ReInventing Webcomics


All apologies to Scott McCloud.
Malach has done it now, he is now producing a series of article about webcomics for Hill TV. The first is entitled "What is Wrong with the Webcomics World". Hopefully this will raise the ire of some, and make some think.

Ahhh, sweet revenge.
It seems that Big Uncle Gorilla, has got some modicum of revenge against Malach for a prank that Malach was a part of this past summer. In the latest Notched Blade, there is a little inside dig at the great one. This will definitly have to be retaliated against sooner or later.

Gotta love Puerto Ricans.
(Warning: bad sterotype joke upcoming). So you think when the UFO lands, a bunch of Puerto Ricans come out and steal the rims?

Hey it's Capitalism at it best.
Now my question is what do the porn sites do with the pictures?

All Praise the Mighty Spacefarmer
For this funny link. I got all 14, did you?

It's the Kraken
I don't know about you, but if this thing was walking down the street, I would avoid it. Personally I like my Kraken out of the 80's and stop motion animated.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Unless their bullpen does a 180, it gonna be a long off season.

Malach's Quote of the Day

"Of all the imaginary friends I've had, I don't think there was one that I
didn't end up having to kill." - Jack Handey

I am Malach, and I am your imaginary friend.


Dammit, I forgot to put the word verification back on!

Andy T. Nguyen said...

.............I'm 15.

Well you get the point.

It also nice as I bask MegaTokyo it goes on the front page of WebcomicWiki for 48 hours.

I agree, there is good stuff, but what is the percentage? 1%?

Anonymous said...

Great work!
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Anonymous said...

Well done!
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Anonymous said...

Good design! |