Ye Olde Famous Malach Quickie . ..


Was it good for you too?
Sorry, quick one today, got to get the homestead together for a dual 4 and 5 year old birthday tomorrow.

The Wraith is coming along nicely, here is a quick peek. This will help me as I wanted to see how this panel would reduce. I like this one enough to possibly put it in my portfolios.

O yeah baby, looks nice small too!

Malach's Quote of the Day!

My way of joking is to tell the truth.That's the funniest joke in the world- Muhammad Ali

I am Malach and I told you the Morivingian Kings were coming back, look at France now baby!


Yeah invite all you splog buddies, you could have a splog orgy . . .

Christopher said...

Merovignian, ass munch. Don't make me riot...

*sings the French National Anthem*

"e like your tanks,
Your bombs, yourguns,
But we don't like... you!"

I eat babies, I drink Pee, I am French, French, French!