You are listening too . . .
Buena, by Morphine, off the album Cure for Pain. Morphine, based out of Boston, was best remembered for their innovative sound, which was created by Mark Sandman's vocals and 2 string slide bass, Dana Colleys baritone sax, and tribal percussion (they had two drummers over the course of their existence). Their incredible deep,big, sexy sound, was rivaled by Sandman's almost stream of concious lyrics, and sleepy vocals. They had some seminal success, and were soon signed to a major label. In 1999, Sandman collapsed on stage in Italy, and died of a heart attack. He was 46. Absolutely amazing band, and I regret not seeing them live, which I heard was mind blowing. This painting I did shortly after his death.The song printed in the right side of the painting, in the black box is entitled I'm Free Now. The lyrics are appopriate to Sandman's life and death.
I'm free now to direct a movie
sing a song, or write a book about yours truly
how I'm so interesting, I'm so great
I'm really just a fuckup and it's such a waste
to burn down these walls around me
flexing like a heartbeat
we don't like to speak
don't talk to me for about a week
I'm sorry, it just hurts to explain
there's something going on that makes my guts ache
I got guilt, I got fear, I got regret
I'm just a panic-stricken waste I'm such a jerk
I was honest, I swear
the last thing I want to do
honest, I swear
the last thing I want to do
is ever cause you pain
Prison Break.
Does anyone actually watch this rediculous show. Correct me if I am wrong, but this guy gets, sets himself up to get arrested, and goes to prison, so he can break out his brother who is wrongly accused? And to top it all off, the guys who comes up with this plot, is not only the designer of the prison, but has the prison plans secretly tattooed on his body? Um, how about hiring a lawyer? Stupid show since Cop Rock.
Those crazy Canucks!
Not that this is surprising.
Yes, the US environmental policy sucks, but what's up with the chick in the Polar Bear outfit?
So, do all these foreign dictators . .
go to the same school on how to be nutty? Is there some type of class on how to be a delusional despot?
Hey Idiots . .
So you really think it would be cheaper if the Cable Companies only charge you per channel . . . Dummies.
More idiots . .
So, CS Lewis died in the 60's, do you really think if he saw the magic they could make with movies now a days, he'd have the same opinion?
Instead of the no homos policy . .
How about a no pedophlies policy? I know a lot of homosexuals, and none of them are pedophiles.
Oh, man, what does TO think?
Really guy . .WTF? I mean if the Eagles could actually win something, perhaps.
Those nutty Japanese.
A word of advice from Malach. If some nut reports this on the internet, yet no reputable news agency is . . . You cannot believe everything you read on the internet. Did you learn your lesson? Oh and Hentai is sick, and Anime/Manga is WAY OVERATED!
Jet Li,
Don't know what love is? Poor Baby.
Welcome to
Wait until they find my internet drug ring.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals. - Ben Franklin
I am Malach, and I am a Piperholic.
Church is to big hypocrites, as Gary Glitter is to ___________.
is to???? Fruitcake???
Oh man, I say no more about religion, religion sucks without a real God (basically that is what it is)they think they have it but God is gone since men got kicked out of the garden.
Oh man stop winning for some riffles US, you know you can easily send the nuke and say there was Venezuela (BTW I don't support nukes or killing but I am just trying to talk about a possible fact).
What is the difference between any religion? They are all about promoting their own philosophy, form any of the big ones, to the smallest christain churches and cults . . they all have "the way to salvation". As for the Catholic Church, think of it this way . . .
All modern western religions are based in part on Judiasm/Catholicism.. Why. The Bible was put together by those two religions - was was to be edited, and what was to be included, that is the basis for all Christian, Jewish, and Muslim thinking. It all has the same base, just becuase one or the other broke off from that base does not make it any better or any worse . . .
Covert to Hinduism.
yeah there is whole mess with the bible, but still is the best book that describes human nature, human being can't see it because as the bible says, they are full of themselves and they think that goes for somebody else.
God makes the best sheep dip
^ Man, I never thought about it, I only thought about going to a concert where God played the guitar... coooollllll (Rolleyes)
God is not a guitar player, he is more of a synthesizer person.
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