The Whole World.


First the plugs . .
We will begin hosting the art of a one Space Ghost. I am working on not only his gallery, but also a series of one shot webcomics he has done. Expect them up tomorrow or Tuesday. Space Ghost is very talented at both manipulating images with Photoshop and a pretty good drawer also. Here is a sneak peak at left. You all know how partial I am to the cubist movement. He also gave me a good link for some tutorials to improve my skills. You will love his stuff.

Other plugs, still plodding along with Fat Bug, but since all my comissions are done, I will be working on that pretty consistently this week. I would guess I am 65% done.

A WoW plug? Sure. Always look on the bright side of life.

You are Listening too . . .
The Whole World, Outkasts.

RIP Red Auerbach
Red Auerbach passed away last night. Red, was one of the greatest basketball minds to ever live. For you young'uns, look up his career. Without Red, basketball is still a obscure sport. And I don't even think that is biased being a New Englander.

The Joy of Doomsday Economic News.
It will be interesting to see what happens in the future. Right now the US economy is so tied into the world economy, and finacial collapse will bankrupt much of the world. I also like how this story is not to be found in any of the major news outlets.

Malach's Quote of the Day
What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist. - Salman Rushdie

I am Malach and I take Freedom very seriously.