Did you miss me?


Sorry about yesterday.
Blogger was down most of yesterday, so you got no blog, did you miss me? Nothing major, I was busy any way with a few things. Website client updates, and a new major website project I am working on. CO:TCG.com. I am working to make a plave for former orbiters, that will perhaps relive some of the greatness of orbit. I am working with a internet pal of mine, Chris, the brains behind the Massive Cartoon Orbit Archival Project (MCOAP). Last night we loaded up close to 10,000 Orbit .swfs like this for example, or this. This week I am going to build some major galleries for this stuff. Eventually we are going to put the entire MCOAP site on CO:TCG. I am going to develop the remainder of CO:TCG kind of like Orbit, mixed with MySpace. Stay tuned. BTW, I am starting tomorrow paying for the hosting on this site. There will be ads and a DONATION button to help me with the costs, especially if this site goes massive. Also if you want to help with this, get in touch with me. I am really looking for someone with some pretty good .php/cold fusion skills.

So, any plugs?
Yeah, just one. Aleague's Gallery updated.

You are listening too . . .
Lipstick. Imperial Teen. A bit of a gender bending song.

Halloween is in the air.
Carved pumpkins with the kiddos today . . take a look
Here he comes . . .
Hey, hey it's Obama! IDK, Obama/Clinton ticket could be fun.

What week is this?
You heard it here first, Ben Roethlisberger will be dead by week 10. And Michael Vick, you still overrated.

This is proof the Armageddon is near! The Wal-Mart, so good with their employee benefits.

Damn Harry Potter is the Anti-Christ!
I was hoping when I read the headline it would be the fat red headed kid.

SHHH, be very quiet.
The Patriots are slowly sneaking up on the rest of the league.

Hell Boy.
The first of animated movies will appear on Cartoon Network Oct. 28th at 9:30PM. I am excited.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
Toki: Yeah but checks dis out! I can force all the bloods to my face and gives myself a real cool blowjob! Dat's what I'm talkin' about!
Skwisgaar: Pfft...you mean nosebleed, not blowjob. Idiot...
- Metalocalypse

I am Malach, and I messed up the elbow this weekend.


Toyi said...

isn't there any law against male under 17 nudding? o-0

In the US I am not sure. He is 17 though.

The Angry Piper said...

Nice knife work on them pumpkins.

Guns are for show, knives for the pro.

Toyi said...

oh no sorry I meant 18 lol like girls you know lol (oh wait for girls is 21) o-0

Yeah you should see the knife work I did on homeless man

Toyi said...

oh I wish i was that mean!

the baddest think I have ever done is saying a mom " your baby is ugly"

Dr. Jen said...

I like those pumpkins :) Very cool. I didn't carve any this year :( no time. Too busy treating all the maladies of the world