Bye Bye Gulf of Mexico citizens.
Well, Rita should screw everything up. Gas and electricity is going to become unaffordable. Where can I get me a solar panel?
Isn't is ironic (unlike the Ur-anus Morrissette song which has nothing to do with irony), that your a New Orleans refugee, you end up in Houston, and the storm follows you like a bad Jaws movie.
Hey, who says the French can't do anything right?
Check this out, I love it. Stick it to the man!
Rafy, Rafy, Rafy.
So let me get this straight, one of you teamates gave you this injectable drug, right after the big congressional hearings? And you thought is was a good idea to shoot it in your ass? What you thought it was Viagra?
Yes Mein Fuhrer!
So the Pope is issuing a edict to ban homosexuals from becoming Catholic Priests, and then defrock those that currently are. Ok, I work with and know a few Catholic Priests, the is a LARGE subsection of them that are gay.
More People to add to my too kill list.
Tyra Banks.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
At least the won in my lifetime.
Malach's quote of the day:
You know, evil comes in many forms, be it a man-eating cow or Joseph Stalin. But
you can't let the package hide the pudding. Evil is just plain bad. You don't
cotton to it. You gotta smack it on the nose with the rolled up newspaper of
goodness. Bad dog! Bad dog! -The Tick
I am Malach, and I am a Aries.
Hang the homophope known as the pope! The Pope still has some Nazi in him........
Book publishers visiting here. Keep it on the down low..... : )
Book publishers? How Kinky!
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