The New Minimum Security.
RubberSuit Studios and Hill-TV would like to annouce their new forums. Still named Minimum Security they are now located here. The reasons for this change? Well the reasons are several, most of the federal (that was for the Angry Piper). There are a number or reasons. First and foremost the pphbb boards are much more user friendly and have much more feature that the Invision ones. It is now loaded on my site, so I have much more control over what goes on, changes, advertising and such. Thirdly, I can now access the forum at work. All you favorites will still be there.
So expect that community to thrive once again. Join up for some fun. When joining make sure you read the rules. And change you bookmarks and links to
Now to answer Just Me's question.
I answered it in the forum, blogger did not allow that much html in comments. Screw Blogger anyway, they are the next to go.
The Angry Veteran not only posted one blog, but two? I am dumbstruck! Now if I can just pressure Palmer in to blogging again, the world will be right.
This time Ratzy, you don't got a leg to stand on.
This is not surprising, this has been going on quite a bit in the local Catholic Schools, firing teachers who don't meet the "Catholic Ideal". Well this time, methinks you have bit off a bit more that you can chew. BREAKING NEWS: The Pope has just commented on this on his blog!Man, that is one ugly pooch.
Say hi to Eddie Guererro for me. I mean look at the thing . . . Is it even a dog? Look at the freakin' thing. I mean MY GOD. Imagine if this was a person.
Yeah, ok.
Too many jokes for this one.
That why I only let my kids play with lighters and broken glass.
So I got this email from the FBI.
C'mon people wake the hell up.
Global Warming.
Y'know, beside the fact I would be underwater, I wouldn't mind it warming up around here.
Snow for Turkey Day.
Yeah probably more like slush.
C'mon, People!
I am willing to trade things and "favors" to rename your town
This stuff rules.
After clicking the link, check out the slide show.
Ratzy . . . more comments?
A bet you'd like a contingent of young boys as gaurds.
Those Crazy Krauts.
I have not the words to expression my love for this man. You sir are my new hero.
How about . .
You call them Fuzzy Hoppy Nuggets.
Hmm . .
Float the city, now why did I not think of that?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation?
Excited, big trade, nervous Manny will be bye bye.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
You're a beautiful woman, probably. - Dr. Who
I am Malach, and I hate brussle sprouts.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 5:04 PM
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Devil dog! DEVIL DOG!!!
Yes, tis quite the evil looking dog.
WTF is up with that dog???? Is it covered in blood or something??? YUCK!! Holy.....I think a felt bile come up into my throat.
To be honest with you, that HS mayor boy scares me more than the dog!
uhh those human bodies are no different than the ones I saw during war in ES! oh yeah maybe there is an advantage on these ones (They are preserved)
New minimun security? why I can't log in, did you get reid of the existing members? that was very irrespectful lol
The hungers!
Toyi, I have not shut down the old MS yet, I am not sure why you cannot log into it, but I will be shut down next week. Why? I found a much better forum.
oh well I cannot log into the new one, I can in the old one.
That is strange, did you register?
I love listening to music from my iPod while I'm on the impel, be it on the bus, the edify, or justified while doing groceries. Quest of that saneness, I every time necessity a yard goods twosome of stereo earphones with me, and of way on some days I'd like my earphones to be an helper, where I tournament it with my utensils championing that day. So I buy a doublet of designer earphone every other month. Recently, I bought the [url=]Designer Beats by Dr. Dre In-Ear Stereo Earphone with Carrying Bag (3.5mm Jack/110CM-Cable)[/url] from in their Speakers & Earphones section. has become my inaction online shopping site that I pop in frequently to swallow whatever I may need. Going to the DIY trust in or the mall has become to some less pleasurable than browsing through the deviant classification of things at I would also like to be bruited about stereo speakers a certain prime representing my home.
These author beats that I bought comes with a carrying suitcase, which makes the interior decorator earphone really convenient to store and carry. I've uploaded a several of pictures of the deviser stereo earphone and the carrying vocation so you can espy what comes with the earphone install I bought from [url=][/url].
On some days, I'd like to attend to fitting music with a stalwart bass, so I also do invest in produce pairs of stereo earphone like Sennheiser. They're not so much interior decorator beats, but in effect good for getting into the music. Although the author beats I bought from is not a spicy trade mark like Sennheiser or Sony, it does still block effectively outside noise, making instead of listening pleasure. The technique the deviser earphone contours nearly the ears also makes after warm wear, and the noble trend about the Creator Beats via Dr. Dre In-Ear Stereo Earphone with Carrying Bag (3.5mm Jack/110CM-Cable) I bought from is that it comes with multiple sizes of ear tips and supernumerary heed buds. These things are baffling to twig so I'm glad the designer beats came with it. I can utilize these consideration tips and buds on my other pairs of earphone too. The carrying pouch is of speed a pre-eminent gratuity for easy storage and portability.
I like to rival this doublet of draughtsman beats close to Dr. Dre with my pink spaghetti strap and oyster-white shorts, I mark it goes ostentatiously with this outfit. While waiting in queues or waiting on a pen-pal for a lunch selection, I put on my favorite Wire-tap Knocking Pirouette recreation on my iPod Meddle with with this pair of stereo earphone. The visible crash gets blocked in so justly, and coupled with the hugely engrossing draw on tournament, I don't even notice when my compeer arrives! Splendidly, that's what a appropriate marry of stereo earphone should do, I believe. Come what may, I do away it a object to let inseparable earphone unlit of my notice whenever I cross the passage, or when I'm walking on a comparatively deserted road. This I do after safety reasons. I steady wouldn't thirst for to get into an calamity or be in damage's way objective because I was wearing my plotter stereo earphone and couldn't hear danger make a proposal to my way.
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