RIP Uncle Frank.
My Uncle Frank passed away Tuesday night after a long battle with cancer. While we were never super close, and over the years, grew slightly apart, he was still loved, and will be missed. I very much got along with my three cousins for a number of years when we were young, but as life goes on, they moved away, and grew apart. Rest in Peace Uncle Frank.
You are listening too . . .
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds off of the Beatles most famous album Sgt. Pepper . . .
Lucy, lots of rumors about this song the most obvious being the abbreviation of the song, LSD, which I assume we all know what LSD is. The Beatles at the time were very heavily into LSD and other drugs. First look at the image at left. This is a image done by Lennon son Julian when he was nursery school and three years old. Julian described the picture as "Lucy - in the sky with diamonds". Lennon claimed that is where he got the title from, and did not make the connotation with LSD until it was pointed out to him.
Even with the trippy nature of the song, and the surreal, very surreal lyrics, the Beatles have always maintianed the song was not about drugs and the whole LSD things was a coincidence. The image also inspired Lennon to look back on a childhood favorite of his, Lewis Carroll's, Through the Looking Glass (talk about an acid trip).
The Beatles have also always been pretty honest about their drug use, and song inspired by drug use, and have never really come out and said this song is about and acid trip.
The song itself, musically is not only dreamy and beautiful, it is a very complex arrangment, mostly done by Lennon. The song not only goes through some metre shift, by key shifts, sung by a very distorted Lennon voice, and a complicated underlying arrangment. It fearture sitar, altered organ. One of my faves by the boys from Liverpool.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I told the Angryman they would take 2 of three from the Yanks. You see how good their pitching is, saved Schilling. Our mood, party time. Oh and the green unis before anyone asks, Sox tribute to Red Aeurbach.
New Blogger.
This blog had finally switched, you will like the new features, especially ability to look up posts by catagories. No, I am not going back and adjust the 800 or so other posts.
What the Hell is in the Water at NASA?
First nutty astronauts, and now crazy engineers?
Ghost Ship.
Why does this shock anyone? Jesus came down for the Rapture, and these were the only people who qualified, you sinners.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach, and Lucy rocks.
My condolences, on th passin of yer uncle.
I felt a verrrrry strange jolt when I read yer post-title. I got a Uncle Frank too. Hes now in his ninetys -- the oldest of four kids, & th only one still livin. I guess maybe Im subconsiously bracd for th day when I get that R.I.P. message in a e-mail.
That is how I got mine, via e-mail.
Frank Polanski . . . fun name.
Sorry to hear about your Uncle, man.
As to sports, when did you tell me about the Sox taking 2 of 3 from the Yanks? Not that I would disagree, the Yanks' need a pitching jolt right now. It's also just a matter of time before A-Rod gets all self-important, too (overly self-important, that is).
In my comments from yesturdays blog
Ah, OK. I'll make sure to scroll through those. Thought I missed it.
OMG, now I will have to face tribulation oh NO!!!
Jesus personally told me he was skipping the "whole tribulation crap"
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