You can never defeat Superman, Lex Luthor!


Hey Buckos,

A bit of a long weekend. I went to Amherst, MA and surrounding communities, to play in the year end tournament for Special Olympics Unfied Softball. Not to give away the ending, but my team won the gold, and pretty much dominated, in the highest level division (take that Eric Cartman, Peter Griffin, and Johnny Knoxville). The entire weekend was 100 degrees and 95% humidity, I think I lost 80 lbs. Also tore up my knee in the last game sliding without a sliding pad (forgot it). I came down once again to us vs. The ARC Ma's Giants. We were up 18 to 0 at the end of the 4th, after some silly flip flop rigmaroll, we mercy ruled them in the 5th inning 20 to 9.

Gene Hackman as always was there, but for once, I shut him down . . . he was 1 - 4 in the game. He was not too happy, and swore to get us next year.


Have many an update for you guys. First and foremost, RubberSuit Studios and Malach and become business partners with Hill TV. Big things are begining to happen web wise, and get on the band wagon whilst you can. This refers back to my Business Proposal several blogs back. Keep a look out on Hill TV's site for big things. Contact any of us if you want a piece of the action.

A RubberSuit Studios mechandise page is in creation. We will start by selling an item, and branch out, our first item will be a 4"x6" vinyl oval sticker. It will look like this:

Many have already been plastered in and about your community. I will inform you guys when the merchandise page is up. Be like the cool kids. Price? Still in dicussion, but with S&H no more than 5 bucks.

The RubberSuit Studios/Cartoon Orbit the Complete Guide Comic Contest is complete, you may view the comics here, voting begins soon.

We have a new sponsor, that many of you nerdboys and girls might be interested in:

I have check out their shiznit, and they got some hella cool stuff. You collect toys? Video Games? DVD's? TCG's Star Wars, Transformers, GI Joe, Anime, VG Characters, DBZ, for here and abroad (huge selection of imports). They got the rare stuff, pretty good prices too. So check 'em out, it helps support this site (as do all the advetisers).

I will update The Contest, perhaps tomorrow; Jesusman hopefully by Wednesday, and The Wraith by the weekend.

We are only 5K hits from 400K hits. Thanks to everyone who has supported this, forced or not. I figure at this point I have 30 people I have never met reading the webcomics here.

I am Malach, and you are not, but you could pay me to be your friend.