I love it when you call me BIG PAPI!


The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Back to having sex with David Ortiz Again. It is pretty amazing how resilient this team is, and trust me on this one, Cleveland, Boston, and NY will all be tied by the end of the weekend.

Malach's Quote of the Day

Today... is Christmas! There will be a magic show at zero-nine-thirty! Chaplain
Charlie will tell you about how the free world will conquer Communism with the
aid of God and a few marines! God has a hard-on for marines because we kill
everything we see! He plays His games, we play ours! To show our appreciation
for so much power, we keep heaven packed with fresh souls! God was here before
the Marine Corps! So you can give your heart to Jesus, but your ass belongs to
the Corps! Do you ladies understand? - Gunnery Seargeant Hartman, Full Metal Jacket

Alexa you sneaky little bitch.
So, my Alexa rating was in the high 4 millions, not good. So then after doing a little research, I found out Alexa gets their number via their toolbar. So I downloaded it, and moved my ranking up to 250,000. It is really kind of sad that so many people rely on Alexa ratings to deem "quality sites". So, my buckos, now you have a new mission, and must download the toolbar . ..

Google Bombs.
Alexa also has this really interesting article about "Google Bombs" on their front page. If you are unsure what a Google Bomb is, got to Google and type in the search term "failure", and then hit the "I'm feeling lucky button". Well I want to create a google bomb for JesusMan!. I was thinking "savior" or something to that effect, but would require a coordinated effort. Drop me a line with ideas.

In relation to Google, they have finally figured out that "rubbersuits" have nothing to do with it, so I am no longer getting hit for that. It stopped at 269.

JesusMan! SuperStar!
Check out the fancy PSP work on the latest JesusMan! I am pretty happy with the result considering it is only my third use of PSP. Thanks to everyone with the ideas.

The Third Option Media Radio Network.
First Podcast is in the bag, a bit of editing and should be available for your perusal by next weekend. It should be informative, funny, and entertaining. We also have advertising space on our podcasts, contact me for details.

That Spacefarmer has more free time at work than I do.
This is a funny link. And has much needed informtion for the war.

I am Malach, and Still the King of Revenge



Sorry Buckos.
Short blog tonight, got a podcast to do.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Pitching sucks, hittings in a slump, if the get there, they won't go far. I love Bill Belichick interviews.

Malach's Quote of the day.
"You can play hard. You can play aggressive. You can give 120%, but if one
guy is out of position then someone's running through the line of scrimmage and
he's going to gain a bunch of yards," - Bill Belichick

I am Malach, and I am the MASTER of revenge.

ReInventing Webcomics


All apologies to Scott McCloud.
Malach has done it now, he is now producing a series of article about webcomics for Hill TV. The first is entitled "What is Wrong with the Webcomics World". Hopefully this will raise the ire of some, and make some think.

Ahhh, sweet revenge.
It seems that Big Uncle Gorilla, has got some modicum of revenge against Malach for a prank that Malach was a part of this past summer. In the latest Notched Blade, there is a little inside dig at the great one. This will definitly have to be retaliated against sooner or later.

Gotta love Puerto Ricans.
(Warning: bad sterotype joke upcoming). So you think when the UFO lands, a bunch of Puerto Ricans come out and steal the rims?

Hey it's Capitalism at it best.
Now my question is what do the porn sites do with the pictures?

All Praise the Mighty Spacefarmer
For this funny link. I got all 14, did you?

It's the Kraken
I don't know about you, but if this thing was walking down the street, I would avoid it. Personally I like my Kraken out of the 80's and stop motion animated.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Unless their bullpen does a 180, it gonna be a long off season.

Malach's Quote of the Day

"Of all the imaginary friends I've had, I don't think there was one that I
didn't end up having to kill." - Jack Handey

I am Malach, and I am your imaginary friend.

Stuff, Stuff and more stuff.


Well in the next few days, you should have 2 new episodes of Notched Blade, and new episode of JesusMan!, a scathing article about the Webcomics industry as a whole by yours truly, for Hill TV, the RubberSuit Studios Flea Market, and maybe, just maybe the first podcast of the Third Option Media Radio Show starring Dr. Murk and Malach. Now isn't that exciting Buckos?

Man, do me and the wife need seperate computers . . . lets hope business picks up a bit.

So this is what my taxes pay for?
Hey, she had sex with the 100 year old man, doesn't she deserve something?

Goodbye you fat lil' bastard.
I hated your guts anyway.

So China wants to block it's peoples access to the internet
But they want to watch Panda porn?

Vinny Testubeverde.

And More stuff.
Y'know, I was going to refrain from commenting on this, but Tri Clown, what the Fug is going on in your state?

The Mood of Red Sox Nation:
Win one lose one, three way tie for the wildcard, can it get anymore nervewracking?

Malach's Quote of the day.

You've got a dirty whorish mouth. - Ron Burgundy

I am Malach and Jazz flute is for little fairy boys.

Ahh Webcomics, webcomics, webcomics


The Community.
As I delve further into the webcomics community, some more observations. People HATE criticism. There is also huge fear of the new, and change. I am sorry buckos, but if you want to make in the art field, it is all about criticism, change, and what is hot. There also seems to be a few main groups. Those who actually make a good living from their webcomics (Scott McCloud, Penny Arcade), those that support there webcomics via other endeavors (Myself), those that try to make a living off webcomics and live in squalor hoping beyond hope to hit the big time, and constantly putting "tip jars" up (most of the rest), and kids doing it in their freetime (not really serious). People listen, like any art field, 99% of you are not gonna make it, accept it, get a job, and live comfortably.

As for the criticism, it is funny, everyone can pile on and criticize the new kid on the block, but dare to criticize and instituion like MegaTokyo. I had mentioned that I felt it had run it's course and did not really see any value in it. WOW! It was like I attacked someones dead mother. I find MegaTokyo boring after about 3 strips. I love Ned, and could giggle at it all day.

I have alwasy said that is dogs and cats were people, dogs would be mentally retarded, and cats mentally ill . . .
I rest my case.

OK it was not me! I swear!
Even though I would wear a "Jeter is a Fag" shirt.

Oh China, when whilst thou learn.
Can anyone see another Cultural Revolution occuring there in the next 20 years?

The Mood of Red Sox Nation:
Red Sox Fever cures cancer, I knew it!

OH MY GOD! Not Ashton!!
So when do you think they make a remake of From Here to Eternity?

The Wraith.
Oh, and you may have noticed a subtle change in the latest Wraith.

Malach's Quote of the Day:

Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted
God gets quite irate.
- From Monty Python's Meaning of

I am Malach and I hate rain outs.

One Happy Patriots fan


Whopee . .
Guess who has tickets to the Monday night game vs. the Colts.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Red Sox win, Patriots win, the sox will take it to the last three games of the season, should it be any other way?

Malach's Quote of the Day.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows
up. - Picasso

RubberSuit Studios Updates:
Short blog today, need to finish the next Wraith. Podcasting coming REALLY SOON. RubberSuit Studios Flea Market also soon

I am Malach, and I still love you.

Fire in the Hole.


So Malach went out and played about 4 hours of paintball today for the first time in 12 years. Besides a nice welt over my right nipple, no worse for wear. I a really good time, only got shot three times, and did mega killing. The facilty was awesome (left some rubbersuitstudios.com stickers there). P and L Paintball. The whole thing only cost about $40 for everything.

The purpose was for a bachelor party. That was cool. Now tonight they are doing the whole strip club thing, without me. People have a hard time understaning this. I have never been to a strip club. I have not interest in going to one. Why? It is definitely not a moral choice. There are several reasons. I find strip clubs a waste of money. I have know plenty of stippers and hookers in my lifetime, never liked any of them (and trust me, 95% of stippers are prostitutes). I am embarassed by the way people act in strip clubs. I am not comfortable with an anonymous naked woman grinding on my groin and paying for it.

I am not a prude, I have no sexual hangups. I like internet porn and porn in the privacy of my own home. I even watch a porn with a group of friends. I just have not interest in strip clubs.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Back tied with the Yanks, man can't they make anything easy?

Malach's Quote of the Day.

Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane. - H.P. Lovecraft

The Wraith.
I am about 50% with the next Wraith. It is also going to be done via Paint Shop Pro, and in full color. It is 100x better that the latest JesusMan, skill wise, and thanks for the help and hints Buckos, especially Auto C.

Sorry short blog today buckos.

I am Malach, and I am the Vizier of Red Sox Nation.

More Presents for the Buckos!!!


Malach is a kind God.
A new present for you guys. The official "I am a Bucko!" button!. If you go to the bottom of my links page, you can get the source for it. If you put the source in anywhere it takes html, not only will you display the button, but it will link to the Buckos page on WebcomicWiki, coverting more to the Bucko Army.

Some new Affiliates!
SpacerFarmers Useless Blog - Try to keep up with this idiot, he post like every 10 minutes.

3D Artist - Some nice downloadable art programs.

Palmer . . . . Are you there?
Or does the all powerful Malach need to come dig you out?

Ok, I said this a million times.

Wow, I want to live in Iran . . .
Opium Huh? Living la vida loca in the Middle East.

And everyone thought Conseco was an idiot . . .
Well, all the names, they seem to be coming true.

the Mood of Red Sox Nation:
I don't want to talk about it.

Malach's Quote of the day:

History will be kind to me for I intend to write it. - Wiston Churchill

I am Malach, and I am the Desert Fox.

Here I Am!! Rock You Like a Hurricane


Bye Bye Gulf of Mexico citizens.
Well, Rita should screw everything up. Gas and electricity is going to become unaffordable. Where can I get me a solar panel?

Isn't is ironic (unlike the Ur-anus Morrissette song which has nothing to do with irony), that your a New Orleans refugee, you end up in Houston, and the storm follows you like a bad Jaws movie.

Hey, who says the French can't do anything right?
Check this out, I love it. Stick it to the man!

Rafy, Rafy, Rafy.
So let me get this straight, one of you teamates gave you this injectable drug, right after the big congressional hearings? And you thought is was a good idea to shoot it in your ass? What you thought it was Viagra?

Yes Mein Fuhrer!
So the Pope is issuing a edict to ban homosexuals from becoming Catholic Priests, and then defrock those that currently are. Ok, I work with and know a few Catholic Priests, the is a LARGE subsection of them that are gay.

More People to add to my too kill list.
Tyra Banks.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
At least the won in my lifetime.

Malach's quote of the day:

You know, evil comes in many forms, be it a man-eating cow or Joseph Stalin. But
you can't let the package hide the pudding. Evil is just plain bad. You don't
cotton to it. You gotta smack it on the nose with the rolled up newspaper of
goodness. Bad dog! Bad dog! -The Tick

I am Malach, and I am a Aries.



Lets all sue the Mofo's
This is the second time I am rewriting a blog, cause your peice of crap Blogger, had an error. Can I sue you too?

Set Phasers to Sexy.
Yeah stupid title, so what. Malach has finally broken down and colored the latest JesusMan!using Paint Shop Pro(PSP). Well, considering I have not touched a graphics program since 1997, this is my first attempt, and I am only using 10% of what the program is capable of, I am VERY happy with the result. This is a new phase for JesusMan! and The Wraith. I will be doing both from now on with PSP. The next Wraith episode will also be in full color, and after the finish of the Raptue, Malach and Hex will be trying to turn JesusMan into an "infinite canvas".

Why you ask?
1. Cheaper, I will save $40 a month on art supplies
2. It looks better
3. It loads quicker
4. I can make the pages faster (4 hours as opposed to 10.)

I now ask, if I can do this much, with PSP, why do so many webcomic look like crap using the same methods?

Arr, Me Buckos.
Well lookee here, the most popular page for WebcomicWiki. As of this writing, Stool Sample Webcomics is 14, Buckos is 24, and JesusMan! is 41. Not bad for a young upstart no? Perhaps we have recruited some more followers.

Hey I voted for JesusMan!

MMMMMM, Ethiopians.
Now there is some cruel, sick, twisted, ironic joke to this, but I ain't going there (or have I already?).

Barry Bonds
Shut up Barry.

Malach's Quote of the Day

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions. - Jules, Pulp Fiction.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation:
Please I my heart can't take it.

I am Malch, and I am only 107 on the list of Popular Pages.

More Partners!


Links Exchanges can be fun.
Here are our blog partners. If you would like to link with this site, please go here. We begin:

Dr. Murk: Dr. Murk is the beginning and end of all blogs. He has his main blog, and his sports blog. Murk is funny, funny looking, and a bit misguided. He loves questions.

The Angry Piper: Nothing more funny than a pissed off, bagpiper, who likes chubby women!

The Angry Veteran: A former military intel officer, who left, and is teed.

The Land Of Malaise: A blog by an insane undead priest, with no touch on reality.

Butterflies and Demons: Excellent read about the trials an trivails of Just Me.

Palmer's Corner: The thoughts of the creator of the Ned Series. Not updated often enough.

Recollection, Reconcilliation, and Redemption: A powerful read from the husband of Just Me.

Kenny's Space: From the mind of a lost twenty year old.

Steph's Space: The ramblings of an 18 year old girl, as she takes her station in life, be kind buckos.

Don't forget your famous now.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation:
Approaching depression, too used to the Sox giving it up in the end.

Malach's Quote of the Day.

MMMM, Sacreligious - Homer Simpson

I am Malach a friend to JesusMan!



Akira Baby.
There is alot of anime out there. Anime has become one of the most popular forms of art expression among our youth. It has become infused with pop culture (not just anime, but a whole Asian sensibilty). Everything is influenced by it. Videos, video games, animation. It is like many "fads"; has gone from a few good, innovative things, to too much infusion on the market. Take a look at some of the American cartoons on Cartoon Network, and how influenced some are by anime. In fact, Teen Titans, is blantantly influenced by anime. Personally, I am a fan of GOOD anime. Good anime seems to be going the way of the dinosaurs.

Anime, was first influenced by Disney's anthopormorphic features; don't let anyone tell you different (I spawned a huge flame war on the [adult swim] forums about this, no nothing idiots). The first anime, were pretty much copied from Bambi, and Japanimized (Malach's word). Anime slowly became the most influential form of animation as the Japanese developed the style, and a more "adult" form of cartoon story telling. While Americans were force fed some very shoddily produce Hanna Barbera cartoons, Anime was moving the cartoon genre forward throught the 70's and 80's.

As the 90's came around, anime was still underground in America. You do not know the troubles I had to go through to see a subtitle version of Akira. I still treasure my Fist of the North Star comics. Akira is still the benchmark for any anime, and in one way that is very good, in another bad. Good as there is some near impossible to do better (think trying to remake Revolver by the Beatles), and bad as there are plenty of bad clones of Akira. As the millenium rolled around, the genre exploded, being featured on Cartoon Network, and influencing all forms of animation.

Go you your local Hollywood Video, or equivalent, and look at the thousands of titles in their anime section. Randomly rent 10 of them. I bet if you really analyze it, you hate 9 of them. Like any fad, there is now a over abundance of crap.

Here are some examples. Inuyasha. Loved and adoresd by supposed anime fans. Very over rated. Not particualrly notworthy, but there are RIF's(Rabid Inuyasha fans) all over the internet. Even worse for the Dragon Ball series. Don't get me started on this crap.

You want good anime? Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, a few to get you started. I am sure some of my Buckos will fill in some more for you.

Still working on a little badge of honor for you guys. I love you all . . . platonically of course.

Crystal Velvet and Voltei.
THANK YOU FOR THE HELP WITH PSP. I am so excited to show my new skills. Crystal is the owner of Cartoon Orbit the Complete Guide. Join her forum.

So were finally going to the moon for real
Anyone really still think we went to the moon in the 60's? I am not going to get into this here, there is plenty of info to go over this.

But you cannot take my Beauty.
I love this.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation:
Same as yesterday, no game yet.

Malach's Quote of the day.
I realize I forgot one yesturday, so today there are 2.

In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with
reality at any point. - Neitzsche

The Hobbits are just rustic English people, made small in size because it
reflects the generally small reach of their imagination. - J. R. R.

I am Malach, give me your face!

Party Time


The Joys of Owning a Large House
Means that family get togethers and parties are there, just finished the second in two days, a bit tired, but it is generally better than going to someone else's house, except of course for the mess.

Dave Matthews.
Another band I do not get. Very overrated in my opinion, they do nothing special, are not overly talented, nor are they even particularly artistic.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Blown out at home, but Yanks lose. As for the Pats, I am glad they got there once a year bad loss out of the way, they almost need this to fire themselves up.

You guys are getting popular, if you notice your little WebcomicWiki entry has 108 views in one day, and now 10 listed names. Don't forget, use it to link to things you want to promote, the forumula is fairly easy to follow. If you want to be added to the list, you can alwasy leave a comment here. Don't forget the link.

Speaking of links
The Links Exchange program here has gone much better than I thought it would so, I would like to give a shout out to all of our links partners.

The Third Option Media Network: Not much at this second, but will be the host of the Third Option Radio show, starring your truly and Dr. Murk.

Hill TV: You need something hosted? You wanna see some funny stuff? Check it out.

Amatuer All Stars: You got a film you want the world to see? Flash? Comic? Naughty stuff? Funny stuff here too.

SlotsAnswerMan: All you question about slots and gambling answered, with out all the jargon.

Cartoon Orbit the Complete Guide: The funnest, and funniest forum on the web. They specialize in Orbit and Neopets, but there is plenty of other things there. Very large and active forum.

Hurst Knives: Cause when you think about it, who doesn't need a knife?

Hemlock Ink: Hey they make our T-shirts, when I get around to getting them made.

The Comic Book Scoop: Hell, I don't even read comics and love their site.

RPG Host: The Best site of the web for RPG stuff. Got your friends coming over for some D&D? Need a quick adventure, that is just one of the many resources here.

Empire Poker: Good site to see if you got what it takes to go pro.

Toe Jam Puppet Band: This is a kids band, adults will love.

LemonStone: Another good band, on the cusp.

The Forums of Grim: You like Billy and Mandy? You should.

Chris Holt's Site: A kind of Souteastern MA, Drudge Report.

Bristol MA, Free Press: Alternative news, Op Ed, regarding South Eastern MA.

The Sushi Typing Game: I play everyday, fun and challenging.

Lucky Cigars: I think the sell the Cubans in the back.

Egan's Travel Guide: The only travel guide that tells you how likely you might get killed in a foreign country.

Egan Engineering: Security, and anti terrorism information.

WebcomicWiki: the defintive source of webcomics on the net.

Only Sushi: Do you love sushi, like I love sushi, having trouble finding Fugu?

Astrofonix Webdirectory: And serach engine, with free email accounts.

Tomorrow, will be our blog partners.

I am Malach, and I love you.

Raise your hand if you are a Bucko.


Look what Malach has done for the kids now!
Hey Buckos, you are now known across the internet. Soon you will be able to look up the word bucko on a search engine, and you will be the first thing that comes up. If you want to be named as a bucko, on that site, leave me your handle in the comments below, and I will list you there, with appropriate links of course! Also, some time in the next couple of days, I am going to design a nive little "Buckos insignia", just like the WWJMD? one.

Much ado about nothing.
Well Hurricane/Tropical Storm Ophelia, besides some rain last night, was a huge dud.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation:
Guarded, but happy to maintain our lead. Another typically dramatic finish for the Sox.

Malach's Quote of the Day.

You disgust me. You're all old enough to wear some deodorant. I've been trying not to vomit in my own mouth all day. - Grim, from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy

And I have said this a million times before, but when I die, and the Grim Repear appears, I hope to go he has a Jamaican accent.

Jason Giambi
So anyone not think he's back on the juice?

I am Malach, and I supply Giambi with Human Growth Hormone.

I come bearing glad tidings, and presents!!!!


First the presents.

I have created a little present for the buckos (I have decided that the fans of Stool Sample Webcomics should now be called buckos). I have dropped it at the bottom of my links page, but I will reprint it here for you. Here you go, open it up:

Ta dah!

You like it? The Source code for this puppy is:

So use it. Put it in your e-mail, your IM icons, your blog, your forum singnatures. Do it, Do it now! I COMMAND IT!.

Also, BUG has heard your cries to arms. There is a new Notched Blade uploaded (1.3)! Your ears do not decieve you, your eyes do not lie. Notched Blade has returned! And Hell has only frosted over slightly.

Also, Malach has loaded up a new Political Comic, entitled "Welcome to New Beige". It can be found here, of course, and has also been published on the Bristol MA Free Press site, along with an accompanying article explaining the cartoon to non locals. I would like to pat myself on the back, as I think I did a hella job capturing Mayor Fred Kalisz Jr., who's image appears to the left. Yes, I just now noticed his moustache is Hitler-esque.

Malach's Quote of the Day

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." -Einstein.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation:

You think Troy Brown can play Short Stop?

I told you I was a Microphone fiend.

Look how powerful an rap battle opponent I am.

This is about the Nuttiest E-mail I have recieved in a while

Hi Malach,
This email is more urgent than anything else I've
sent you
recently, so please read every word.
It's THAT important!
Also, what
about to tell you is absolutely
confidential and must be kept
That means you can't discuss this on the
If you're in
hurry, just go ahead and take a
look at this web page to see what I'm
about in this
what this is
all about: My friend Amy
Cross just released a piece of software
do something that absolutely nothing else out
there can...
help you DOMINATE your niche
by creating a massive amount of "back
your site at a rate that your competitors could
never keep up
Here's the deal...
It's unfortunate, but the old ways of
and pinging the search engines simply don't work
engines are wising up and things
that used to work simply don't
that's why Amy's new software is going to
the way you
get search engine
The specific method that this
software uses
get you a MASSIVE amount of backlinks is a bit
to put into an
email, so instead... let me
just PROVE to you that it
Please stop
you're doing and go to:
Once you're there,
type in
the search phrase:
cat furniture
Got that? Does you see what
the #1
ranking site is?
Yep, you got it
that's Amy's page, and
believe it or not, it's BLANK! There's no
on it, and yet she's still number one. That means
that by
this software, she got a number one
ranking for a page that says
nothing more
Listen, I've just arranged a deal with Amy
to be able to get your hands on the following:
* The NEW
version of the
software for the same
price as the old version. While
everyone else has
shell out big bucks, you'll get yours for
bucks less than everyone else
has to pay!
* A second product
called "AutoAdvertiser" that
is not
available for sale yet. This one
will sell
for big money, but I twisted
Amy's arm to give it
to you
as part of the deal.
Here's the deal... This
special offer from Amy is
only good for the next seven days. After that, she
HAS to pull the
offer, because she doesn't want her
current customers
getting upset at
her for
releasing the new software to you first.
up and get
your hands on one of the only
TRUE underground software programs
there by
visiting this URL
Michael Rasmussen
Forum Moderator
P.S. - Amy
just told me
that she's getting offers
from search engine optimization
companies to
the EXCLUSIVE rights to this software. In
words, they don't want
you to get your hands on
this! Hurry and
check this out now while you
still get a copy. Just go

Sounds good right, I should go for it? Oh crap, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone.

And you wonder why their are conspiracy theorist all over the internet.

The Government spawns them.

Fity Cent.

Vivica Fox? Really? Isn't she like 90? And you expected something more that "Ghetto Love from Fity cent?"

Yeah, I am gonna live to be 250!

Sitck these suckers in me right now!

You know something . .

I have always wanted to go to the Rennaisance Fair, with a black t-shirt, that has the words "black plague" written on it, and just go around touching people, now perhaps I won't have to.

I am Malach, and I am a carrier.



What I learned by joining the Webcomics Community.

Now that I have gotten excited about "WebcomicWiki", Malach, who has avoided joining the web comic community, has now become the lastest noob in the community. Here is what I learned in my brief time there.

  • Webcomic creators HATE criticism . . .I'm sorry buckos, you wanna do art for a living, everyones a critic. I look at it this way, someone saying they hate your comic, will get you more publicity.
  • Everyone thinks the have the next best idea, or the next big thing, when there are really only 5 people who do.
  • I find it very interesting how unaccepting the community is of some thing way out there in style, materials, or production methods.
  • That the entire industry (taking their cue from the big comic companies) feels they need to list descriptions of the comics to minute details, including timelines, cameo characters and symbolic inteactions.
  • There is a strange age mix. Either a bunch of 14 year olds, or guys over 30.

I have told you buckos, that I rarely look at other webcomics. Well, now that they are listed in a central place, I get to see more of them. I stand by my earlier comments. There are 4 types of comics.

1. Well written, well illustrated - maybe .5% of the population

2. Poorly written and well illustrated - 15%

3. Well written and poorly illustrated - 55%

4. Poorly written and poorly illustrated - 24.5%

I really don't understand how some of these comics have become popular . . .just cause they have been on the web since 2000.

I'm Sorry.

Don't know about you, but I was shocked by his apology, that is so unlike him.

Malach's Quote of the Day:

Look who just ruined Halloween... You know, you're like an A-Bomb. Everyone's laughin', havin' a good time, and then you show up. BOOM! Everything's dead. -Master Shake

The Mood of Red Sox Nation

Back to sexually satisfying David Ortiz.

The is why MA is the place to be, screw you Mitt Romney!

Now this is Interesting.

Two of the world most hated companies team up to take over the world.

I am Malach, the King of Cartoons.



You look but you don't see . . .
Perception is a powerful thing. It can cause war, love, cult, rapture, intolerance; many, many things.

This is a painting by Vincent Van Gogh:

How does this painting make you feel? What is it that you perceive? What emotion does it bring from your depths?

Now, look at the image again. Did you know this was the last painting Van Gogh painted before he died? That as soon as he finished it, he pulled out a revolver and shot himself in the stomach? That three days later he died of infection?

How do you feel now? What is you perception now? What emotions rise up from your guts?

Malach's Quote of the Day.
A new feature to Dropping My Daily Stool Sample. I will post a new quote everyday. Today's I have two from Mr. Van Gogh.

When I have a terrible need of - shall I say the word - religion. Then I go
out and paint the stars.

It is the painting these days, that keeps me sane

The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Boderline panic, as the Yanks make a run for first.

Michael Vick Signed by the Ravens!!!
Oh sorry, I meant Kordell Stewart . . .

Hey those Germans, they know how to kill things.
This is a great story . . . honestly though, if it brings down the price of gas?

Well RubberSuit Studios passed half a million hits on 9/12. Thanks to all you buckos. I have been informed by Hex, that new episodes of The New West, should be coming my way shortly. Now if I can olny get Big Uncle Gorilla to send me some more Notched Blade, we'd be peachy keen. Remember, were are also looking for interesting stuff so send it to me.

Don't forget, our Links Exchange and Advertising. It has been going well so far, but you need more hit, use us for them.

And for laughs, check out my rap battles.

As always, I am Malach, and I can Turn that Motha out.

Take That Snobby, Elitist Wikipedians!!!


This is nice babay!
Comixpedia, who I honestly have never really gotten into, have taken it upon themselves to make a off shoot of the Wikipedia Webcomics list (who I was deleted from as being "not relevant" enough), and create a webcomics listing based upon the Wikipedia GNU Liscense. It rock, mofocomicos. Check it out Buckos.
JesusMan! is already in their list and indexed. I will be working on an entry for The Wraith, Stool Sample Webcomics, and the comics listed in Misc. Debris.

Kudos to you Comixpedia, evidently they just started this up, so help out!

My God! It is all Stars!
The secrets of the universe draw ever closer to you pitiful humans!

What a Headline.
You know, this is just too funny, makes you wanna take a drag, no? And this too. I have two friends (surprising no?) They are both in their late mid twenties. They have both taken up smoking in the past two years. Tell me this. Who take up smoking at age 26?

I love you Mr. Frodo. . . .
Lord of the Rings IV now in production. Y'know the one where Sam and Frodo ride off into the sea, Frodo on the arms of the boat with his arms spread yelling "I am King of the World!" Sam embracing his leg.

You people and your Zues Damned Michael Vick!
HE IS THE NEXT INCARNATION OF KORDELL STEWART!!!!!!!! You watch that game last night? He makes Ryan Leaf look like Dan Marino. And the Eagles, man they looked awful.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation . .
Don't you just want to service David Ortiz sexually?

New Wraith Tonight, soon, very soon.

I am Malach, and Michael Vick is my cousin.



Dust in the wind.
So hurricane/tropical storm Ophelia is slated to attack MA around Friday, possibly. Interestingly, we have not had a major hurricane come up here since the early 90's. Last one was a category 2. Because of the water temp, these storms tend to lose power as they go north, and this area has never been hit by anything worse than a 2, that could be measured.

As for New Beige, it has held up well because of the Hurricane Dike, built in the 60's. That is all well and good, and the main parts of the city and surrounding communities have suffered minimal flooding since built. My Memere and Parents can remember a time before the dike; mega flooding and destruction.

The problem though is this, the dike was only built to withstand hurricanes of category 2 strength or lower as "we never get stronger ones up here". Sound familiar? I'll keep you updated on this one buckos.

How Now Brown Cow?
So Mike Brown resigned . . . I think it was my cartoon that did him in.

And brown outs in LA, only to be revealed as a public works screw up? Palmer, can you shed some light on this?

All we are saying is give Peace a chance . . . All you need is love?

My little China girl, and she says, oh baby, just you shut your mouth . . .
So China, is still trying to run a Communist regime, with capalist overtones. I am really not sure how they are going to completely crack down on the internet. I like how they have Google, and Microsoft by the balls though.

My F*cked up flowers.
Many of you know, I just bought a house, so I have been planting the fall bulbs. So last week I planted crocuses. Guess what started coming up today. Mutant plants, must be from the PCBs.

Bosnia? Really? Bosnia?
This has really left me at a loss for words. So when you see a bunch of Eastern Europeans running around in yellow jumpsuits waving nunchaku, you know why.

Oh Dubya your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind, Hey Dubya!
This does not surprise me, of course I live in a blue state. But this is also from CNN. Fox News probably has his approval rating at 69%. Hey Dubya, might as well face it, your a lame duck, and your fellow Republicans are distancing themselves from you.

I am Malach, King of the Jungle.

I'm Like Sam Da' Butcher Bringing Alice Da' Meat!


So, Murk, Piper, and Myself had our little get together the other night. Well, we did make a major breakthrough. We figured out dames. If you would like the answer to what makes women tick, e-mail me, and we can set up some time of payment plan.

WTF, you just sucked up my tie . . .
So reading Discover Magazine today on the toilet, interesting article. Evidently they are building this huge particle accelerator in Geneva, that is going online in 2007. The thing is 17 miles long and slams particle together at energies of 14 trillion volts, resulting in a billion particle collisions per second. They are hoping to create theorectical entities on a small scale, such as supersymetric particles, Higgs boson, and black holes (I just lost my wife here).

Theorectically, black holes require more energy to create than what this accelerator can produce, so they think that if they produce one, they will have tapped into another dimension as the energy required is beyond any energy they have yet discovered in the known universe.

If they do create this black hole, it would be one millioth the size of an atomic nucleus, and billion times hotter that the sun, and laste a billionth, of a billionth, of a billionth of a second . . . .HOPEFULLY too brief to swallow matter around it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love it, comic books come to life!

Upon the beginning of the mighty NFL 2005 Season.
Some surprise: 49ers, Panthers, the Vikings.
Some not so surprising: the Pats, the Cheifs, the Jets.
Colts tonght should be interesing, and Philly, Atlanta even more.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Still three game ahead, could be worse.

I am Malach, the New King of All Media.



For those that care, the Community Autism Resources Walk-A-Thon was a huge success. Thanks for those who donated time, money, and services to a very worthwhile cause.

Political Turmoil.
RubberSuit Studios has added a directory for political cartoons, entitled Political Turmoil. The First Cartoon is up, The Joy of Being Michael Brown, by your truly. Yes is playing GTA: SA. We are now taking submission, please contact us if interested.

Yes, Palmer is a nut job.
A new Necromancer Ned has been loaded up. Quoth, via a e-mail from Palmer.

Necromancer Ned will now continue the retcon of Super Ned, so Super
Ned will
be some kind of prologue now, and Necromancer Ned is the main
story...Yes I
am a screwed up person.

Yeah, I have no clue what it means either.

New Link Partners!!!
RPG HOST: Awesome resources for Role Playing Games, you nerds.
Empire Poker: This time in English.
The Sushi Typing Game: Which is fun, and challenging, lets compare scores.
Lucky Cigars Cigar Store: Cause you never know, and cheap cigars suck.

Ok, my nerdly friends.
I suscribe to Discover Magazine. I love it. You will too, buy some.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation:
Well my friends, Red Sox/Yanks. Schilling's back. Pretty ecstatic right now.

Ok Picture this.
Malach, Dr. Murk, and the Angry Piper, sitting in Murk's living room, drinking beer, eating crap, and waxing poetically about, life, war, religion, music, and politics. That would have made a good podcast.

Now, buckos, time for some serious talk here. We are at war. We are at war with the media, television, hollywood, the music industry, the Church, our government. The last Bastion of free expression in this country is the internet. Join us. Join Third Option Media: Hill-TV; Amatuer All Stars; and RubberSuit Studios. Help us, help you. We can become a driving force together. Examine these sites, and what they have to offer to you. Are you an artist, film maker, musician? Are you sick of living by the rules that everyone puts down. Are you sick of bowing to your hosting domain (ie, google/blogspot, keenspace, MSN, Livejournal, etc.) We are the internet underground, the bohemian force for change. Join us. We dare you.

I am Malach, and I have a slight headache.



You may have noticed . . .
I have changed the title of this blog, you like?

I also have messed around with the logo on the main page. I like it very much.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Hey the Patriots won last night! You may have noticed, they played with a bit of rust, but they did what they did to every other team they've played. Squeeze them mentally and physically, until the make a mistake, and jump on it.

By the way, Trent Green . . . . Warren Sapp has just left the line of scrimmage. He should be in the backfield by the 3rd quater next week.

Isn't it Ironic.
That the cost of the War in Iraq is shutting down our in country military bases.

This is interesting. I am not sure this is what Wiki wants to be. It will be interesing how the mixed culture of Wiki reacts to this.

Ebay and Skype?
This is also interesting. Make you wonder about E-bay's plans for the future.

Another Cracka in Africa.
I am sorry, just too many jokes about this one.

Political Cartoons?
Soon from Malach, I got the first one in the works.

I am Malach, the Master of all Crackas.

Bring out yer dead!!!!


OK, I am a bit sick and un-PC.
Is it just me, but does the fact they are now collecting the dead of New Orleans remind you also of Monty Python's Holy Grail? Y'know, the begining scene, with the guy with the cart ringing his bell and yelling "Bring Out Yer Dead", and the people coming out of their houses to fill his cart with plague victims? So it is just me then?

And, cause my mind is always thinking, just think of some of the tourism campaigns that other places can launch: Come to the White Mountains, We're Above Sea Level!

And any else see Harry Connick Jr., performing for the refugees in Houston. Picture, some Po' Black Folk, Harry doing his Sinatra Impersonation . . . you think that went over well?

Speaking of Po' Black Folk.
Malach has a site you need to see, check out. The Daily Dancer.com. Is there anything funnier than a white man who thinks he is Paula Abdul? I mean, check it out, it's funny.

So if you went into your back yard and dug a really deep whole, where would you end up?
Try it here. If I did in my back yard, I end up somewhere off the coast of Australia, in the Indian Ocean. See the world is round! Post your answers below.

I would try and figure out who Jason is.

Gotta love the Feds.
So you have just had you life turned upside down by Katrina, and you log on for aid with you MAC . . . .

Boom, Boom, Boom, let's go back to my room.
Wow, the world might be ending soon. At least there nothing in Oregon.

So quoth Babara Bush:
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this -- this [she chuckles slightly] is working very well for them."
-- Barbara Bush, quoted by on American Public Radio's Marketplace program, on New Orleans residents evacuated and re-located to the Astrodome in Houston.

Wow, nice to see it runs in the family.

I love those little Christian pamphlets that get left on my car at the Mall, I collect them.
So I sent this site and request to link exchange. I really built up JesusMan! for them too. So you think I got a shot?

Look What I Found!



Mood of Red Sox Nation? Excited about the Pats opening game.

I am Malach, and I could kick your ass.

PS: Site is almost up to a half million hits.

The Fugee-La


According to Encarta, an refugee is:

somebody seeking safe place: somebody who seeks or takes refuge
So the victims of the New Orleans tragedy are all pissed off people are refering to them as refugees, as if that is a racial slur. YOU ARE REFUGEES! Which brings us to Kanye West, what is wrong with a man expressing his opinion?

Freedom of the Press
Malach has been invited by the Bristol Free Press to write some op ed articles for their news blog. The first is complete and uploaded. Should they be scared?

The Church needs to lighten up. I love how the dads would sit in on class.

So why don't you marry him.
TO, TO, TO, TO! TO, you make me giggle also.

Barry Bonds is back.
Yeah, my favorite depressed ego-maniac is back. This should be interesting.

Tom Brady.
Mr. Brady is once again listed as probable for Thursday's game. He has been probable for 2 years now. Randy Moss, meet Rodney Harrison . . . now play nice. Warren Sapp is so fat . . . how fat BLAH BLAH BLAH.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation Today.
Excited, boderline hysteria: David Oritz working the late inning magic, the Yanks lose, and the Sox-Yanks play this weekend. If the Sox are up by 4, they can still lose 2 games and be up by three.

New Links Affiliates.
We have some new affiliates to tell you about that joined our links exchange program:

Slots Answer Man: Answering all your gaming questions, site is under construcion, but send you questions in, everyone is answered.

The Comic Book Scoop: "Utilizing the Blogiverse to enhance and expand the comic book community." Nice site, good info, fun stuff, for all the Comic Book geeks.

The Absinthe Shop: Hey we all need a good vice.

Empire Poker.com: Hey why not gamble in Sweedish.

Remember links help each other out.

I am Malach and I am the Missing Link.

Sean Penn is a Nit Wit, or There is Enough Blame for Everyone!


Fast Times at Ridgemont High!
Anyone else see Sean Penn motoring around the streets of New Orleans, jumping from rooftop, to rooftop to save his fellow man. I don't know about you, but if I was one of the victims, on my roof for a week, and Sean Penn came to save me, I would die laughing.

The whole blame game has started in New Orleans. Left vs. Right, Democrat vs. Republican, Mayors vs. Presidents. Well you all f*cked up on this one. And now Dubya is going to head an "investigation" as to why the response was so piss poor. That should be as funny as the Warren Commission. Or perhaps, point out the obvious like the 9/11 Commission?

Roberts for Supreme Court Justice?
Yeah, he's so slick.

So, you think this was a Drug Induced Sex Romp that did him in?
Anyone know where Ginger is?

It's A Dirty Job, but Someone's Gotta Do It!
Anyone else love Dirty Jobs? I can just watch this show, over and over, laughing the entire time it is on.

My Readers aren't too bright?
Anyone else realize that I left the Saints out of my NFL Predictions? I was waiting for someone to point it out, so I could wittily remark about them floating away . . .

As for more football, I can understand that someone would not pick the Patriots to win it all for the 3rd time in 3 years, but Michael Irvin, what kind of dumbass are you. The Patriots are not going to win because: "They are not that good. They only bearly won those 2 SuperBowls?" Doofus, they have the best 2 year record EVER! Well, no matter, the Patriots feed off of this type of national media "disrespect".

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Still nuetral. If the Yanks had played and won, worried.

RubberSuit Studios News
Have a new Affiliate Partner . . . Christopher Holt's Website: Anything and Everything that has to do with Bristol County, MA!. Check the brother out.

Coming Soon, PODCASTING!

I am Malach, Supreme Court of the Universe Justice.

Malach's 2005 Analysis of the NFL season.


Now you asking youself, "Malach, yes you are an intelligent, sexifeid god, but why are you going to ananlyze the NFL season?". Well Buckos, because I can, and I am always right. So lets get too it shall we. I will list each Conference and where each team should finish in their Division.

AFC East
New England Patriots: They are still the cream of the crop of the NFL, and should still be the favorites to win it all. Most impressive about this team is that they win, and then get better the next year. Look up the players they had to cut, you could make a football team better than the 49ers out of them. They will probably finish 13 - 3, but could go 16 - 0, hey if any can do it, they can. The only way the Pats lose is if they lose multiple key members on both offense and defense (even though that hasn't stopped them before). Losing Bruschi (won't shock me to see him back in 6 weeks), Ted Johnson, and Ty Law, won't help, but Monty Beisel and Chad Brown, should do enough to replace the LB's, and the Pat's were missing Law for most of last season anyway. If Brady goes down (the unthinkable), watch out for the Doug Flutie/Matt Cassel combo. The Patriots are deeper than they have ever been and you just know, even though he won't admit it, Bellichick wants the three-peat. If you analyze this team, they are SCARY. This is the only team, I can look at and not figure out a way to beat them. But look on the bright side, if the Patsies can do it, so can any other team. As a life long Pats fan, I still remember the years of 1- 15 and 2-14.

New York Jets: The Jets are good enough to make the playoffs, but just having Herm Edwards as your coach is good enough to spot 3 losses during the season. The Jets whole fortune lies on Chad Pennington. Can he throw the deep ball? Can he throw at all? They have installed a new "Downfield Passing Attack" despite the soft arm throwing of Pennington. Curtis Martin, unless he suddenly spontaneous combusts, should have another good year. The addition of Levraneaus Coles, also improves their number one receiveing spot. Hey they still have Wayne Chrebet, the inspiration to short white guys everywhere! One can't help think back to the atrocious clock management, and sub par coaching of 2004 though.

Miami Dolphins: Welcome to the NFL Nick Saban, you pyscho. The Dolphins and Bills are a toss up for last. When Gus Ferotte, the man who broke his own neck slamming his head against RFK stadium, is your number one quarterback, you got problems. Ricky's back, for now. At least he can supply the team with pot . . . Could of been a selling point for Randy Moss. The Dolphins will win some games just for fear of pissing Saban off. Most concerning for the Dolphins is the loss of half their starting secondary, which was their best set of players last year. The Dolphins defense is getting older, and showed that last year. They have a pretty talented receiving core, but no one to throw the ball to them. And the Dolphins still needs to learn to play in the cold. Keep an eye on the rookie, Ronnie Brown

Buffalo Bills: Let the JP Lossman experiment begin! Actually the Bills have a very good defense, one of the best in the league. If Lossman is any good, their defense can keep them in games. The biggest problem the Bills have is playing in the AFC East. If they were in the NFC, they might finish 12 -4. To all my Central New York relatives, Scott Norwood owes you a Superbowl.

AFC South
Indianapolis Colts: Yes, the Colts offense is amazing and scary. Their Defense, which is amazingly scary, is still going to give up 25+ per game. How else will the Colts do anything, but make the playoffs and lose on the road? IF Payton Manning (Dan Marino) can finally beat a Bill Belichick (Bill Walsh) team, Colts win the Superbowl. And Tony Dungee, just keeps proving me right, about his head coaching ability. Make him the defensive coordinator and put a real coach in there.

Jacksonville Jaguars: Don't be shocked if the Jaguars finish first in this division. What!? You heard me. GREAT defense. Watch for the emergence of Byron Leftwich now that he actually has a target in rookie Matt Jones (Randy Moss clone only bigger). Leftwich could be a very good quarterback, in the vein of Dante Culpepper. They are gonna surprise a lot of teams and if they are a bit lucky, come in first in this division.

Houston Texans: This team is consistent, consistently mediocre. Unless David Carr makes some major leaps forward, they should do a nice consistent 8 - 8.

Tennesee Titans: How the mighty have fallen, just a few years removed from a Superbowl they should have won. This team lost a lot of players, like a mass exodus from the flooded streets of New Orleans. With McNair, they should still be gamers, but this is definitely a rebuilding year. Take a gander at all the draft picks this team has accumlated for 2006. That how the Pats did it.

AFC North
Pittsburgh Steelers: Yes, the Steelers had a good year last year. Watch out though. Ben Roethlesburger is going to be a good quarterback, but expect a sophmore slump, as he is going to be required to throw much more this year. Bettis and Staley are both out for the forseeable future. Ben also lost his safety blanket in Plaxico Burress. Their defense should still be deadly, even with the key losses, but this team is beatable if you can put up 25 or more points on them. They should still come in first in this division and get bounced out of the playoffs early.

Cincinatti Bengals: The Colts of the AFC North, with a worse defense. They will score some points, but also give up a lot of them. If this team can have a halfway decent preformance from their defense, they will make the playoffs, if not, they will finish third in the division.

Baltimore Ravens: This team is old in the tooth on defense. It should still be good, but it is no longer good enough to carry them to a Super Bowl. Jamal Lewis is back from his little vacation, and he provides a much needed offensive spark, but against a good team, they have no shot, too one dimesional. Kyle Boller is poor man's Chad Pennington. If he needs to win you a game, you might as well forfeit.

Cleveland Browns: Romeo, Romeo, where for out thou Romeo? The Browns future is much more bright than it's present. This year reminds of year one with the Patriots and Bellichick. So, you can expect 5 - 11.

AFC West
San Diego Chargers: LaDainian Tomlinson is perhaps the best player in the NFL. Drew Brees has come into his own. Anotnio Gates is the next Tony Gonzales. They had a good season last year, despite Marty Schottenheimer. Some things you need to know about the Chargers. They were 12 - 4 last year, 11 of their 12 wins were against sub .500 teams. They played 5 playoff teams last year and lost all 5 games. Unless the Defense steps up, this team could go back to 6 - 10.

Kansas City Chiefs: The Chiefs could surprise a few this year. They made some major improvements on their defense, and their offense rivals the Colts. They might have a real shot at a title, if they can stop giving up 30 points a game. Best O-line if football, the Preist Holmes/Larry Johnson combo could set some records for a duo. Defense will be the key for the Chiefs this year.

Denver Broncos: Another team that could dominate in the NFC. They play everyone tough, but relying on Jake Plummer to take you to the promised land, is like using cyanide to cure a headache. This entire division though, could be up for grabs, would not shock me to see Denver make the playoffs. They have no running back, but expect someone to have a break out season for them there, like usual.

Oakland Raiders: Hey, at least they picked up Randy Moss. Again, look to trade for Ricky Williams, you could subsidize the team with Pot sales.

NFC East
Philadelphia Eagles: Cream if the crop of the NFC (stop snickering) and an NFC team that could be successful in the AFC. They should romp this division and have it tied up by the 4th week. They got problems though. Team cohesion seems to be a factor this year. TO won't talk to McNabb? That should be fun. Actually the biggest problem for the Eagles? No runnning back. Don't get me wrong, Westbrook is awesome at what he does, but they have NO ONE to grind it out. There was a reason McNabb couldn't hold his lunch in the Super Bowl, that was it. I will miss Freddie Mitchel though. If they can get along, expect them to start a streak of losing consecutive Super Bowls.

Washington Redskins: The Redskins are a bit of an enigma. On paper they look good, and have for a few seasons. But when it comes to playing, there is no consintency, passion, or even skill at times. Advice from Malach to Joe Gibbs. Stick with Patrick Ramsey. Many are of the opinion that the game has passed Gibbs by . . . we will see.

Dallas Cowboys: The Bill Parcell's Smoke and Mirror show back for 2005! If not for the Giants, the Cowboys would finish last in this division. Bledsoe to Glenn to Keyshawn? Hey, retro's in right? If Dallas aging o-line cannot protect Bledsoe, it will be a long season in big D.

New York Giants: Check back with me next year on the Giants.

NFC South
Carolina Panthers: Expect the Panthers to return to form and battle it out for the tops in the NFC with the Eagles. Injuries decimated them last years, and I heard they are all back on the juice (still couldn't win them a Super Bowl). Perhaps the best defense in the NFC. A reapperance in the Super Bowl is not out of the question.

Atlanta Falcons: Atlanta should have enough to compete with the Panthers for the division, but Michael Vick needs to make some strides as a passer if they want to become a serious threat for a Super Bowl. The loss of Alge Crumpler is huge for this team, and they are now relying on two rookies as their wideouts. If it is once again the Michael Vick show, they will not beat the Eagles, Panthers, and about half the AFC.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers: For the Bucs to do anything this year the defense will have to carry it. Brian Greise and Chris Sims, are the sons of two quartebacks that won Super Bowls, buy they are no where near Super Bowl quarterbacks themselves, and Greise can't seem to stay off the sauce. This defense is even older than the Ravens.

New Orleans Saints: Hey, the Pats won their first the year of 9/11. This team is gonna wish they floated away with Katrina.

NFC North
Minnesota Vikings: Even with the loss of Randy Moss, the Vikes did the most of any tema, to improve themselves this year, and if the defense can gel, expect them to rise to the top eschelon of the NFC. Culpepper is the best quarterback in the NFL, and without the distraction of Moss, might explode this year. Biggest knock against the Vikes? Mike Tice is a bone head. Who'd he sleep with to get a head coaching job? Well, maybe he won't be distracted scalping tickets this year, or maybe not.

Detriot Lions: Joey Harrington, make the leap, or resign. You are holding this team back from greatness. Perhaps the best young recieving corps in the league, this team has the potential to be very good.

Green Bay Packers: Mr. Hat! You slept with Brett Favre! You wanna see some fun games? Watch the Packers. They will probably go .500, but they should be high socring. The Packers will put up some points, and win on the will of Brett Favre alone, but their defense could not stop a high school team.

Chicago Bears: These are the Bizzarro Green Bay Packers. Stifling defense, no offense. I just learned 2 days ago that their starting QB is Kyle Orton. Would not surprise me if the Bears average 9 points per game. Hey what happened to Kordell Stewart, my favorite train wreck?

NFC West
Seattle Seahawks: The top spot in this division is a toss up between Seattle and St. Louis. Dropped Passes, that alone stopped the Seahawks from going any farther than they should of. Even Jerry Rice dropped 'em there. Well gone is Koren Robinson, who seemed to have retired to some rehab. Seattle, ride Shaun Alexander to the promised land! Their defense which underpreformed last year, should be better this year, and hey, how could you not like a team with a Tatupu on it?

St. Louis Rams: This should be a typical St. Louis year: Crisp school yard passing plays, one or two running plays a game, recievers ducking hits. And Mike Martz, he make Herm Edwards look like Vince Lombardi. This team is all flash, and should give up another 30 point a game.

Arizona Cardinals: Watch out for this team. Very good defense, very good young receivers, a rookie running back, who might be the real things (heck Emmit ran pretty well behind this o-line last year). And then we have Kurt Warner. A poor man's George Michael. Kurt, your turning into Chris Chandler with all these concussions. This team will surprise quite a few this year . .

San Francisco 49ers: Well, at least your guys have won 6 Super Bowls. This team is bad. 0-16 won't surprise me.

As for the post season, expect the Pats to three-peat.

Now if this blog pisses you off, it is not my fault that your team sucks. And remember, I get 10% of all you gambling winnings.

I am Malach, a God of the Pigskin.

No One Expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Malach has made a life descision . . . Malach is abandoning Catholicism. Now, I am sure you are asking yourself "Malach, your Catholic??". Yes. I was born and raised in the Catholic Faith, attended Catholic Schools, married in the Church, kids Baptized. I wasn't per se a good Catholic, but I had a basic belief in their philosophy and what not. I even stood by the Church and their attempts to change after the Pedophilia instances. Well, Malach can no longer stand the Catholic Church. What happened? The New Pope, Ratzinger. His goal is to turn the clock back on the church, to a time, when the church was intolerable of non Catholics, persons of alternative lifestyles, women, and science. You see, the Church has actually improved quite a bit in this area since Vatican II. Even, John Paul, though conservative, was smart enought to see the change that was going on in the Church.

This Pope . . . Do you know in a recent interview, when asked about the US, he essentially said the US can go screw itself, if it won't fall in line with Conservative Church doctrine. That he would even go as far as excommunicating preists and Catholics who would not fall in line. This Pope has placed edicts within the US structure to fall in line, or else. I have alot of contact with my local diocese because of my job. Do you know, that in the schools, the new mission is "Creating Good Catholics, to spread the word of Catholicism, and education is secondary". There have also been a new round of firings if you are: Divorced, in a active homosexual relationship, not a regular church goer (Do you know how they find out if you are not a regular church goer? If you don't turn in your donation envelopes), you can expect you pink slip.

This has done it for me. Ratzinger, methinks you need to sit down and review the New Testament, and figure out what is REALLY important. I don't recall Jesus ever saying that man is a good judge of man, or that we should discrimate. The Church, needs to take more responsibilty for what goes on in the world. I blame the Church and it's antiquated and discriminatory morals for the AIDS epidemic in Africa, and the over population of the world.

More stuff for Dubya to F*ck up
Well Renbquist died today . . . That means, that Dubya can push in the Conservative Moral judges he wants. And O'Conner retiring. Say goodbye to your rights.

Would you name your son "BJ"?
Not only is that a bad name for a male, but the Baltimore Orioles have two players on their team named BJ. That must have something to do with there bomb after the All Star break.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Excited. As the season winds to a close and they maintain this lead, we'll get a little loopy.

Loudmouth Football League
Methinks Dr. Murk better be ready for a ass chaffing.

Michael Vick.
The most overated man in Football. Don't like him, and he will never be a good QB, until he learns to pass from the pocket, and not run around like a maniac. To these Vick lovers, that fill my airwaves: Hey you guys remember Kordell Stewart? What Vick's a lot better? Ok, compare Kordell and Vick's best years.

Compare Vick's 2004 Stats with Kordell's 1997 stats. Not much difference huh? This in more in Malach's NFL analysis, coming to this blog soon. So, until he can prove he is more than Kordell, he is OVERRATED. And the same hype Kordell.

Lee Iacocca and Snoop Dog.
Seen the commercial? How does Snoop get away with calling him a Mofo Cocca (for those of you uneducated in the language of the street Malach will tranlate: Mutha F*ckin' Iacocca)? And man, Snoop that golf swing.

New Orleans and Racism.
OK, yes, most of the people you see there are Black. The the biggest majority of poor black and latino in this country. That is the way is it. In is inherrant racism, mixed with a lot of other things. The Middle and Upper Class left the city, they had the means to do so. That left the poor.

New JesusMan tomorrow. Keep on hitting those webcomic vote buttons!

The Community Autism Resources Walk-A-Thon is next weekend. One of Malach's favorite charities. If you are in the area, contact them for info, if not, give them some cash.

I am Malach, and my name is not BJ.

Call Me Ishmael . . .


Whaling? Hasn't that been outlawed since the late 1800's?
Ah, yesterday we discussed the family that left New Orleans, and headed straight for New Bedford. Well it seems that today, the families heads have been offered jobs by two local companies. Now isn't that wonderful? Here's the $64 question, why the hell are they offering jobs to refugees from the Big Easy when the unemployment rate in the region is pushing 10%? Where are these companies offering the poor and underprivedged citizenry of New Beige employement? I don't mean to sound cruel, but these jobs would be better served to the people of this community.

One of New Bedford problems, as I have discussed in the past, is fear of being a witness who will talk. The inner city is intimidated, and when murders happen, in broad daylight, with hundreds of witnesses, no one sees nothing. And to top it off, the urban shops in the area, sell shirt that say "Don't Snitch" with a picture of a dead pidgeon on it. Well one grandmother is striking back! I say Huzzah, and good for her. She wants any help with this, contact me, you have my full supports (Website, ads?)

Just gotta pull that one out of my ass every so often.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation!
Today we are nuetral and slightly dissappointed, Sox lost, but so did the Yanks.

Loudmouth Fantasy Football League.
Just finished my draft, picked fourth, and I must say, I am going to easily win, the rest of you can just give up now.

Help me Rothkoe!
Does anyone else remember The Tommorrow People? (here are some links:, http://www.effdee.demon.co.uk/tp/tomorrow_people.htm
I loved that show.

And they still walk among us today.

RubberSuit Studios reminders!
Bump those webcomic buttons buckos (look to the top right of this blog). Links exchange! Cheap Advertising! Tell all you friends, you are under my control! BTW, the next episode of JesusMan almost finished!

I am Malach, and I am fiending for a microphone, I'm a microphone fiend.