Everybody go to the back of the bus!


Some more site changes.
Well, I did a bit of work today on our art galleries directory, and you can see that here, interestingly enough, I am now the number search hit for the phrase "Stool Sample" and MSN, number 5 at Yahoo, 7 at Google, take up 5 of the top spots at Alexa, and 6 at Ask (and as usually their results are months behind, idiots). This could be good or bad. RubbberSuit Records is next on the list, then just minor update across the site. By the way, I love Dreamweaver.

You are listening too . ..
Rosa Parks, Outkast. Did you know that Rosa Parks sued the Outkast over this song? I am glad she dead, she'd probably sue me for playing this.

The World Series.
Well slap my ass and call me Charlie, I had the Tigers in 5 . . . Suppose they blew out their best pitching in the AL playoffs.

Goodbye to the Ford Taurus.
The Ford Taurus is no more. Unfortunately 2,000 workers had to lose their jobs cause of it. Let us remember, the Taurus and what it did not only for American cars, but the entire car industry. Taurus was the first real production car with modern aerodynamicing, full front wheel drive, more fuel efficiency, and brought an end to the "boxy American car". Even went with a pretty kickass, SHO model. Taurus lifted American cars into the modern era . . . American cars need something like it now.

Wow, them feds are smart.
See, hang out with Snoop Dog, Willie Nelson, or any band from Seattle long enough, and you will meet your arrest quota.

NFL week 8.
Sometime this week we will look back on my preseason picks and be amazed. Such is the power of Malach.

I Invite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad . .
to write a script for a webcomic . . . I will illustrate it, and post it here. Would that not be fun? For that matter, I invite Kim Jong Il, and Hugo Chavez also. Dubya, he got his own web resources. You know what, It can be anything. Porn, racist, insane, whatever.

Malach has Manlove for Sacha Cohen.
I wrote a bit of a WoW article on him today. I also dicovered the joys of Borat's MySpace.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
If there is one more item of Uzbek propaganda claiming that we do not drink fermented horse urine, give death penalty for baking bagels, or export over 300 tons of human pubis per year, then we will be left with no alternative but to commence bombardment of their cities with our catapults. - Borat (you did not see that coming).

I am Malach and I am your secret internet friend.


Is that some type of new Batman villian, oh wait, perhaps a JesusMan! one.