What I learned by joining the Webcomics Community.
Now that I have gotten excited about "WebcomicWiki", Malach, who has avoided joining the web comic community, has now become the lastest noob in the community. Here is what I learned in my brief time there.
- Webcomic creators HATE criticism . . .I'm sorry buckos, you wanna do art for a living, everyones a critic. I look at it this way, someone saying they hate your comic, will get you more publicity.
- Everyone thinks the have the next best idea, or the next big thing, when there are really only 5 people who do.
- I find it very interesting how unaccepting the community is of some thing way out there in style, materials, or production methods.
- That the entire industry (taking their cue from the big comic companies) feels they need to list descriptions of the comics to minute details, including timelines, cameo characters and symbolic inteactions.
- There is a strange age mix. Either a bunch of 14 year olds, or guys over 30.
I have told you buckos, that I rarely look at other webcomics. Well, now that they are listed in a central place, I get to see more of them. I stand by my earlier comments. There are 4 types of comics.
1. Well written, well illustrated - maybe .5% of the population
2. Poorly written and well illustrated - 15%
3. Well written and poorly illustrated - 55%
4. Poorly written and poorly illustrated - 24.5%
I really don't understand how some of these comics have become popular . . .just cause they have been on the web since 2000.
I'm Sorry.
Don't know about you, but I was shocked by his apology, that is so unlike him.
Malach's Quote of the Day:
Look who just ruined Halloween... You know, you're like an A-Bomb. Everyone's laughin', havin' a good time, and then you show up. BOOM! Everything's dead. -Master Shake
The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Back to sexually satisfying David Ortiz.
The is why MA is the place to be, screw you Mitt Romney!
Now this is Interesting.
Two of the world most hated companies team up to take over the world.
I am Malach, the King of Cartoons.
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