They ascared now!
Well, the John Batchelor Show has capitulated and taken down my painting. I also found my Cobain painting up in a forum, but they let me advertise my site, so it stayed up.
Again, if you would like to use one of my images, I only request the following, if the image is not to be used to make money.
1. A reciprocal link right by the image to my site, saying that where the image was from.
2. Indication of who created the image.
3. And Title and Date of the image.
I would also prefer to be contacted regarding this.
If you want to use an image to make money, we can work out details on that also.
New Shtuff.
There is a new Notched Blade up. This is one of the funniest episodes I have read. All us D&D geeks will like this one.
Palmer has also graced us with a new Necromancer Ned. He has also informed me he wants to start spoofing Marvel comics. Stay tuned for this.
Yo, you mofos better learn some quick stick fighting techniques.
Cuz I learned from the best.
OK, make sense of this.
More unnesscary tax cuts to line the pockets of the rich, then cut the shit out of Medicare, Student Loans, and food stamps to help balance . This is supposed to stimulate the economy?
I am Sorry John Kerry,
But I could say that I would have us in a better place right now too. This was your problem last time, too busy spewing rhetoric and not enough substance.
So how much . . .
you think this will go for on Ebay?
So, the Dinosaurs . .
they used the Mary Jane too.
I think the real question is . . .
Hmm, how to out do this one.
You know I really want to try too.
OK, raise your hand . .
If you would partake in a McDonald's Deli Sandwich.
WalMart, WalMart, WalMart.
Malach still loves you . . . no . . . I hatses the walmart. The tricksies walmart . My precious.
Short People got,
no reason to live!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Beavis, you're gonna keep talking about loogies and I'm gonna be too busy
swinging around my gigantic schlong. - Butt-Head, Beavis and Butt-Head
I am Malach, and it is only 2" long, but it is as wide as a soup can.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:55 PM
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Ah yes Marvel, though I am a DC fan mainly. I will take on one of the most messed up characters in the Marvel mythos.....Daredevil!!! That or some sex jokes about Black Cat.
I am a huge DD fan, but I grew up with the Frank Miller version
I will fail where Miller has risen. Or something like that.
How Much? well that will not be sold on Ebay, Ebay cannot sell body parts, is on their rules.
Who cares? lol family maybe lol
Mc Donald's will never reach Burguer King! muuauaauauaua
Short people? 5/2? OMG I am 5/8 or so/ with highheals I am about 5/11... IDK I will never marry somebody that is shorter than me, just because I won't feel very secure..
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