Whose a real Man? Two Quickies in one day!


Ok, some more news for the Buckos. RubberSuit Studios.com has two major annoucements.

1. We are selling adspace. It is cheap, and direct to the followers of Stool Sample webcomics. It is a niche group, but growing bigger by the day.

2. RubberSuit Studios.com Store. Yes, it only has one item, but I am working on more. Please leave me comments about what you would like to see there. T-Shirts? Webcomic Anthologies? Toys?

That is all for now.

I am Malach, and you could pretend to be by buying some stuff.


*whips out my invisible unlimited buying power American Express card and purchases a million bucks worth of merchandise*

How was that for pretend??

*bows down to Malach the Quickie Gawd* (I hope Mrs. Malach doesn't complain about your speed. Sheesh!)

What you really want is a Department of Defense contract. Convince the purchasing officer that they have some tactical value and you could sell about 600,000 of them at $39.99 each. Good luck!

And I know how to apply for those too, had several of the at a previous job.

You could advertise it as "Faith Based Body Armor." It seems to be standard issue in this Administration.