First the plugs.
Only one, Sunshine number 32 is up, and I must say, Kingy Mingy is my new hero. Also my finger is feeling much better and I should be able to start up finishing off the next Wraith comic. Some people were worried about the finger.
You Are Listening Too . .
You Are Listening Too . .
Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!, of The Beatles magnum opus, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The song is a Lennon/McCartney collaboration, with more of
Lennon than McCartney. The entire song is based upon a promotional poster for a circus Lennon purchased at an Antiques shop (Poster is at left). It is perhaps, beyond a Day in the Life, the most musically complex song on the album. In Lennon attempt for the song to have a surreal carnival atmosphere, multiple recording sessions featuring organ noise, harmonica, and overdubbed guitar were used. Lennon told George Martin, he wanted "to smell the sawdust on the floor" in the middle eight bars of the song. In an attempt to do that Martin and sound engineer Geoff Emerick spliced in calliope and circus music, Lennon was not happy. In a sort of frustrated inspiration, Martin and Emerick chopped up the slice into random pieces with scissors, and re-assembled it at random. Lennon was fairly critical of the song, but in 1980 did state the song was "pure, like a painting". This song was one of three songs banned from the BBC for it supposed drug references. "Henry the Horse" at the time was known slang for heroin, but Lennon always denied this.
Musically, there is a ton of mixing, a excellent drum session from Ringo. Some very trippy organ arrangments and mixes . . . cool stuff.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Lost yesterday, and getting destroyed by the Blue Jays right now . . mood, bring back the Yankees.
In a related story. Malach talks a bit about Manny Ramirez. Manny is a bit of a flake, quite an enigma, and perhaps and idiot savant. Manny rarely talks to the Boston media, which pisses them off to no end. Of course they all love Bill Bellichick, but he can talk for 2 hours and give you less that what Manny does by not talking, but that is another blog.
Well, Ben McGrath of The New Yorker magazine has a 7 page article in this month's issues called Waiting for Manny. A MUST READ for any Red Sox fan, or any sports fan. You can read it's entirety here. Now you will have some idea when I write it's "Just Manny Being Manny".
We missed this yesterday . .
But that walking bottle of vodka Boris Yeltsin died.
The Russia-Alaska Tunnel.
This could make world travel very interesting. Could be quite a train tour built up from something like this.
Fat Bug would enjoy this.
You see Virginia, there is Kryptonite.
Did you miss?
Heroes last night? Shame on you if you did. Jack Bauer sucks.
So let me get this straight.
If you wanted to get an abortion, and lived in Mexico, you would have to come to the US to do it? That seems a bit backward to me, no? Now that Miss Alanis Morrisette is IRONIC!
Ohh Willie.
I tell my clients this all the time, if you want to smoke pot, do it at home.
Malach's Quote/Video of the Day
I am Malach and when I'm called off, I got a sawed off, squeeze the trigger, and bodies are hauled off.
I am Malach and when I'm called off, I got a sawed off, squeeze the trigger, and bodies are hauled off.
"Manny" is short fer "maniac," ainit?
When Manny was wif da Injuns, Im pretty sure th team had to prvide him wif a shrink.
Only reason why Manny nevr seemd nuts while he was wif Cleveland is cause ... well ... he was usually standin nex to Albert Ding Dong Bell.
Jack Baur will come & bite a chunk out of your neck!
It'll be interesting to see if the Sox get A-Rod to play third or short next year. That would give them room to move or cut Manny. But then they'd have to bring Yaz back from the dead to play left.
Yeah, Albert Belle was dangerous, Manny is not.
Bauer, I wathced the first season, was OK, after that it pretty much sucked. I propose for 24, they should have a new star every season, with a new storyline.
Yeah, they'll make a push for ARod since Lowell will be gone, and it manny is only got 2 years left, and we'll see if they go after Andrew Jones too.
When Manny brings in as many rings as Belichick, then the Boston Media will not complain.
24 is better than Heroes.
Heres's the problem I have with 24. How many times do I need to see Jack Bauer save this country from the brink of a terrorist attack, while creatively bending all the rules of the Geneva Convention. It is like watching the same movie, over and over again.
FYI, you can never see Jack Bauer saving the country enough (although this season isn't as good). Also, Jack can legally violate constitutional rules -- the evidence just can't be used in court (although there are public safety exceptions!), but that's not a problem since everyone dies in the end.
GEEZ! Why are you fokes talkin bout 24 all of a suddn?
Cash was talkin about Jack Bowwower, Special Genral of THE REVOLUTION!
Its just that Cash cant spell werf a shit.
wow I am not surprised that they found different species in Borneo Island, they seem to have everything new there.
They should officially call it Kryptonite, sounds cool.
DuHH!!! you didn't know abortion was illegal In Mexico? well let me make it better, is actually illegal in most of latin countries specially the ones under Catholic guidance. The only way to get away with abortion in Latin America is "If the pregnancy is dangering the mother's health" otherwise... Got raped, Got fish memorie, Got naked, went to sleep w/o underwear... abortion-not possible.
Bring me my COAT HANGER!
opps is right on your shoulders, you forgot to remove it.
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