Dust in the wind.
So hurricane/tropical storm Ophelia is slated to attack MA around Friday, possibly. Interestingly, we have not had a major hurricane come up here since the early 90's. Last one was a category 2. Because of the water temp, these storms tend to lose power as they go north, and this area has never been hit by anything worse than a 2, that could be measured.As for New Beige, it has held up well because of the Hurricane Dike, built in the 60's. That is all well and good, and the main parts of the city and surrounding communities have suffered minimal flooding since built. My Memere and Parents can remember a time before the dike; mega flooding and destruction.
The problem though is this, the dike was only built to withstand hurricanes of category 2 strength or lower as "we never get stronger ones up here". Sound familiar? I'll keep you updated on this one buckos.
How Now Brown Cow?
So Mike Brown resigned . . . I think it was my cartoon that did him in.
And brown outs in LA, only to be revealed as a public works screw up? Palmer, can you shed some light on this?
All we are saying is give Peace a chance . . . All you need is love?
My little China girl, and she says, oh baby, just you shut your mouth . . .
So China, is still trying to run a Communist regime, with capalist overtones. I am really not sure how they are going to completely crack down on the internet. I like how they have Google, and Microsoft by the balls though.
My F*cked up flowers.
Many of you know, I just bought a house, so I have been planting the fall bulbs. So last week I planted crocuses. Guess what started coming up today. Mutant plants, must be from the PCBs.
Bosnia? Really? Bosnia?
This has really left me at a loss for words. So when you see a bunch of Eastern Europeans running around in yellow jumpsuits waving nunchaku, you know why.
Oh Dubya your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind, Hey Dubya!
This does not surprise me, of course I live in a blue state. But this is also from CNN. Fox News probably has his approval rating at 69%. Hey Dubya, might as well face it, your a lame duck, and your fellow Republicans are distancing themselves from you.
I am Malach, King of the Jungle.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:38 PM
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My question is: who are the 39% who approve of him? There can't be that many oil barrons and televangelists in the country. Could there?
I'm from Orange County eh, not Los Angeles.
Yeah, but that part of the Country is all the same is it not?
Angry Vet,
The same 39% that believed Clinton when he said he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinski. They are neither left, nor right, just gullible and trusting. The good news for you and your liberal clown college is that that same 39% is too dumb to vote.
I supported him right up until intelligent design theory. That was all I could take.
I just hope when his liberal successor takes the throne you give him or her the same harsh scrutiny you give M. Bush. I'd hate to think of you as being part of the "liberals are always correct" crowd.
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