First Plugs.
8 1/2 by Eleven has updated with strip 519 after a bit of a hiatus.
VA Tech.
OK, I haven't really commented on this, and have listened to everything from right wing nut jobs, to sympathetic mental health technicians, to people who want to blame video games and the ease of gun ownership, to the kid's parents. Some are even blaming Islam. I will try and tackle some of these issues, as well as give you some of my opinion.
It is plainly obvious from seeing the videos, reading some of the writing, and hearing some of the descriptions of this kid, he had some mental health issues (anyone who does something like this has obvious mental health issus). He his whole delusions of matyrdom, his affect . .
It bothers me that someone who was a "imminent danger" to himself and others, was released into out patient services, but it is not surprising in a over worked, under funded, mental health system in this country. As someone who is a director of similar services, I can just show you by my programs budget and my salary, a salary and budget that is 1/3 of what it would be in a different field.
Cho Seung-Hui's parents, what responsibility do they have? That is hard to know. They are "hospitalized" right now. Had they tried to help him? Possibly, but if he was severely mentally ill, there isn't a real lot they could have done to change his behavior beyond meds and couseling. And at this point he's 23 years old, living at college, what real control did they have over him now? There were some pretty obvious signs prior to the shooting in his behavior, but it was either written off, or when reported basically ignored.
But here's the problem . . how many thousands of kids are there in world like this one? Depressed, emotionally broken, anti-social? I bet there is at least one in about every school. I knew quite a few over my years of schooling (no not the Angry Piper). How easy is it for some like this to do that same thing? I can walk out side my office right now, walk into the ghetto this office is in, and buy a gun within a half hour, any gun I wanted too; you don't have to do it legally, though I could also easily do it that way. I will give MA credit, they have some very strict gun laws, and you can see, that MA ranks lowest in murders per 100,000 in the US, including the District of Columbia. But millions of people own guns in this country and they don't go on shooting rampages, and if someone has no record, and passes a background check, they too can own a gun. Look at Canada, you have the freedom to own firearms there, and things like this rarely happen there.
Violent video games? I love and have played Doom, Quake, GTA and such. Yeah they are violent, and yes, it is a release to drive a bus down the street of Liberty City and wipe out 40 people, but is just entertainment, and BILLIONS of people play these games. My 5 and 3 year old understand the difference between real and unreal, right and wrong in terms of TV and video games, why can't a 23 year old?
Unfortunately this will not last one, the next one will probably be worse to try and out do it. Look at Columbine, if it were not for the propane they had set up in the cafeteria not going off, they would have killed a ton more kids, closer to the Bath School House bombings of 1927. This guy used two hadguns . . . imagine if he used something like a H&K MP5, which are nasty weapons are rather easy to comeby. And NBC airing this footage would not make any difference. Don't blame them, any news outlet would have done the same thing, or it would have showed up on YouTube.
As for Ismail Ax? Don't know, but it is a power embueing psuedonym, like Malach the Merciless.
And as Chris Rock said about Columbine: "Who gives a fuck what they was watching? Whatever happened to crazy?"
Why I have been recently busy.
Malach has been chosen as the keynote speaker for the local Catholic Charities Appeal (yeah don't laugh). Not only that, I will be appearing in their local and national advertising. So most every night this week, I have been our late giving speeches and shmozzing with the higher ups in the Catholic Church. Yeah, and I haven't even been struck by lightning.
I might reprint the speech at the WoW, we'll see.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
This is truly going to be a awesome year . . Yanks this weekend. Excited.
Ohh Goody.
More religious nutballs. Look at David Koresh, his message and compare it to Cho.
Look at New Hampshire Go.
Yeah, this will pass . . .LIVE FREE OR DIE!
Malach's Quote of the Day
I am Malach and the women fight for my delight.
Ismail Ax
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:30 AM
Labels: Gay Marriage, Malach's Life, Massacre, Mr. Deity, Plugs, Red Sox, Religion, VA Tech
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Tell th Pope I said "Hi."
"My 5 and 3 year old understand the difference between real and unreal"
ahahahahhahahahaa you just sound like a dad and what a dad would say about his kids.
oh man religions can be dangerous, is always good to keep an eye on the Great One and not on the "good" one.
Not the Pope this time . . .
^ well my statement applies to the pope too, he is not the great one, he is just a good one like many others...
I would say that the dificult thing is to know the difference of when a person is speaking seriously about what they would do and when they are joking...
oh now I feel a bit more compleling with Murk and understand why he can never get me right eh eh
Man, civil unions are so GAY! God made Adam and Eve and they got married, not Adam and Steve who got a union! Oh, wait, I don't think that Adam and Eve ever got married . . .
^oh wow is that what they say? OMG what would people do to get things going their way spiritually lol
God united Adam and Eve "What God united shall never separate"
oh and this is not only argued by them, also argued by divorced couples, they can't stand these words, I hear some say "but we didn't married under God's hand" well helloooo God created the marriage and like it or not, follows his therms. Divorce was never made by God and will never be accepted either, yeah one of those things that people will say..
Why if he is a loving God? well a dad also has rules and sometimes we don't know why there are certain rules but either way we have to respect them. Maybe if he tells us the reasons why, we might not be able to understand... like kids do sometimes.
Man made marriage.
who was that?
The early zoroastrians, which predate the jews by almost a thousand years.
God existed since the beginning of times...
Who needs marriage?
Living in sin is so much better.
Man was smart to invent marriage, since gettin a rib cut out is jus too dangd painful.
^ lol
hey nice song playing today..
Lucy is one of my faves
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