
Or maybe Henry Kissinger killed him.
Speaking of Jimmy Hoffa.
Ohh poor Atlantic City.
Umm, yeah.
I am all for freedom of speech and stuff, but this seems a bit over the top.
So, what is the betting line . . .
on how long this stays together?
Why the insane should not talk to God.
So. Pat Robertson, you gonna run for President again?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Interleague play!?!?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"I'm on this Zoloft thing, right? But I'm on that to keep me from killing y'all!" - Mike Tyson
I am Malach and I am a Supra Genius!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:18 PM 5 comments
Sorry Malach's in a bit of a piss poor mood.
Took the Day off from work.
Went here (for you Family Guy fans, there is acutually a Roger Williams Park, just no Quahog RI), and saw the Dinosaurs. It was fun, and the first day of sun we have had in a week.
You are listening too. . . .
In Your House, by Jimmy Eat World, which pretty much describes my mood right now sans the headache.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Are the Orioles actually better than Kansas City?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm. - Stephen Wright
I am Malach . . . . . I think.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:34 PM 3 comments
F is for fake believe
Wraith is going along well, and surprise, surprise, there will be a FNRPGC update this weekend. Life has thrown me a few curveballs this week, but I am going to try to maintain a reasonable schedule.
So, have you seen the Video?
I am surprised Hobbs hasn't jumped all over this one. You can check out the video here. Still won't silence the conspiracy theorist, and there is no real clear indicator.
Hey, we aren't know as Massholes for nothing.
No shock Boston was in the top 5.
When White Trash gets Famous Part 52. . .
or Oops I Did It Again.
The DaVinci Code.
Dudes, there are plenty of other things that undermines the Catholic faith, including a number of things the Church created.
He's stupid . . .
but he knows he's stupid, so that almost makes him smart.
Let see him live in a sphere of water for a week.
Now that's a cool zoo.
Say goodbye to Ma Bell.
She's only got a year to live.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
John Papelbon . . . .
Malach's Quote of the Day.
You expect me to pay to be on this filthy machine? Have you the brain worms?!! - Zim
I am Malach and I am.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:08 PM 4 comments
From this moment on call me LordFont LeRoy
Elephants and Donkeys
About the Jeb Bush today possible becoming president in the future. Now I am going to sound like a New World Order theorist here, but it surprises me how many people do not realize that this country is now being run by a select ruling class, and has from the past 40 years. The only exception to this is Jimmy Carter (one of the reasons he was a "bad president"). The country will run 8 years Republican, 8 years Democrat, but there is really little difference now in the parties or the people running. There was also talk of Jesse Ventura running. The issue with outside candidates is the Electoral College, who will never vote in a 3rd party candidate. So what do you do? Nothing, what can you do?
RIP Spacefarmer 1
OK, it seems that Spacefarmer has died. How upsetting you say, but I know his game, you see, he is really a Time Lord, and he will reincarnate and come back as Spacefarmer II .. . . or he is in the process of becoming a gigantic Sandworm . . . my moneys on the Time Lord though.
You are listening too . . .
Fake-Believe, by They Might Be Giants, off the world's greatest kids album, Here Comes the ABC's. Parents, do yourself a favor and get this one, this one you can listen too over and over again. Also if you want something a little more peppy, go to Malach's Myspace and listen to some of THE Amazing Royal Crowns!
The Wraith.
Completely sketched, I will working on pencils and ink tomorrow.
How the world Changes.
Didn't we bomb the Hell out of Libya in the 80's?
Don't worry Buckos.
We only got like 8" if rain down here . . .
This is freaky.
I have no comment on this.
Doug Flutie.
Flutie is a New England Icon. He is one of the most beloved athletes in New England Sports history. He is up there with Orr, Bird, Yaz, Williams, Brady . . . . Doug also owns a copy of this (thanks Ma). We love you Doug!
What teacher thinks this is a good idea?
The Irish .. .
Evidently they are lonely . . . at least they have their whiskey to keep them company . .
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Thanks God for the Baltimore Orioles.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Quick, man! Cling tenaciously to my buttocks!" - Powdered Toast Man!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:02 PM 3 comments
Translation: Happy Mother's Day II.
Especially to my Superstar, I love you more and more all the time. The song I loaded I Malach's MySpace is for you. By the way, if you have never heard of the band Brad they are a band out of Seattle, within the Seattle explosion of the early 80's, that was very talented, but not famous (See Sunny Day Real Estate, Mudhoney, the Meat Puppets, et al). Somewhat of a side band for Stone Gossard. Beautiful stuff, in the vein of Jeff Buckley.
All my webcomics will be back into production Mon. Hopefully the next Wraith will be up by next weekend. Gonna break out the tabley too.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Frustrated. 3 days of rainouts . . .
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Today, the Panzer-like Bush machine controls all three branches of our federal government, the first time that has happened since Calvin Coolidge was in the White House. And that makes it just about impossible to mount any kind of Congressional investigation of a firmly-entrenched president like George Bush. The time has come to get deeply into football. It is the only thing we have left that ain't fixed. - Hunter S. Thompson
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:32 PM 4 comments
Happy Mother's Day.
Yeah this one right here goes out to all the baby's mamas, mamas...Mamas, mamas, baby mamas, mamas,Yeah, go like this . .
Happy Mother's Day to all the Momma's out there, especially the Momma's in my life. This song goes out to you, but especially Malach's Momma. Mom's are special, real Moms make great men. There are many moms out there stuggling, single moms, lonely moms, ignored moms. Just so you all know how loved and appreciated you are.
You are listening too . . .
A Real Mother for Ya, Johnny Guitar Watson, the man, off the album of the same name.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie." - Tenneva Jordan
I am Malach and I am not a Mother.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:34 PM 1 comments
I love me conifer trees!
Check out Malach's latest WoW post.
On the fall of the New York Yankees. See I can occasionally put together a coherrant thought.
You are listening too . . .
C is for Conifers, by They Might Be Gaints, off the worlds greatest children's album, Here Come the ABC's. If you are not familiar with TMBG shame on you.
Hey, that's what you get for living in FLA.
She would have died either from a hurricane, being hit by a deranged old person in a car, or killed by a golf ball anyway.
Now this . ..
is FUGGIN' cool!
So, when . .
does he fail the steroids test?
That OJ is a sick puppy, but it is still funny.
I went here today.
As soon as I figure out Chinese, I am going to add RubberSuit Studios to their database. Check it out.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Gonna rain the next three days, we'll see what happens.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"I really dig Hannibal. Hannibal had real guts. He rode elephants into Cartilage." - Mike Tyson
And I am Malach and I rode elephants into Orifice.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:57 PM 9 comments
I remember, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind...
Check out Malach's Myspace.
Check it out, I loaded up the latest, Crazy from Gnarls Barkley. These guys are in that Danger Mouse, MF Doom, Danger Doom, Cee-Lo, Outkasts, incestual family.. All are good, but Gnarls is goanna be huge, Malach is usually pretty good at picking this stuff out too. This is exactly what R&B slash soul needs, to get out of the crap it is trapped in. Gonna be huge.
Also, while you their make friends with the Angry Piper, he is jealous of my 587+ friends (I got 28 friend request today alone, actually make that 29). Poor guy and his 20 friends. While you at it, Murk needs some friends as well as Hill TV, Hobbs, and Crap Vacuum.
Happy Birthday . .
To my little butterfly who is 3 today.
Hey Dubya . .
Did you hear the convo me and Murk had last night?
Yeah it's about that time.
We'll put in the Donkeys for the next 8 years.
Let me ritually slay you in front of an altar! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I've ranted about this before, idiots.
About Fuggin time.
And of course,
they killed it.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Gotta win tonight. Man did you see Matsui shatter his arm?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I can't deny I'm a better ex-president than I was a president. - Jimmy Carter.
I am Malach, do you remember when you lost your mind?
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:36 PM 6 comments
Real Love
So Malach went on a shopping spree today.
Let see, we bought this, and several new CD's. Now that Malach has a tablet, you gonna start seeing some more interesting artwork in my webcomics, and I can do things much easier with the tablet than the mouse, I am excited.
As for the CD's.
Went to Newbury Comics and bought and interesting ecletic mix; Mr. Lif, Emergency Rations; The Dresden Dolls (who are a internet acquaintence of mine), Yes Virginia; Sleater-Kinney, The Woods; and . . .
You are listening too . . .
Real Love/It's Only Life, by Mike Doughty, off the album Skittish/Rockity Roll. Many of you will recognize Mike Doughty (aka M. Doughty) and the lead vocalist from one of my favorite bands Soul Coughing. Many of you might also recognize this song as a remake of an 80's Jodi Whatley hit. Doughty solo stuff is very interesting, almost a stripped down Soul Coughing with a little folk mixed in.
Let the Cold War being all over again!
The Cold War was a Hell of a lot more fun than The War on Terror.
So what, you need to get a mortgage now at age 10?
Who could vote for a presidential candidate named . . .
Man . . .
and I so wanted to believe!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
It interesting to see how the Yanks and Sox, seem to have swtiched places over the past few years . . . gonna make a WoW article about it.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The truth hurts, Jazmine. The world is a sad lonely place and no one gets anything for free, you know what? One day you and everyone you know is gonna die. - Huey Freeman
I am Malach the master of Youth Court.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:32 PM 1 comments
Meet my new friends!
Malach has new MySpace friends that are quite entertaining.
Let's see, there is Discouragement Kitty, and it's polar opposite Encouragement Kitty, Creepy Homeless Guy (which by the way has a fuggin' awesome song), and my super new favorite Sexual Predator (with the world's greatest Gary Glitter Song which has such different meaning now). There's also one, more . . . Kevin Federline it's kind of surprising how many things ryhme with "Federline".
Webcomic Updates.
I am taking a week off from webcomics so I can put together something for Mother's Day.
Isn't sentencing a cannibal to life in prison like sentencing the morbidly obeses to living at a McDonald's?
Who knew?
We Americans are mad at the Mexicans, but they were here long before we were.
The Skull and Bones.
Ohh, your so scary. Need more Skull and Bones info? Click me.
Well now.
I am ready to give up anything, even driving the car.
Fat Guy . .
In a little coat.
I knew that . .
62% of this site visitors are dolphins.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
On top 7 - 2, in Yankees Stadium. Whoopee!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I believe in the incomprehensibility of God. - Honoré de Balzac
I am Malach and I said Balzac!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:34 PM 3 comments
I kill myself!
Hitler is funny . . .
Oh man check out Malach's latest WoW post. I laughed until I cried! By the way, any of you want to join WoW, email me.
I don't know how Murk does it.
But he got a sneak of the new Dan Brown book, The Key Solomon. Take a look.
You are Listening too . . .
Soap Star Joe, by Liz Phair, off Exile in Guyville. If you are sick of Liz Phair, you can go to Malach's MySpace and listen to some Ween.
Never trust those Limey Bastards!
We all know your just in the US government's pocket and hiding the aliens.
David Blaine.
So, if he dies, do think his next trick will be to rise from the grave? Stay stong brother, you entertain me.
So, Mission Impossible III did not do well in it's opening weekend.
Do you think the fact the world has figured out TomKat in nuts doesn't help much? I mean, Jacko don't sell as many albums as he did in the 80's.
So you come from a land down under?
Evidently things you would use "down under" are tax deductible Down Under.
Been Dancing with Mr. Browstone?
I'll tell you what, even if this album is the worst thing since Kevin Federline, it will sell eleventy quabillion copies. I know I will buy one.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Off Day, but Yanks tomorrow!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
It is one of the superstitions of the human mind to have imagined that virginity could be a virtue. - Voltaire.
I am Malach and I am not a virgin, sorry.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:56 PM 5 comments
Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with brew?
Cover it in stigmata and rainbow powers too?
THE JESUSMAN! CAN! THE JESUSMAN! CAN! That's right JesusMan! 4.6 now up! JesusMan! has come a long way since the beginning just over a year ago. This episode now ends in a little cliffhanger, Hex time to get cracking on the next script.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
On a hot streak, moving into Yankee stadium on Tuesday!
Anyone seen Gangs of New York?
Watched it last night, I give it a decent review, not great, but not bad.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde" - Irish Proverb
I am Malach and I am a Patient Man.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:03 PM 2 comments
So, the wife and I took the kids some place interesting today.
Regal Reptiles (Pardon their site, it's pretty shitty, hey guys, you link back here, contact me, I'll put a site together for you). Nice little reptile zoo, in the ghettos of Providence, RI. Got tortoises you can pet and feed, snakes to hold, exotic fish and turtles to feed, and plethora of snakes, lizards, amphibians, and arachnids on display, a gator show, the gator show guy even got bit by a snapping turtle, and they also do in house birthdays. Even weirder, they sell everything on display. Conversation overheard by Malach:
Homie: Yeah, I am gonna buy the gator, but can't I just go and buy a $20 kiddie pool to keep it in for now?
Worker: Sure that should be ok.
Just want to flash forward a couple years from now . . . Kids loved it by the way, the 2 year old pet the largest gator, whose name was "Wallet".
Some help please.
I am getting tons of links from here, here, and here. I cannot find where they are coming from, and I am not a member of those forums, anyone is the know?
Some funny search phrases:
Here are some funny recent search phrases people used to find this site:
- muscle men cults pictures on steroids sex tape
- mature fat sex
- teach my ass sample
- lazytown porn (I get this one alot)
- albert fish tees
- black female stippers st louis
- illustrated torture sex
- you can't tame the white supremacist power structure
- what is the term for trying to turn little boys into becoming priests
- hey. mr. jeeves. i am sorry about them dropping your name but i know your still in here. btw what is blial
- stool sample everything went brown
- tell me everthing about dicks !!!!!
- what type of person went to theater during the greek and roman era
- which supreme court decision guarateed a high school student's right to free speech
- small specs in my puppy's stool
- why friends are pricks
- check your stool for different things
- fall back on my bass playing abilities
Fuck and Run, Liz Phair, off of Exile in Guyville. Awesome song.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Man, do the Orioles suck this year. Miggy Tejada, I understand now all the noise this off season.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"I haven't had that much fun since I chased my hamster to St. Louis."- Brak
I am Malach and I am going to try to finish the latest episode of JesusMan! right now!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:18 PM 8 comments
Cinco De Mayo!
Happy Cinco De Mayo!
Want some info on Cinco De Mayo, there are two posts about it at WoW! A serious one, and a silly one. Malach also posted one about Autism yesturday, which had a interesting debate on it. Enjoy those.
Definitely tomorrow night, even if late.
You are listening too . .
What else, Cinco De Mayo, from Liz Phair, off her second album, Whipsmart.
Those Crazy Kennedys.
They are so anti-Bush, but also, there is little difference between the two families . . . at least no one died, right Teddy?
Let see . . .
Any bets on the over under for the length of term for the next CIA Director?
Anyone else . .
Hear the them to 2001 in their head when looking at this?
Good for you Kansas!
It about time you put your foot down! Now if we can get you off the Creationism is science kick . . .
The guys huge, but his fuggin shoes could crush a car.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Today is a manic day! Welcome back to Boston Kevin Millar!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. -
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
I am Malach and yes I just quoted the Bible.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:47 PM 5 comments
Close me buckos.
JesusMan! is very close to completion, might have it tomorrow or the next day. Very latest, the day of our Lord, Sunday. This will be the end of the current episode and will leave quite a bit hanging, and a minor cliffhanger.
You are listening too . . .
Another off of Exile in Guyville, this one is Never Said, the artist of course, Liz Phair, back when she mattered. I suppose you could easily compare her career with Gwen Stefani's. A couple more off this album.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Only Sox fans will get this. It is time for the 3rd annual run the short stop out of town contest!
So the Bush Administration . . .
is now releasing blooper films of al-Qaida . . . Isn't the saying "those who live in glass houses should not throw stones?"
Now the Pope,
Hates this Chinese! Speaking of the Pope, check out his latest secret blog post "Do you like my veggies", and speaking of hate, check out bennie goodman's latest rant on soup. They have both gone insane methinks. One other thing about the pope, check out this interesting story.
Autism Rates in the US.
This is scary, and it gets worse every year. I am going to do a WoW article on this soon. The world wide picture is just as bleak.
Picasso is one of the most influential artists on Malach, Malach even owns a Picasso . . . but that is another story. This is incredible, and not even for his best work. Imagine if as important Les Demoiselles D'Avignon, went up . . .
This is interesting . ..
A "Forever Stamp".
Hmm .. .
I wonder if you could sell that special taste.
I am sorry,
but that action figure just ain't fat enough.
Jupiter has cancer!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others". - van Gogh
I am Malach and did you know van Gogh was the second coming of Christ?
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:24 PM 3 comments
Counterfeiting is fun!
Check out this WoW article.
This is entertaining and makes you wonder what else your money can do. Track your movements? Track what you buy with it? Do your laundry?
CNN lies.
Check out this story. Then check out the truth from former Army Intelligence Officer Angry Veteran.
This is weird.
I am not sure how I would react to this, either being the one executed or one of the witnesses.
Ohh Tom Reilly.
Did you know it a gubenatorial election here in MA, and Reilly is running. Way to go after the hot topic.
One Step closer . .
C'mon, I want a self driving car!
Hey, Armand, Luis, and Angel give me good advice.
So why you gotta fire the guy?
So . . .
The 4th wife was the breaking point?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I hate off days and rainouts.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"What did my hands do before they held you?". - Sylvia Plath.
I am Malach, and I don't remember the answer to the above question .. .
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:57 PM 2 comments
Man check out this WLO article!
KYOOTIES! It entertained me. While you at it check out Murk's latest post at WoW, also made me laugh . . . KILL WHITEY!
Speaking of the WoW!
Otis Serungis, Kernsie, why have you not joined yet? I sent you the invites!
Got quite a bit of work in on it today, still shooting for a Friday or Saturday release.
You are listening too. . .
First, if you have never heard the early stuff of Liz Phair, you are in for a surprising treat. Ms. Phair was a amazing singer songwriter early in her career before she took the pop route (I don't blame her, when a bunch of less talented tramps were making a hell of alot more money). The album this song, Divorce Song is off of, Exile in Guyville, is a consistently top 20 rated album of ALL TIME. I will play a few songs off of it so you can get a listen. Absolutely Amazing. Liz is a combo of a less abrasive PJ Harvey mixed with a modern day Joni Mitchell. This tune, is rather depressing, especially if you have ever been in a relationship like it. I reprint the lyrics for you to follow along. Do your self a favor and buy this one. If you another interesting song, check out my MySpace.
Divorce Song, Liz Phair.
And when I asked for a separate room
It was late at night
And we been driving since noon
But if I'd known
How that would sound to you
I would have stayed in your bed
For the rest of my life
Just to prove I was right
That it's harder to be friends than lovers
And you shouldn't try to mix the two
Cause if you do it and you're still unhappy
Then you know that the problem is you
And its true that I stole your lighter
And its also true that I lost the map
But when you said that I wasn't worth talking to
I had to take your word on that
But if you'd known
How that would sound to me
You would have taken it back
And boxed it up and buried it in the ground
Boxed it up and buried it in the ground
Boxed it up and buried it in the ground
Burned it up and thrown it away
You put in my hands a loaded gun
And then you told me not to fire it
When you did the things you said were up to me
And then accused me of trying to fuckk it up
But you've never been a waste of my time
It's never been a drag
So take a deep breath and count back from ten
And maybe you'll be alright
And the license said
You had to stick around until I was dead
But if you're tired of looking at my face I guess I already am
But you've never been a waste of my timeI
t's never been a drag
So take a deep breath and count back from ten
And maybe you'll be alright
Ok . . .
But is she rich? So many questions I don't want answered.
I have a four year old.
I don't see him doing this, and anyway, it would probably be consider child abuse in this country.
More Global Warming Warnings.
Animals, and melting Chinese Glaciers, so we really need more evidence?
This is Sad.
But have you seen the state of school funding the past 5 years. I see it everyday, and it is sad.
You think this will do any better than the Lord of the Rings Musical?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Man, like usual, what a game. Only in Boston I tell you. The side events: Damon returning and getting booed (no real shock there), Mirabelli arrive 10 minutes before the game under police escort, Ortiz rocket a homer in driving wind, that knocked down 5 other hits that should have been homers. The return of Mike Myers, who only admitted purpose is to get Ortiz out. Man, is David Ortiz the best lefty hitter in the game?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"I don't paint nature, I am nature" - Jackson Pollock
I am Malach and I am Au Naturale'
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:36 PM 1 comments
WOW, WoW is going great.
Not only are there tons of daily posts, someone added us to Wikipedia, and it has been up for a week, and is not up for a vote for deletion. Surprising, I guess they have yet to discover the WLO.
Those darn Magic Scrolls!
Notched Blade 2.10 is updated, part IV of the Magic Scrolls series. This may or may not be the last of this part of Notched Blade. As for JesusMan! I have not touched in it 2 days, but still shooting to get it up for the weekend.
Now, someone needs to marry her for the money.
Poor Anna Nicole. Say goodbye to the world. I posted a article on this a few months ago. I think the quote that got me was something to this effect . . . "Sure we can make tiny black holes with this, but they will only live for nano seconds and we should have no issues with that."
So in China . . .
The internet is censored, but you can buy a old Soviet fighter?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Red Sox/Yankees baby! I smell a Mirabelli! - Carson Kressley
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him." Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
I am Malach and I gave you two quotes today!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:44 PM 1 comments